Tales of Tribute Deck Selection

I am not sure if this is addon related, but I don't think I have any that deal with Tales of Tribute...

in any case, I start the game, my deck selection screen is empty (I have all the decks) and the error pops up:

/EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronSelection_Manager.lua:19: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronSelection_Manager.lua:19: in function '(anonymous)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> _ = 458775, patronDraftId = 0, patronDefId = 3 </Locals>|r


/EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronStall.lua:230: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronStall.lua:230: in function 'ZO_TributePatronStall:OnPatronDrafted'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{isShowingTooltip = F, patronDraftId = 0}, patronDefId = 3 </Locals>|r
/EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronStall.lua:123: in function '(anonymous)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> _ = 458775, _ = 0, patronDefId = 3 </Locals>|r
Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • Tendrielle
    I had a completely empty selection screen, too. after the first timer run out, I then was insta-counted as defeated...
  • BillyH420
    Soul Shriven
    I myself am having the exact same issue.

    /EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronSelection_Manager.lua:19: attempt to index a nil value
    stack traceback:
    /EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronSelection_Manager.lua:19: in function '(anonymous)'
    <Locals> _ = 458775, patronDraftId = 0, patronDefId = 19 </Locals>

    /EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronStall.lua:230: function expected instead of nil
    stack traceback:
    /EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronStall.lua:230: in function 'ZO_TributePatronStall:OnPatronDrafted'
    <Locals> self = [table:1]{patronDraftId = 0, isShowingTooltip = F}, patronDefId = 19 </Locals>
    /EsoUI/InternalIngame/Tribute/TributePatronStall.lua:123: in function '(anonymous)'
    <Locals> _ = 458775, _ = 0, patronDefId = 19 </Locals>
  • jle30303
    I had this problem too. I thought it was related to an add on at first, but disabling them all achieved nothing.

    Also when I looked in the Collections menu.by hitting "U" and selecting the Tribute section, it was completely empty.

    However, weirdly, all of the above seemed to be sorted by logging out of the game completely and restarting.
  • Clarkieson
    I have the same issue as well
  • Hamfast
    Thank you jle30303, that worked for me also
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • SeaGtGruff
    jle30303 wrote: »
    I had this problem too. I thought it was related to an add on at first, but disabling them all achieved nothing.

    Also when I looked in the Collections menu.by hitting "U" and selecting the Tribute section, it was completely empty.

    However, weirdly, all of the above seemed to be sorted by logging out of the game completely and restarting.

    I don't use any add-ons, have none installed, but am getting this error. Reloadui doesn't help.

    Following your suggestion, I logged out, exited the game, restarted the game, and now the error is gone! :)<3
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Jofish
    I've had to reboot my system to get it to work. Then it doesn't last long. No addons, so that's not the cause.
  • peregrinechemist
    Same, both times I attempted. Of course, counted as losses and deserter penalty applied both times. I'll try logging out and back in - TIA, jle30303!

    LE: That worked.
    Edited by peregrinechemist on March 11, 2025 4:45AM
    Baandari stamsorc
  • Nightodie
    Error code F74A8269

    It comes up when I have to pick patrons and they are not there. Tried reloading the Ui and The game
    PCNA Mostly, Some EU
  • virtus753
    Nightodie wrote: »
    Error code F74A8269

    It comes up when I have to pick patrons and they are not there. Tried reloading the Ui and The game

    You may need to log back into several characters, per the known issues list:

  • jle30303
    And it's happened to me a second time now. No patrons available.
  • Galawe
    Same issue/error, against an NPC. I tried /reloadui, but it didin't help.

    Similar. to a lesser extent, when I open the group roster. But it resolves when I select another category in that screen and then back.
  • Tendrielle
    Unfortunately it happened to me, too. I had fixed the problem as @ZOS_Kevin described it, but it reappeared some time later.
    It would hence be kind to update the workaround hint in the known issues so we don't loose additional matches, especially when they are ranked.
  • Kiyakotari
    This issue also prevents people from doing the ToT tutorial for the opening questline. I haven't done it on all my characters (I have a LOT of characters) and was trying to help someone figure out why they couldn't do the tutorial yesterday, so I picked the quest up on a character that hadn't done it yet. I got the error repeatedly when trying to play Brahgas. I did the relog multiple times, switched accounts, restarted the game, etc. The other player was able to get theirs to work, but I haven't been able to yet.
  • Frostee_rucker
    Soul Shriven
    Same problem here.
  • SeaGtGruff
    This almost never happens to me after the initial instance following the update. However, it has recurred a few tines-- always after getting booted from the game due to a "lost lobby connection."
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • aetherial_heavenn
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    This almost never happens to me after the initial instance following the update. However, it has recurred a few tines-- always after getting booted from the game due to a "lost lobby connection."

    I rarely play but I was booted with lost lobby connection sometime before trying to play NPCs in auridon for the daily. Reloading UI and Relogging on same character did not fix.

    When I check my collections all my Decks are missing

    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • SeaGtGruff
    Yeah, I don't think simply logging back in or reloading the UI is enough; you need to actually exit out of the game completely and then restart the game. That always fixes it for me, although I'm not sure what triggers it in the first place, so it's possible that you might trigger it again somehow even after restarting the game. For me, it seems to happen after getting booted out of my character and back to the character selection screen, such as if I'm trying to take a wayshrine to a very busy zone and get timed out for some reason.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Navithra
    Today is my third time experiencing this bug. Stopped by on the forums during the last few minutes of my 'deserter penalty' to glance at some of the other threads about this. I know they've already identified and replicated this as a bug, but I hope they consider hot fixing this sooner rather than later - losing points out of your rank over a bug feels a little punishing.
  • Prophet_of_Malacath
    Same boat here!

    I fear tanking my score if I keep losing by default but ToT is my fav little time-filler (queuing while farming or with Netflix comedy in the background).

    And yet, sometimes it's the other person and I get a rando win.
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