This is probably also exacerbated by the fact that the RNG in this game is very prone to streaks. If you're unlucky a few times, it's very likely that you'll remain so until you change something drastic, like relog or wait a day.
Just wanted to follow up here. Our teams are still looking into this. We tested on PC and leads are dropping, specifically with West Weald treasure maps on the live server. So we are not seeing an issue there. Still investigating.
Horny_Poney wrote: »But maybe the player doesn’t seek a 3/3 codex, so it’s hard to determine what the player wants. On the other hand, what would a player want with a drop rate so low?
Rishikesa108 wrote: »
Everybody could seek everthing they want, but lets focus on what should be the game-goal. Here the game wants from us that we complete all codexes, maybe to buy something at the vendor... or just to have the codexes list completed.
This goal is not humanely possible, for the last DLCs. Unless someone is lucky enough to have a special account, one of those super-lucky ones.
I never expected much so was not disappointed, I dug up about 10 maps on the PC-NA server, got the usual tree (even that had been missing a while) and a bonus tapestry lead, which I had already dug up more than 3 times. Kept them in the list hoping to get some of the more desirable leads, but nothing else, just the usual garbage. I was happy enough getting the tapesty, the tree I will destroy I have more than enough of them.
I would never buy a West Weald map, right from the start what we dug up was pretty worthless, I just used what I obtained across 3 accounts for my main account, from now on I will just sell them and be even less disappointed not seeing the garbage we get for them, and at least get a nice pile of gold.
If they at least had some paintings in the treasure map chests it would not be so disappointing not getting the leads. Since Gold Road was released I have dug up hundreds of the treasure maps and managed to get most furnishing leads at least twice. But overall they are the most disappointing treasure maps of any new chapter or DLC.
Update after update 45, this is still an issue, i've tested this also on the pts with same results, it takes hundred of maps to get a second lead/ third lead after getting the first one
RealLoveBVB wrote: »
How is it a bug, if you still got the 2nd or 3rd lead?
I am farming all codex entries and noticed since high isle, that they -dramatically- reduce the drop chance after the first lead.
It took me almost 100 imperial city prison runs to finally get all the "eye" leads.
The good thing with treasure map leads is, that you probably waste a lot of gold, while leads in trials, dungeons and arenas will waste a big bunch of your time.
katanagirl1 wrote: »
Apparently that is the logic ZOS uses to determine if it’s a bug too, lol.
I’d like to see this fixed, I have maps in the bank and on my characters taking up space that I would like to use, but I’m not going to just throw them away when this is a known issue in the community.
RealLoveBVB wrote: »
You can only determine whether if it's a bug or not, if you know the drop chances (percentages).
If those leads from maps have a 1% chance and you didn't get a drop after 50 maps, would you still call it a bug?
I am for sure not defending the devs- I can't understand myself why they decrease the drop chances after the first leads so drastically, especially on mythic items, where a 2nd or 3rd drop doesn't have any influence to the game at all.
But as said, I went through all this grinding and miss only a few codex 3 entries. At the end everything dropped. Only the devs can give you an answer, why they made the chances as they are.
katanagirl1 wrote: »
I suppose if you are lucky and get the full codex then it seems to be working properly, but it doesn’t if you can’t get more than one codex entry for all of them.
I can’t say I’ve ever read a reply where someone argued against making it easier for other players to get a lead on a double rng system like this, or any other lead for that matter. I’m baffled by this stance.
Just because something may turn out not to be a bug doesn’t mean it can’t be a pain point or problem that can or should be addressed. The poster above even said they weren’t defending the devs here if this is their intention. That’s hardly arguing against changing the drop rates. It just means this isn’t necessarily the specific type of problem called a bug, from a factual standpoint. At this point we don’t know. The devs have said they incorrectly coded drop chances for leads before, but they have also made many intentional decisions that were not bugs but were (and in some cases still are) major pain points.
The devs do see a difference here when they collect feedback and data — the stickied post at the top of General asks us for our top five bugs and then top five pain points. Properly categorizing issues helps them process our feedback.
Additionally, it means that this issue can (and probably should) be discussed in General Discussion rather than Bug Reports. A report in the Bug Reports category that alleges a bug exists when the issue is not a bug is more easily dismissed by those collecting reports as “working as intended,” which risks missing the point of the feedback (that players are unhappy with current functionality). General Discussion also gets more traffic, so those experiencing this pain point and the devs themselves are likely to get feedback from more people about how much of an impact the issue is having. The more people they hear from, the larger they understand the issue to be, and the more inclined they should be to do something about it.
People who do consider this among their top five pain points/potential bugs might also want to include this in their replies to the Top Five stickied thread.
katanagirl1 wrote: »Have the devs said they expect the second leads for antiquities to take longer than the first? If they have, I missed it.
RealLoveBVB wrote: »
You can only determine whether if it's a bug or not, if you know the drop chances (percentages).
If those leads from maps have a 1% chance and you didn't get a drop after 50 maps, would you still call it a bug?
I am for sure not defending the devs- I can't understand myself why they decrease the drop chances after the first leads so drastically, especially on mythic items, where a 2nd or 3rd drop doesn't have any influence to the game at all.
But as said, I went through all this grinding and miss only a few codex 3 entries. At the end everything dropped. Only the devs can give you an answer, why they made the chances as they are.