Imperial City- unable to attack


did the 6 dailies in imperial city and was unable to attack NPCs with single target attacks.
There was also no hp bar visible, when aiming at them. I was just able to kill them with AOE attacks.

It worked again, when I ported out and in. No clue what could have caused the issue.
  • Arcadere
    it happens to me too. so many times today alone that the game is unplayable.
    I cannot do my nunatak farming and I can't even defend myself when other players attack me. I'm playing warden.
  • Arcadere
    I also cannot heal friendly targets either with single target heals either.
  • rlindsey912nub18_ESO
    Yep nb skills won’t fire off because for whatever reason the game tells me target is immune to incap and surprise attacks
  • Wereswan
    Experienced this same thing while trying to do IC dailies. Both times it happened to me, it occurred in the center of the memorial district while trying to place the auricular geodes in the skeletons.

    Edit to add: PC-NA, CP Imperial City
    Edited by Wereswan on March 19, 2025 12:17AM
  • SeaGtGruff
    I've occasionally experienced something like that, usually in Cyrodiil. I think it's caused by a positional desync between the client and the server, presumably due to lag.

    One thing you could try is to do a roll-dodge or two and see if that helps restore the positional sync of your character. It might not help, but it certainly can't hurt.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Doragren
    Soul Shriven

    Please fix it, it makes combat impossible in the imperial city

    Sometimes i jump down and people attack me and i cant do anything to them and just die or try to run away

    You can fix it by changing districts but it is really annoying
  • Arcadere
    can confirm. Not that it makes any difference, I usually just laydown and die anytime I get attacked anywhere in cyrodiil.... but I can't even farm for the set pieces I need with this bug.
  • SeaGtGruff
    I has this happen to me last night, and nothing I did (reload ui, change zones, roll dodge over and over again) would fix it. As a last resort, I shut down the game and was going to restart it, but decided to update Windows first because I hadn't updated it for a couple of weeks. That ended up taking the rest of the night, so I just went to bed.

    In my case, what happened was, I was in Cyrodiil soloing a resource (because I think that was one of the daily endeavors) and everything seemed fine as far as being able to use all of my skills. After I flipped the flag on the resource, I queued for the Imperial City to do the daily Arboretum district quest and craft an item in the Arboretum district for a master writ. I noticed that some of my skills weren't working; the only ones that worked were ones that do damage within an AoE. In addition, the skills which wouldn't work were grayed out as though I weren't within range of being able to hit anything, and all of my skills (even the ones I could use) were completely silent and felt like they weren't making a connection even though they were doing damage as usual. I ported from Imperial City back to Cyrodiil, took the wayshrine to Stormhaven to turn in my master writ, and tried fighting some assassin beetles near the writ dropoff location. As was the case in Imperial City, most of my skills were grayed out as though I was out of range, and only my AoE attacks would work.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Arcadere
    We NEED an official statement on this ZOS, I am kinda going crazy here.
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