Really wish there was a quest or gameplay mechanic that introduced and included our Argonian's connection to the Hist. It'd be really cool, especially during the Shadowfen and Murkmire questlines. There was a quest where you helped an Argonian, who was born in Morrowind away from the Hist, establish a connection with the Hist. So, it'd be really neat if we were able to do that for our Argonians. Argonians have some of the coolest lore (in my opinion), yet you don't really get to experience it as an Argonian character yourself. You're treated like any other race (even in Shadowfin and Murkmire).
It'd also be neat if there were more playable Argonian subraces (same with more playable Khajiit subraces).
Edited by Hollyniss on February 13, 2025 2:50PM