Shipwright's Regret Trifecta / HM Guide ~With Diagrams~
We bid you solemn tidings on your visit to
Fantasy New Jersey Shipwright's Regret, the once proud port-of-call of the All Flags Navy. Once the grandest shipyard in all of Tamriel, these bramble-choked and rotted environs are now a cesspool of toxicity. Toxic puddles, toxic monsters, exes, bosses, vigilantes, and victims of disaster all await your visit with the
dark tetrad stowed in psyche.
On the bright side, Shipwright’s Regret does provide you a unique opportunity to finalize the heroic—dare I say Luigi-esque—murder of Foreman Brad, before gifting you the freshest fillet-o’-fish-elf that Vet Dungeon queues can buy. Numirril is of dubious character and questionably East London origin, if your moral compass needs orienting, and his death could be worth the market price of fresh-not-frozen swordfish at a landlocked, fine-dining eatery.
Do you have what it takes to fell Foreman Bradiggan, nip Nazaray in the bud, and neuter Numirril? Follow this 3 dps guide to victory, and emerge the
Privateer Captain Z'aji really should start to emulate.

Lost Maiden
The Lost Maiden is the first secret boss in SWR; she loves you, she hates you, she wants you home, she tries to kill you, and she's locked herself in the basement of her house, which lies just right of the the last trash mob before the stairs on the way up to the first boss.
- Shriek: Large cone AOE shout directed at whoever has aggro. Deals ice damage, stuns, and freezes whoever gets caught by it. Break free and dodge out.
- Ice Spikes: Periodically this boss will summon tightly clustered ice spikes that inflict damage over time, a significant slow, and then explode. Roll out.
- Multiple Personalities: This boss will split into three copies of herself around the room. Kill these as a group and then return to the main boss.
Maiden's Protection is well-worth the ~60s it takes to earn. It grants +10% Max Magicka, which translates to an additional equivalent of ~300 w/s damage to builds that favor magicka, visible as an increase to damage done in your abilities' tooltips. The emergency shield is all right, too.
Foreman Bradiggan
Honestly, how many decent Brads have you met? I've met one.
- Soul Ball: Light attack. A directed greenish orb directed at whoever has aggro. This light attack will one-shot a DD or Healer caught without block.
- Soul Bash: Heavy attack. This will one-shot a tank unmitigated. Can be dodged or blocked, but dodging has the potential to unnecessarily move the boss out of position.
- Haunting Charge: Boss charges forward in a straight line, summoning 4 ghosts. Mechanic happens twice per phase. The second charge can be skipped and it will only summon as many more ghosts as have just been killed since the first charge. Ghosts will do damage during Possession / Colossus phase. Tank should kite charge into wall. When successful, most of the following Paralyzing Fear will be eaten by the environment.
- Paralyzing Fear: This AOE starts and grows under the boss, then explodes outward in a maximum of four directions. All players, including the tank, should avoid standing directly beneath the boss and should dodge toward the boss to avoid creating more damage than necessary.
- Possession: Damaging AOE during Flesh Atro phase. Mitigate with heals or shield. It's a killer while the Flameshapers are out, so time your shield/heal casts with the Possession damage ticks.
- Soul Bomb: Starts after first Flesh Colossus dies. One player receives a Soul Bomb before execute. Two players receive a Soul Bomb during execute. Bomb can be shared by only two players. Don't stack it with another Soul Bomb. Arrange the group around the boss as in the diagram, assigning each DD to a Support. In the case of a 3DPS run, your Support DPS would stand in the "H" for Healer spot. Before execute, DDs will always run to the assigned Support to mitigate Soul Bomb, regardless of whether DD or the Assigned Support has the bomb. During execute, both members of an assigned pair can receive Soul Bomb. If that's the case, DDs SWAP their assigned support, and run to EACH OTHER's support. A "SWAP" callout in this case clues DDs to run to the other support position. The positioning in the diagram reduces confusion by preventing crossed paths. All that's strictly necessary for this strategy to work is that the Tank and the player standing DIAGONAL from the tank stand still during Soul Bomb and allow DDs to run to them.
Fear AOE for positioning scale.GENERAL FIGHT POSITIONING + default direction for Soul Bomb mitigation. Damage always runs to their assigned support, regardless of whether damage or support has the Soul Bomb.
GENERAL FIGHT POSITIONING + default direction for Soul Bomb mitigation IN EXECUTE. Damage runs to their assigned support, regardless of whether damage or support has the Soul Bomb.
GENERAL FIGHT POSITIONING + SWAP DIRECTION for Soul Bomb mitigation IN EXECUTE. Damage runs to the OTHER support, regardless of whether damage or support has the Soul Bomb.
- Harrowing Haunter: Breaches players; should be killed immediately or else held through second charge to prevent a second wave from spawning. These will continue to spawn during Bradiggan's myriad charges in execute. Breach and resource drain turns to significant damage while the Flesh Colossus is active.
- Skeletal Flameshaper: Standard Flameshaper in need of murder, interrupt, or cast-interrupting pull by the tank. Appears one at a time until second Flesh Colossus. At least four will spawn during second Flesh Colossus, and they will continue to spawn during execute.
- Flesh Colossus: Bradley's favorite summon. Two will appear during the fight. While taking a scarce moment to interrupt the Flameshapers, let your damage against the Flesh Colossus take priority and kill everything else to cleave and after the Flesh Colossus dies. Sweep, Hemorrhaging Strike, and Tremor swing toward whoever has aggro. Rancid Hammer creates a giant poison AOE that will slowly chase one random player.
Composition, Strategy & Recommended Tactics
- The group comp upon which this guide is based used a 2-bar Magplar DD, a 1-bar Support Sorc in Master Architect, and a 1-bar Parse Sorc. Both sorcs provide healing to the group and a shield for themselves. The primary difference between the two sorcs lies primarily in set choice. The MA sorc aims for a 50s Slayer cast at the beginning of the fight and a second Slayer cast immediately after the second Flesh Colossus dies to maximize execute burn. Parse sorc could provide Berserk between Slayer casts. Off Balance is helpful, but don't chase it.
- Do not use Infallible Aether. Your Charged Lightning Staff provides Concussion and therefore Minor Vulnerability, nullifying half of IA's utility. The remaining utility, namely Minor Slayer and ~900+ weapon/spell damage to heavy attacks, falls far short of the the increased damage to heavy attacks from other heavy attack sets. Instead choose from Tharriker, Mora Scribe, NMA, Undaunted Unweaver/Infiltrator, Relequen (U44), or Null Arca (U45).
- A Necro tank providing Colossous, Sax, LE, and Tremor, or a DK tank equipped with Sax / LE / AD will shine in this fight. Outside that, survivability is critical. Whenever possible, tank should direct Bradiggan's charge into the gate's hinge. With any luck, most or all of the following Paralyzing Fear's AOEs will be consumed by the environment and pose minimal risk to the group.
- Boss out = burn & cleave. Colossus out = sustain & focus fire on Colossus, killing Flameshapers to cleave. Focus Flameshapers if they're not within range of cleave. Execute = kill boss, don't die.
- During execute, reapply tab-target as soon as Bradley teleports. Aim reticle high to avoid summons' hitboxes.
- Locust Rain: Poison AOEs that fall from the sky in increasing sizes. Box kite and roll out of danger. The thicker the outside line, the harder it's going to hit.
- Thwack: Light attack. Will one-shot a DPS or Healer caught without block.
- Windfall: Heavy attack. Will one-shot a tank caught without block. This attack becomes a one-shot through block if Nazaray is invulnerable and standing in one of its black/violet puddles.
- Terra Twister: Swirling, purple, tornado-like, moving AOEs that resemble curse in the Bahsei fight. These will one-shot a DPS who is not blocking.
- Dark Blast: Ranged light attack directed at whoever has aggro.
- Gross Puddles: These are the black and purple puddles Nazaray will begin summoning around 60% health. Leaving Nazaray in the puddles with render him immune to damage and enrage his attacks. Tank should kite the boss around the edge of the room and never stop.
- Giant Body Snatcher Wasp: Hardmode adds a mechanic to the Body Snatcher Wasps. In addition to their single target melee Bite attacks, Body Snatcher Wasps also apply a knockdown to players.
- Untamed Kindred: At ~70% and ~40% Nazaray will queue the mechanic to summon the Untamed Kindred, who appear along the four walls of the boss arena. The first summon can be skipped by advancing Nazaray to the next mechanic, which happens at ~60%, before the summon can finish; the second summon can be skipped by burning boss to 30%. The final summon that takes place in execute cannot be skipped, so you have to commit to doing the mech or burning the boss. If you burn the boss, you're looking at killing Nazray around the 9 minute mark, leaving plenty of time for the last buff and the last boss. If you're going to do this mechanic, we recommend you kill two Kindreds to maximize amount of space your group has to stay safe while the room explodes.
Composition, Strategy & Recommended TacticsBurn Strat Best Strat
- Damage required to skip first UK cast is between 150k and 160k DPS through 60% health, which costs around 30 seconds. Damage required to push from 60% to 30% for the second skip seems to be somewhere north of 110k, which costs about another 30 seconds. The damage required to execute boss without participating in the final, un-skippable Untamed Kindred cast is somewhere north of 135k DPS. Failing the burn means a wipe, so decide at 25% whether you'll kill the last Kindred.
- The key to burn is buff/debuff density. Major/Minor Force, Berserk, Slayer, Vulnerability, and Breach should carry you through. Start and finish the fight with Tank & Support ults, at pull and at the 50s mark, or ~25% health. This strategy strongly favors Necro tank.
- Parse & Support Sorcs can unslot shield in favor of Lightning Flood for this fight; both should incorporate heals into their rotations when the Lurcher starts applying Agonizing Bramble to the tank.
- Kill adds with cleave.
- Kite the boss around the edge of the room. The wider the kite, the more distance tanks can create to pull boss away from Gross Puddles. This has the added benefit of giving DPS more room to dodge mechanics behind/beside the boss.
- Goes without saying that AOE damage should be cast ahead of the boss's walking direction so it can take damage while being kited.
Burn Strat Diagram
Slow Strat Safe Strat
- Tank should only stop kiting during Untamed Kindred phase. Try to keep boss from going invulnerable. May be impossible.
- Focus Lurcher & damage Nazaray with cleave while it's up.
- Practice moving effectively between the two phase positions: burn phase & untamed kindred phase.
- Untamed Kindred phases queue at ~70%, ~40%, and ~20%. 1 dps with tank at exit, 2 dps at entrance. Entrance DPS drop ult on exit, focus fire entrance, then help exit with heals & damage from range.
- Ignore adds after the final Untamed Kindred phase.
Slow Strat DiagramsOpening Burn
Untamed Kindred Phases
Burn Phases
Storm-Cursed Sailor
- Sparks: Light Attack on player with aggro. Block it.
- Induction: Heavy Attack on player with aggro. Blodge it. It's a knockback.
- Conduit: Sticky DoT on random player. Shield/heal through it.
- Thunderstorm: Teleports around the room doing AOE damage. Block it.
- Overcharge: AOE burst around the boss. DPS shouldn't be in range to take damage from it.
- Tank, spank, and heal. Don't share your AOE unless you're trying to kill someone.
- This encounter attracts slaughterfish and includes a knockback, so make sure your tank is not at risk of being knocked off the platform. The safest way to manage this is to face the boss away from the water.
- Positioning isn't too important as long as you're not sharing Conduit with a neighbor.
- If you're bringing 3 dps, make sure you're in line of sight to heal your neighbor.
- Curse of the Storm comes highly recommended. It graints extra stam, which is useful for Tank sustain and an extra damage source for Heavy Attack builds.
Numirril the Fish Elf
- Strike: Melee Light attack
- Drown: Melee Heavy Attack
- Jet: Charge & knockback.
- Splash: AOE swipe after Jet.
- Swell: Conal AOE stagger, wide cleave.
- Spout: Channel, circle AOEs appear in succession, following players. Should be kited.
- Drowned Corpse: Small summons appearing throughout fight. Wave on entry does stacking damage and can one-shot DPS; deals ranged & melee single target direct damage. Interruptible channel spews poison onto stage. Interrupt and kill all before execute.
- Drowned Hulk: First appears at 80. Second and Third appear at 40%. Exit-left Hulk has a chance to ignore group if left un-damaged.
- Swipe: Light Attack
- Punt: Heavy Attack
- Crush: Circle AOE damage in front of enemy.
- Pursue: Hulk picks a target and charges the target. Damaging AOE around hulk on charge, followed by
- Smash: Swinging, cleaving AOE heavy attack on target of Pursue.
Strategy and Recommended Tactics
- This can be a burn fight that kills everything in cleave, or this can be a more deliberate fight that prioritizes player positioning and killing summons until execute. We opted to prioritize player positioning and killing summons. During execute, we ignored Corpses, focus-killed a single Hulk, and then burned the boss after the hulk was dead. Because we prioritized positioning, most of the guide on this boss fight is diagrams.
- Start the fight in center and burn to 80. A hulk will appear at 80%. Kill corpses and return to the hulk for focused damage. Dodge through hulk and run toward tank when pursued. Reset after Hulk Smashes.
- Numirril returns when the first hulk dies. Reposition to corners, or else stay in center and dodge waves. Boss will jet to Entrance. Drop ult and burn during channel. After channel, burn to 40 while killing corpses on spawn.
- Kiting Spout does not strictly require players to separate. It's perfectly fine for DPS to stack, dodge, and kite in one direction, or to simply be aware of surroundings. Kiting Spout separately in the way depicted minimizes risk.
- At 40%, Numirril will hide again and 2 hulks will spawn. All players shift to the right side of the stage. Focus all attention on the hulk at Exit-Right; there's a non-zero chance the hulk at Exit-Left will take a nap and ignore the group if no one touches it.
- When the hulk at Exit-Right reaches 50% health, Numirril will return. Kill the hulk, damaging Numirril with cleave, and interrupting/killing corpses as convenient.
- Drop support ults at boss' 30% health. Ignore corpses and burn boss before the stage fills with poison.
- Tank may benefit from kiting boss Exit-Right to Entrance-Right to Entrance-Left from Numirril's return through Execute to minimize damage taken from spew. As this happens, DPS should to make room through Dodge-land while avoiding waves and kiting Spout.

Thanks for reading this monstrously long guide. If it helps you or you learned something new, please comment!