seecodenotgames wrote: »Seems the news page is badly formatted, or they are not including images for returned items this month. Maybe it's still being edited.
Not displaying images for returning items. We are trying to lower the footprint of the article overall and see how this does. So open to feedback.
Not displaying images for returning items. We are trying to lower the footprint of the article overall and see how this does. So open to feedback.
Not displaying images for returning items. We are trying to lower the footprint of the article overall and see how this does. So open to feedback.
Not displaying images for returning items. We are trying to lower the footprint of the article overall and see how this does. So open to feedback.
Here's the missing renders and descriptions of the returning items (taken from previous showcases), following the same order as in the March showcase article:CostumesSpoilerDay of Release Roisterer:
Celebrate Aiden Direnni's victory against the Alessian Army on the Day of Release. Glenumbra's most ebullient celebrants don this festive garb, and you can too! Spend a memorable day dancing, drinking, and toasting alongside them!
Pirate Costume Pack:
The pirates of the Abecean Sea are among Tamriel's fiercest sea raiders—and they have a style all their own, which you can adopt when you don these jaunty and rakish costumes!Crafting & Outfit StylesSpoilerElder Scrolls Artifact: Firstblade:
Alter your one-handed sword's Outfit style with a replica of the Firstblade Elder Scrolls Artifact, sword of the Dragon Cult's ancient leader, Miraak.
Crown Crafting Motif: Grim Harlequin:
Do you like dark humor, grim but funny? We've got a stylish motif for you! As Chamberlain Haskill explains, “My Lord Sheogorath has directed me to compile a guide for those seeking to create 'Grim Harlequin' arms and armor, so that the Mad God's mortal servants may have a way to make all their equipment look the same. Of course, this standardization runs counter to all other cult practices, and is insane on the face of it. What's your point?"
Crafting Motif: Drowned Mariner:
"Growler" Silaine, Marine Salvager, urges you to outfit yourselves properly before venturing into Graven Deep or other dangerous locations—perhaps with this well-fashioned style. Use to learn the Drowned Mariner crafting style. Also has a chance to drop by defeating the final boss in Graven Deep.
Pirate Skeleton Arms Pack:
Captain Blackheart, leader of the pirates of Blackheart Haven, does not take kindly to interlopers. If you’ve faced this blackguard and won, proclaim your victory and alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Pirate Skeleton awards by using this complete set of Outfit styles.
Crafting Motif: Silver Dawn:
Werewolf hunters, take heed! The Silver Dawn’s traditional arms and armor await you—use these motifs to learn the Silver Dawn crafting style.
Elder Scrolls Artifact: Chysamere:
Alter your two-handed sword's Outfit style with a replica of the Chrysamere Elder Scrolls Artifact, also known as the Sword of Heroes and the Paladin’s Blade.FurnishingsSpoilerFurnishing Pack: Hubalajad's Final Treasure:
No Prince of the Ra Gada would be caught dead without the appropriate (and extravagant) funerary offerings for his tomb. Not to mention the requisite Mournful Aegis to welcome any unexpected guests!
Music Box: Bleak Beacon Shanty:
When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the eldritch "Bleak Beacon Shanty" composition.
Statue, Bendu Olo:
A statue of Bendu Olo, Baron-Admiral of the All Flags Navy. Honor him by placing this within your home, and make use of the enchantments sewn within to chart a course with the stars, survive an ocean storm, or sight a spectral ship.
Music Box, The Mirefrog's Hymn:
When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the curiously adorable "The Mirefrog's Hymn" composition.
Statue, The Thirty-Fourth Sermon:
"When GULGA MOR JIL saw his mother-father, he asked why he should have to die and return to oblivion. Vivec told the eighth monster that to be otherwise was to betray his nature."—The Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec, Sermon Thirty-Four
Music Box, The Mad Harlequin’s Reverie:
When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the playful "The Mad Harlequin's Reverie" composition.
Furnishing Pack: Azura:
Furnishings associated with the Daedric Prince Azura.HouseguestsSpoilerCaska:
Caska the Senche-raht serves as the first mate on The Perfect Pounce, and she loves time off to pursue other interests—perhaps in your house! After adding Caska to your home, you can set her on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with her.
Rigurt the Brash:
The Nord diplomat Rigurt travels around Tamriel to learn about other cultures while demonstrating his own brand of Nord culture. Welcome him home! After adding Rigurt to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Jester Anglidor:
This Jester's Fest performer brings all the joy and frivolity of that holiday to your home—perfect for when you wish to host a friendly gathering! After adding Jester Anglidor to your home, you can set him on a path and interact with him.SkinsSpoilerAyleid Ruins Wildgrowth:
Potent magic lies buried in the roots of the Dawnwood. Ancient Ayleid ruins have been touched by the Green. Verdant, wild, and uncontainable, some resist the pernicious growth. Others embrace this fertile power.PersonalitiesSpoilerScholar:
Ever notice how everyone in Tamriel keeps a journal? Now you can show the world that you're making your own scholarly record of your adventures and the deeds of those around you. Perhaps the pen IS mightier than the sword.
You've braved dangerous waters and seedy back-alleys. Now, on land or sea, your telltale swagger marks you as someone who's comfortable in all manner of deadly environments!Customized ActionsSpoilerStonelore Split:
Trees grant gifts that linger after their passing. Druids recognize this gift as what it is, a blessing from Y'ffre.MountsSpoilerBal Foyen Circus Guar:
Like other reptilian creatures, Guar can be bred for bright, even gaudy colors. The Argonians of Dhalmora offer this entertaining variant, a popular performer in Tamriel's traveling shows.
Dapple Gray Palfrey:
Elegant and intelligent, this breed of horse is a favorite among the nobles of Cyrodiil.
Badger Bear:
The Badger Bears of southern Blackwood were nearly extinct in the wild when they were saved by the intervention from an unlikely source, an Imperial noble, when Viscount Glorion of Leyawiin rescued the species by breeding them as mounts.
Painted Wolf:
In the rugged badlands of central Hammerfell, even camels struggle to maneuver across the broken terrain. But wolves can go where even camels cannot, so the roving Redguards of the canyon lands have bred the local Painted Wolves into sure-footed mounts.
Dunewalker Senche-raht:
The Dunewalkers once roamed deserts beyond Elsweyr, seeking knowledge amid the sands of other lands. Mighila seeks to return to that tradition, hoping to bring back information on how to definitively vanquish the Dragons. Will you assist her?
Eldersblood Peak Ram:
Watching mighty trees fall to this ram's practice leaps and headbutts led to its eventual domestication by the Nords around its home peak. Bring that power, as well as its love of scaling treacherous heights, into your stable!
Falkreath Riding-Lynx:
The people of Falkreath call these lynxes "blizzard bringers." The cats are as powerful as the buffeting winds that scour the slopes of the Shriekwind Bastion. There are even rumors that the lynx's growl causes avalanches high up in the mountains.
Hivethief Vvardvark:
"Look at that tongue! You can thank Spellwright Domavas for these bug-eating beauties, expanding on Magister Varkenel's work. I hear he first tried to give them feathers, failed, then came up with this gorgeous steed."—Cidius Sosia, Necrom Stablemaster
Autumn Messenger Fox:
"As kits, these rambunctious little trouble-making furballs keep this one on her toes. But their predilection for trouble when young works in your favor—their ability to sense harm is nearly magical. Perfect for messenger work!"—Tesusah, Stablemaster
Sagacious Psijic Senche-Raht:
Aloof and strangely mournful, there's no question Pirzbi wields powerful magic. Some say their innate ability and keen intellect have become an obstacle for those who wish to partner with them. Perhaps you will find success where they did not.
Spiritwalker Pillion Elk:
"Calmer than horses and more dependable than camels, elk are the preferred mount for traversing Tamriel's forests. Their regal bearing gives the rider plenty of visibility, without attracting too much attention."—Steady Hooves: An Elkback Journey
Alliance War Horse:
It's no surprise the Three Alliances compete to breed the strongest and most majestic chargers for their armored cavalries. Appearance is linked to your character's alliance. Riding Skill does not affect this mount's appearance.
Novelty Stick Horse:
During the Jester's Festival even the lowliest of commoners can pretend to be a mounted knight with a whimsical Novelty Stick steed. Horses are popular in the Daggerfall Covenant.Non-Combat PetsSpoilerScorpion Fabricant:
"Since our Incarnatoriums can be modified to produce Fabricants modeled on almost any creature of Tamriel Above, why are Scorpion Fabricants of differing sizes so popular? They're our most-requested fabs!" says Clockwork Apostle Dringest.
Dusky Fennec Fox:
The Dusky or Midnight Fennec Fox is native to the high savannah of northern Elsweyr, and is often domesticated by nomadic tribes of Khajiit.
Not displaying images for returning items. We are trying to lower the footprint of the article overall and see how this does. So open to feedback.