Tendrielle wrote: »Hey, could you specify the time frame? is it the whole day, or parts of it? Which time zone?
Sure! So we will have a Guild Celebration that will take place over a few days. However, the Guild Summit part is one day. It will be on March 13. However, times are still being locked in. It will be friendly to North American working hours (EST Timezone specifically) as our team will be hosting it, if that helps. But once we have times locked in, we will let everyone know.
Sure! So we will have a Guild Celebration that will take place over a few days. However, the Guild Summit part is one day. It will be on March 13. However, times are still being locked in. It will be friendly to North American working hours (EDT Timezone specifically by March 13) as our team will be hosting it, if that helps. But once we have times locked in, we will let everyone know.
Tendrielle wrote: »Thanks, Kevin! So my prob is I can't sign up (I would waste a spot) if its EDT morning as I am working late afternoon CET that day. So kindly let us know the exact time frame before the deadline for signup pasted, if possible
Sure! So we will have a Guild Celebration that will take place over a few days. However, the Guild Summit part is one day. It will be on March 13. However, times are still being locked in. It will be friendly to North American working hours (EDT Timezone specifically by March 13) as our team will be hosting it, if that helps. But once we have times locked in, we will let everyone know.
@ZOS_Kevin Will an announcement be made when the emails are sent out? I don’t want to miss it in case it gets sent to spam folder 🙇
I'll flag this for folks and see if I can get a concrete time. Thanks for the question!
Do you want us to submit questions in advance? It seems like there are too many guilds included for everyone's question to be answered if we're trying to type them in real time.
For our purposes, it doesn't really matter. So you're fine!Hello o/ Um I am unsure of where to ask this so I'll ask here, are we allowed to change our primary guild we submitted to the secondary one or no? Also thank you so much
This is a good idea. What we can do is open a channel next week specific for this purpose so everyone can chat and coordinate. There's a very real possibility that we won't have time for every single guild to ask a question during the allotted time, so any way we can consolidate would be good.DragonRacer wrote: »
If not submitted in advance, another idea - especially since we’re all being pooled together into a Discord group ahead of time - allow us to maybe put our heads together on forming questions in advance? It can still be limited to one per guild, but I imagine there could be the potential of a lot of repeat questions, which then kinda “wastes” the question slot of other guilds if they don’t bring an itemized list of potential backup questions to then scratch out as they are answered. If we organize somehow ahead of time a pool of questions we all agree we’d want to see asked, each GM in the group could assign themself to asking X question. That way, we all Round Robin it and all collectively get answers rather than potentially 20 question slots getting wasted on “can we ever have the guild bank automatically stack items again?” or something.
GMs and high-ranking officers are the most organized players on this game outside of maybe trial and PvP leads (who are also likely GMs themselves). Surely we can summit together the questions we’d like to ask in advance and come in as a united front of collective, organized group questions.
The intent here is to avoid a situation where everyone is asking "Will you ever add xyz?" and we can only give unsatisfying, repetitive responses such as "It's something we've thought about" or "Maybe some day". It's ok to ask questions about development, but just go into it with the understanding that a lot of stuff is very much in progress/discussion, and plans very frequently change for one reason or another. I'll also say that we're aware of many of the common pain points, such as the desire for better tools for example, and we'll be lightly touching on some of this during the summit. Hope this helps gives a bit more insight, but let us know if you'd like further guidance.So, both my husband and I got our acceptance letters but we're a little bit confused. While each guild is allowed 1 question, we're asked to "avoid questions focusing on future development, such as “Will you ever implement...” as many features are currently being explored and not ready to be discussed."
So my question is: What questions can we ask? I'm a bit at a loss of what kind of questions we can ask if things about guild functionality/features/future implementations are not allowed. I'm not sure what the point of questions is if we're not encouraged to ask anything about actual development.... of the devs.... with whom the summit is being held?
NOT being snarky, just curious- are we expected to ask things like, "What is your favorite guild activity?" "Do you like to watch the guilds of the game?" "Do you know anyone who runs a guild?" Like these are all empty and pointless. I'd like to ask about functionality (of which there is very little, other than organizing folks and bidding traders) that comes without the need of addons.
What kind of questions do you expect, if we aren't allowed to ask dev questions of the devs?
DragonRacer wrote: »Honestly, I’m pretty excited about the summit. Even with an outline, I’ve never attended one before so I’m curious to see how it operates. And geeking out about guilds is something I got wrapped up in fairly early in ESO.
I’m curious to hear from other GMs, especially those who, like above, have experience in other MMOs. ESO has been my first and only MMO experience so I have no comparison.
I’m also supremely curious to see how the representation looks. It feels like PC gets a ton of attention and conversation on the forum as it also seems a majority of forum participants are PC. But I’m on console and without ads-ons (which I know will be coming to us eventually now), running a large successful trading guild on my server is a very different life experience in some ways than it is for PC GMs. “They not like us” LOL I think it’ll be neat sharing experiences/tips/ideas from across the aisle, so to speak.
Looking forward to it! So much so my dorky self actually took that afternoon off work to ensure I could give it my full attention while not being a distracted employee. LOL
Eclipse318 wrote: »Are signups over? I'm getting an error page.