It's my hypothesis that, something, catastrophic happened either toward the end of the Dawn Era, or sometime within the early Merethic Era that caused Civilization to reset itself. It's said in the Lore that there are no (surviving) Historical Records dating back to the Dawn Era, and very very little from the Merethic. That can't possibly be due to the absence of the knowledge of the written word, as we can clearly see across Tamriel and Summerset the existence of Ruins dating back Millennia, AND these Ruins consisting of some incredibly complex and ornamental architecture, implying these Societies were incredibly advanced and well established compared to "current day" Civilization. Just in Elsweyr alone, the Province has expansive Ruins of a much more advanced Khajiiti people than what is seen today, yet the fact persist, they are Ruins. Abandoned, forgotten. The main question being why.
What happened that caused these peoples to no longer inhabit these places? You see these Ruins across Tamriel, in Cyrodiil, Hammerfell, Summerset, Argonia. Every single region has Ruins that consist of architecture far exceeding the complexity of the current day.
I need to know what happened in the Dawn Era.
CP2,000 Master Explorer -
AvA One Star General -
Console Peasant -
Khajiiti Aficionado -
The ClanQuest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!