Official Discussion Thread for "Loremaster’s Archive—Tamriel’s Holidays

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This is the official discussion thread for, "Loremaster’s Archive—Tamriel’s Holidays"

"Get into the spirit of the season (or seasons!) as the Impresario shares all about Tamrielic traditions!"
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on January 3, 2025 3:02PM
Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
Staff Post
  • Aliyavana
    "Daedra Lords are like a child with their mother’s sword: all the threat and none of the discipline. I should know!"

    The Impressario confirms that she seems to be a demiprince like the prior meet the character for her implied.

    "And my goodness could they put on quite a party. One year in the early days of Necrom, the people of the city commemorated Born Anew by mass-summoning the spirit of every woman, man, and child who had died since they’d arrived in the region. Glimmering spirits as far as the eye could see, processing in a grand parade that filled the streets. Beautiful and eerie. I’ll never forget it."

    She confirms she was around since the Chimer were around, making her ancient.

    I wish I had asked about Zeal of Zenithar. I didn't realize that no one had asked about it, and I feel it is undeveloped. Like who introduced it, the Imperial Cult, Imperial, Redguards, or something else? When was it introduced, etc. I hope it is expanded upon in the future.

    One thing I realized is that the other forum thread that we asked questions on mentioned Heart's Day as a major ESO holiday. Makes me think that it might be a major event expanded upon next year? If so I look forward to it.

    Interesting archive. Thank you Kevin and Zenke for having one last archive this year.

    Edit: I like the Saturalia answer. Bretons are known for their merchant skills, so them capitalizing on New Life Festival by introducing Saturalia themed items to it is fitting.
    Edited by Aliyavana on December 19, 2024 5:31PM
  • opaj
    Oh my god I can hear the words in her voice. Her voice! It's in my head. Get it out, get it out!

    Anyway, excellent archive. I'm fully invested in Impresario lore now.
  • Aliyavana
    opaj wrote: »
    Oh my god I can hear the words in her voice. Her voice! It's in my head. Get it out, get it out!

    Anyway, excellent archive. I'm fully invested in Impresario lore now.

    glad im not the only one that reads these in their character's heads
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    ...Several of the questions picked (which weren't many) weren't actually answered. Why pick questions then don't give us nice answers that adds lore?

    I miss the loremaster archives we had before which was always a joy. Giving quality answers with insight and information about Tamriel and beyond we normally wouldn't be able to find information about without the archives. Nowadays I feel less and less interested in asking questions for these.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    “I hope that you’ve found this entertaining, the New Life season is treating you well, and your goals for the new year are suitably modest. After all, you can’t be disappointed if your expectations are low!”

    Well. 😐 Message received, I guess?
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  • Tyrvarion
    Thank you for the archive, it was really great to see this one! Loved tying Hollowjack to one of the larger Daedra, and bringing back more obscure bits of lore like the question about Polydor and Eloisa. I really liked that Amalien also got a little bit of spotlight here. I love how Impresario is becoming far more compelling character than mostly a vendor npc. Overall I am very satisfied with the archive.

    Props to the lore team for giving us this gift before the Christmas - and on the much shorter notice than usually. It is really appreciated.
  • LunaFlora
    this is an awesome loremaster's archive!
    i love that this implies that the Impressario is a Daedric Lord.

    also i am happy that there's some Amalien in the post too, she's awesome and i hope she appears in-game again too (outside of Codex entries)
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
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  • CoolBlast3
    Thanks for the archive. Amalien showing up was great as Luna said, and I also hope to see her again. The hints(?) we got at possibly upcoming stories are neat too.
    Happy holidays ZOS!
  • OgrimTitan
    Explain to me something, because I don't understand. So a guy shows 1 week after I posted my question (which was short, lore-friendly and on point), essentially copies it, and THEIR question is taken, and my completely ignored? After 2,5 years of trying to get at least 1 question answered it feels like a mockery.

    @ZOS_Kevin maybe you can clarify this? Maybe I don't meet some requirements? At this point I don't know what to think. All other ignored questions from the past Archives I can swallow, but this situation seems simply outrageous.
    Edited by OgrimTitan on December 20, 2024 5:06AM
  • MafiaCat115
    OgrimTitan wrote: »
    Explain to me something, because I don't understand. So a guy shows 1 week after I posted my question (which was short, lore-friendly and on point), essentially copies it, and THEIR question is taken, and my completely ignored? After 2,5 years of trying to get at least 1 question answered it feels like a mockery.

    @ZOS_Kevin maybe you can clarify this? Maybe I don't meet some requirements? At this point I don't know what to think. All other ignored questions from the past Archives I can swallow, but this situation seems simply outrageous.

    I also wouldn't mind some insights on how questions are chosen. While I haven't had any moments quite like this one, I've also been posting questions without ever a response. I was especially hoping for a response to my question for this archive since it has always seemed odd to me that Whitestrake's Mayhem is so readily celebrated by elves.
    Still waiting for answers about class set aura behavior, and also hoping that one day hair dyeing will be an option. We know it's canon thanks to a book in the Manor of Masques! (House of Reveries: The Troupe)
    Proud owner of a Morrowind Banner of the 6th House (back when it actually meant something)
  • OgrimTitan

    I also wouldn't mind some insights on how questions are chosen. While I haven't had any moments quite like this one, I've also been posting questions without ever a response. I was especially hoping for a response to my question for this archive since it has always seemed odd to me that Whitestrake's Mayhem is so readily celebrated by elves.

    Thank you for your support, @MafiaCat115 ! I also like your question a lot, as I noted before, and am frustrated it wasn't taken, but it's nothing compared to what I feel about my situation. I'm not an emotional person, but it is simply unfair.

    And, trust me, I know how you feel, without ever having an answer on the Archives.
    Edited by OgrimTitan on December 20, 2024 5:07PM
  • OgrimTitan
    OgrimTitan wrote: »
    Explain to me something, because I don't understand. So a guy shows 1 week after I posted my question (which was short, lore-friendly and on point), essentially copies it, and THEIR question is taken, and my completely ignored? After 2,5 years of trying to get at least 1 question answered it feels like a mockery.

    @ZOS_Kevin maybe you can clarify this? Maybe I don't meet some requirements? At this point I don't know what to think. All other ignored questions from the past Archives I can swallow, but this situation seems simply outrageous.

    @ZOS_Kevin Greetings and happy Christmas and New Year. When the hoidays end, I would like to get an answer to my earlier question in the reference. To me it looks like an insult. I'm loyal for the game for almost 10 years, and I think it's an objectively unfair situation.

    In general, there is an irritating uncertainty on how the questions are picked. Why instead on some great questions like Umaril's Midyear version from @MafiaCat115 we talk about bantam guar wings, or why a late copy of a question is taken with a complete disregard to the original? Is it an oversight? A personal preference of the loremaster? Am I ignored because 2,5 years ago I criticised his High Isle Archive (I still stand by my opinion - it wasn't a good Archive)? After 2,5 years of bashing against the wall your mind can conjure some wild explanations, he-he..

    I know most of it can't be answered due to the company privacy (?), but I want at least some clarification.

    @MafiaCat115 Perhaps you want to back me up, so the developers see I'm not alone in this? Any other backing from others would be appreciated as well.
  • MafiaCat115
    As before, I agree with @OgrimTitan on this. I can understand that a big part of these Loremaster articles are to get some engagement with the fanbase in general, meaning that it may be more favorable to focus on more light hearted or more easily digestible questions, but that passes up the chance for the lorebeards (community term for lore fans) to talk with the Loremaster directly about some of the deeper lore that makes them love the series so much.

    There have been a few times recently where good lore has been hidden away, especially in Eidetic Memory books that are easily missed, or the topic is barely touched. A favorite example of mine has to do with the Bladesongs of Boethra and the Rainbow Angel, which implies a close connection between Meridia and Ithelia, explaining their similar appearances. These Loremaster Archives would be an excellent time to let the lorebeards nerd out and ask deep questions pertaining to the lore that does not get much time in the spotlight ingame.

    This is not even looking at @OgrimTitan 's plight, where their question was skipped in favor for a strikingly similar one that was asked after their's. I haven't been asking questions for as long (only since the announcement of Necrom by my estimate, which is coming up on two years now), but I can emphasize with the pain of having a question be passed up in such circumstances.

    I recall a thread being made wondering about QnA's; I wonder if it would be possible to have a Loremaster QnA in the Lore section for these questions, or are passed up for the article, but are still of interest to those deeply interested in the lore of the series. The idea could be workshopped, but even if there are limits like one or two questions per person, just having another chance and another way to have burning questions answered could be nice. I hope that is something that could be considered and irregardless, thank you for managing to fit another Archive into this year, @ZOS_Kevin.
    Still waiting for answers about class set aura behavior, and also hoping that one day hair dyeing will be an option. We know it's canon thanks to a book in the Manor of Masques! (House of Reveries: The Troupe)
    Proud owner of a Morrowind Banner of the 6th House (back when it actually meant something)
  • OgrimTitan
    @ZOS_Kevin Should we expect at least some answer? Anything? I see there are some develepers-players interactions in other threads already.
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