So, the issue I found is that when you equip a level 1 bow, then a vet1 bow, the bow abilities that deal damage go up, as intended. When you equip a level 1 destro staff and Vet1 destro staff, the destro staff abilities that do damage also go up. Here is where I find the issue. My class abilities (templar magicka user) dont go up after hitting Vet1. My ability Puncturing sweep has done 56 damage since I hit Vet1 and hasn't changed as I continue to level and equip more powerful weapons. Where as all the weapon abilities (bow, staff, 2handed etc..) DO scale. This would be fine if magicka users had more to choose from for damage other than just the destro staff.
So simply put, All class abilities at Vet10 will technically be Vet1 abilities, where as all Weapon abilities will actually scale to Vet10 as you equip Vet10 weapons, So stamina user will have 4 different weapons to choose from that will scale with them. Magicka users have 2, and 1 of them is for healing. So my issue is that for a person who relies on Magicka to do damage, they will funneled in a very narrow build (if there is one even possible)
Before you guys cry out and flame, please go test it, equip a level 1 weapon and a vet 1 weapon, then use a class ability that does damage, then use a weapon ability that does damage and let me know if you see a difference.
Also going off of this, it would mean that a stamina user, that only uses their class abilities for utility, and only uses weapon abilities for damage will be way better off then any other build. If you don't get why I stay stamina users, go look at the destruction staff (the ONLY weapon magicka users would have for damage that actually scales to Vet10) abilities and tell me how you are going to build anything other then a spam AoE build.
If I am wrong (and I hope I am just stupid and missing some part of this) please correct me, if not let me know if you guys see the same thing.