What if Lower Level Potions had Lower Cooldowns?

Thinking in terms of utility potions that might better function with multiple uses for smaller effects versus larger effects.

What if an additional avenue of potion design was that comparatively lower level potions had a shorter cooldown (to match their lowered effectiveness).

In essence: Potion Size matters. Burst and Sustained.
  • Treeshka
    This would require developers the rebalance all sets and enchants that reduce cooldown of a potion. So i am not seeing it happening.
  • moosegod
    15s of immovable on a 45s cooldown or 8s on a 25s cooldown? Seems kind of the same to me.

    Probably a buff actually. NB get 20 ult when they drink a potion. Argonians get resources restored. Clever alchemist procs. Jewelery enchants reduce your potion cooldown to 0 lol.

    This is an inspired crazy idea lol.
    Edited by moosegod on December 23, 2024 1:00PM
  • GimpyPorcupine
    Wouldn't work. Every Argonian in the game would be wearing Clever Alchemist and sucking down lower level potions for 100% uptime and Resourceful passive procs..
    8-hr/day casual on Xbox NA. 20 Characters, all DC, all Level 50. +2600CP
  • Mik195
    I think it would be challenging for new players to constantly need to learn new potion timings. It would work better if there were variants of the max level potions and people could decide how to slot them into their rotation.
  • Avran_Sylt
    Wouldn't work. Every Argonian in the game would be wearing Clever Alchemist and sucking down lower level potions for 100% uptime and Resourceful passive procs..

    Gah, dang, right.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    This would actually be an interesting concept TBH, and as a certified potion chugger on my healer build, this would be ideal, but we would need to rebalance the potion strength to really make those higher end potions worthwhile, as using a low level potion on a high level character simply wouldn't offer any incentives other than a low cooldown. For instance, if a CP level 50 potion only gives me back 1.5K resources, but the cooldown is still over 10 seconds, that would definitely NOT be worthwhile.
  • Avran_Sylt
    moosegod wrote: »
    15s of immovable on a 45s cooldown or 8s on a 25s cooldown? Seems kind of the same to me.

    Probably a buff actually. NB get 20 ult when they drink a potion. Argonians get resources restored. Clever alchemist procs. Jewelery enchants reduce your potion cooldown to 0 lol.

    This is an inspired crazy idea lol.

    As a NB player myself that kinda interaction should have stood out to me, though I was more fixated on the further aspect of choosing between a large “sustained” potion (that is more “fire and forget”), compared to more situational potions that better function as reactionary tools (that a base 45s could be too restrictive): maybe one that immediately breaks you free, or one that causes your next attack to be a Crit, one that instantly reveals all invisible opponents in a 10m radius and prevents them from entering stealth for 3s, all of which would could have a shorter cooldown if other long-term things are removed or something.
    Edited by Avran_Sylt on December 28, 2024 12:08PM
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