Not sure what's been happening with Daily Endeavors this morning but I've got very confused!
So, I logged on this morning checked the daily endeavors, and decided to do "Kill 3 delve bosses in Glenumbra", "Use Emotes Two Times", and by default should have got the "Complete One Daily Endeavor". I did the first two, and got all three ticked off. All good so far.
A bit later I checked and noticed I'd only got two endeavors ticked off, and "Complete One Daily Endeavor" appeared to have been replaced with "Use Ultimate Three Times". I thought I'd made a mistake earlier, so, went back into battle and kicked off my Ultimate three times. But, when I checked the Endeavors after doing that, the "Use Ultimate Three Times" Endeavour had disappeared again, and the original list was back up. However now I only have "Kill 3 delve bosses in Glenumbra", and "Use Emotes Two Times" ticked off.
As you can see, "Complete One Daily Endeavor" remains incomplete despite actually completing three other Endeavors this morning, so now I only have two ticked off!
XBox : EU Server