I just got a brand spanking new computer today to replace my old Windows 10 (with a 970) to a fancy schmancy Windows 11 (with a 4060) annnd it performs just as poorly as my 9 year old PC did. (ESO that is)
As soon as I booted up the game and signed into my account it froze on the loadscreen before character select. Par for the course. Lawl! I gave it a good 10 minutes before having to close out and reopen. No crash report it just stopped responding.
And when I did get in I still had the exact same lag spikes (300s-400s-300s-600s) while I was just standing around in Deshaan far away from anyone. This WITHOUT ANY add-ons as I haven't gone about reinstalling any of them yet.
Thankfully I didn't buy the new PC exclusively for ESO, but I'm just extremely disappointed. 😕
I have very fast internet speeds and everything else besides ESO runs smooth as silk.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
A major source of my frustration with this situation is that we do not know how extensive the issue is, but ZOS does. Part of the hell of being a 30-year full-stack developer, network admin, sysop, and DBA is that you understand what's possible in a scenario like this. Without question, ZOS can see lag spikes and disconnects in their logs. They know exactly how extensive this issue is. They know who is having the problems, they can correlate that to ISP's or locations or versions of Windows or whatever, and they can simulate anything they'd like in their internal development and testing environments to investigate the ideas that come up, and work towards a solution. I know it probably feels "nice," and I've said this before in this thread, but giving them the benefit of the doubt that there's some kind of "fog of war" about this issue that they can't deal with is simply not warranted.
The problem with that is that we still don't really know how extensive the issue is, but it seems probable that it is only affecting a comparatively small section of the playerbase. Yes, this thread has been running for 7 months and is on page 85 but there are some players who've posted mass comments on it, which is totally fine and understandable, but it makes it difficult to assess how many individual posters are affected. Usually on a forum for a game that is having such an issue across the whole playerbase you'd get to page 85 and beyond overnight!
All we can do seemingly is keep pressing ZOS for some more meaningful answers. Personally I don't experience these issues and never have, but I keep pressing ZOS on it because I realise that it's a really critical issue for those who do experience them.
Alinhbo_Tyaka wrote: »
Or they are players like me who have voiced their complaints with performance and with the lack of anything concrete from ZOS have decided ESO isn't worth the effort anymore so move on to other games.
Oh, I've moved onto other games. But there is a part of me... thats been playing this since beta and put so many thousands of dollars and literally years worth of hours into this game... that I want to see it fixed.
I still secretly hope we get some massive Cyro change/revamp coming next year thats has been "years in progress" or something that will bring a new life to the game.
One can hope, right?
Been watching my routes for a while and thought maybe I would try to come back. Did a tracert today and saw you have placed Akami back into my route. It has been out of my route for a few weeks. Any reason it is back? And yes I am the one that can throw meatballs at the data center guys so the Akami lag in a normal, 2-3ms route is horrid, Each Akami hop is 200-400ms guys.....
Welcome back! As you can see, we are in the exact same situation (and lack of coms) that we had when you left some months ago.
Late because I've been busy irl.KaironBlackbard wrote: »
Lately, unless Centurylink is having its own issues, I have pristine connectivity to ESO. However, sometimes when I'm grouped with people, my connection can stutter or falter.
That specific instance was pristine time, and when he joined mine effectively died, and that auto ping was annoying.
When the auto ping went away, so did my problems.
The one he disabled was Bandits UI.
And if both PC and Console Virtual Servers are hosted on the SAME HARDWARE, PC addon problems can likewise cause issues on the console side due to hardware being overloaded. Even though the virtual servers don't interact, the problems can be caused by being on the same hardware.
I do randomly receive issues in towns. The last town to really give me problems was Vivec City. I mostly aim for less populated areas, like Private Dungeon runs (enter via manual entrance or wayshrine instead of dungeon finder), or less used places like Hews Bane or Shadowfen. I rarely see more than 5 people total. When I see 10+, I have issues.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »I just brought a 14,000 crown pack, in Australia that is $135 and I cannot log in.
moderatelyfatman wrote: »@LadyGP
It's a bit of a Hail Mary, but have you tried a full restart? Open only ESO an no other program that accesses the internet (ie. Chrome).
It has worked for me before.
Yup, I always do a fresh repair of ESO before I play and then restart my pc.
moderatelyfatman wrote: »
Are you by any chance on Steam?
Late because I've been busy irl.
The servers for console are completely separate from the ones for PC. They all have separate hardware (PC from XBox from PS). It's one reason we don't have cross-platform play, along with others.
And again...one cannot say X is the cause of Y with one one anecdotal instance. Correlation is not causation. Your internet likely isn't the problem, considering how many people are having it. But it's not people you're grouped with causing the issue either, nor their addons. If you've only ever had ONE instance of someone disabling any given addon giving you a performance boost, it's because the issue we're all having cleared up at around that moment for a while.
Addons are NOT contributing to this issue. If Bandits was causing a problem we'd know already. If any given addon was causing the issue we'd know. First of all because console wouldn't also be swamped by the lag and disconnects and being unable to log in. Second, because addons are probably one of the things the devs look at first (or rather the API). Third, we aren't having a bunch of people having with these issues saying they all have a common thread in one or two addons. I think at most I've seen two people mention Bandits, but out of the number that have posted...that's not enough people having that in common for it to be a problem.