I'm sorry, but did I just take on a Daedric Prince (arguably the strongest) while it was imbued by the stolen power of Mora, kick Torvesard in the family jewels while he was stealing Mora's AND Ithelia's power, all without any help from a trinket (looking at you, amulet of kings) and win? I mean I'm flattered that I am finally given the respect I deserve (even though we're still called mortal even though we don't die) but this seems a bit much. After winning that fight I kind of felt like I was Mary Sue RP wise.
About her banishment... since when do powerless realities exist? There is no such thing as existence without magic. Existence by itself in this game's universe is already a magical paradox, and it is never implied that another path or reality is itself a different universe, just a mirror reflecting your current reality but in a distorted way. Don't know the exact words but Ithelia tells this to you during dialogue.
I'm sorry, but did I just take on a Daedric Prince (arguably the strongest) while it was imbued by the stolen power of Mora, kick Torvesard in the family jewels while he was stealing Mora's AND Ithelia's power, all without any help from a trinket (looking at you, amulet of kings) and win? I mean I'm flattered that I am finally given the respect I deserve (even though we're still called mortal even though we don't die) but this seems a bit much. After winning that fight I kind of felt like I was Mary Sue RP wise.
About her banishment... since when do powerless realities exist? There is no such thing as existence without magic. Existence by itself in this game's universe is already a magical paradox, and it is never implied that another path or reality is itself a different universe, just a mirror reflecting your current reality but in a distorted way. Don't know the exact words but Ithelia tells this to you during dialogue.
On the topic of contradictions and absurd power scaling. I feel like there is a glaring gap in the "ending" we see here. It's established that Ithelia exists in other paths (her reflections) and that she can traverse to other paths like she does at the end. She does that with the help of mora.
If there is a path where Ithelia absorbed mora's power then what is stopping that Ithelia from invading the paths where she didn't and absorbing more of his power there?
I love that they played around with this whole multiverse aspect and revealed both the strongest and weakest daedric prince in the process. However, this is exactly the problem I have with the multiverse trope it's so hard to get right and wrap up correctly. On a side note I'd love to see an Ithelia cameo in fallout or something, that would be pretty funny.
On the topic of contradictions and absurd power scaling. I feel like there is a glaring gap in the "ending" we see here. It's established that Ithelia exists in other paths (her reflections) and that she can traverse to other paths like she does at the end. She does that with the help of mora.
If there is a path where Ithelia absorbed mora's power then what is stopping that Ithelia from invading the paths where she didn't and absorbing more of his power there?
I love that they played around with this whole multiverse aspect and revealed both the strongest and weakest daedric prince in the process. However, this is exactly the problem I have with the multiverse trope it's so hard to get right and wrap up correctly. On a side note I'd love to see an Ithelia cameo in fallout or something, that would be pretty funny.
Yes, there's that and also the realization I had that I'm not sure multiverses can even exist in TES. Is it not accurate that the creation of multiple realities is exactly what causes a Dragonbreak? The more I think about this Chapter the more I'm inclined to write all of it off as not a part of lore, like how I pretend Blackwood/Deadlands never happened.
In TES IV there was a mention of "The Unseen" which alluded to unique Daedra, with what we know now belonged to Ithelia.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »This confirms that the Vestige is the strongest protagonist, they could probably beat Sheogorath which means even they are the even stronger then the Champion of Cyrodiil post-Shivering Isles and he a Daedric Prince.
If you need any explanation as to how, here are some examples I could provide, Daedric Princes are ONLY All-Powerful when in their OWN realms, outside of their realm you register a higher level of power then them, even Divayth Fyr stated that he himself possessed near God-like Power, in Skyrim Clavicus Vile was not lying when he said the LDB was half as powerful as himself, is it too much to believe the Vestige, a prisoner who once got buffed from the Amulet of Kings could not surpass them?
Also Rada-Al-Saran fought a God and he was not a Prisoner or a Vampire Lord at the time (Who should I point out are drawing power from Molag Bal so they are pretty OP as well) I think the problem here is people relate a Gods sphere of Influence with their combat strength.
Half the Gods probably don't know how to swing a sword properly, you think Dibella is a trained warrior?
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »This confirms that the Vestige is the strongest protagonist, they could probably beat Sheogorath which means even they are the even stronger then the Champion of Cyrodiil post-Shivering Isles and he a Daedric Prince.
If you need any explanation as to how, here are some examples I could provide, Daedric Princes are ONLY All-Powerful when in their OWN realms, outside of their realm you register a higher level of power then them, even Divayth Fyr stated that he himself possessed near God-like Power, in Skyrim Clavicus Vile was not lying when he said the LDB was half as powerful as himself, is it too much to believe the Vestige, a prisoner who once got buffed from the Amulet of Kings could not surpass them?
Also Rada-Al-Saran fought a God and he was not a Prisoner or a Vampire Lord at the time (Who should I point out are drawing power from Molag Bal so they are pretty OP as well) I think the problem here is people relate a Gods sphere of Influence with their combat strength.
Half the Gods probably don't know how to swing a sword properly, you think Dibella is a trained warrior?
ThelerisTelvanni wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »This confirms that the Vestige is the strongest protagonist, they could probably beat Sheogorath which means even they are the even stronger then the Champion of Cyrodiil post-Shivering Isles and he a Daedric Prince.
If you need any explanation as to how, here are some examples I could provide, Daedric Princes are ONLY All-Powerful when in their OWN realms, outside of their realm you register a higher level of power then them, even Divayth Fyr stated that he himself possessed near God-like Power, in Skyrim Clavicus Vile was not lying when he said the LDB was half as powerful as himself, is it too much to believe the Vestige, a prisoner who once got buffed from the Amulet of Kings could not surpass them?
Also Rada-Al-Saran fought a God and he was not a Prisoner or a Vampire Lord at the time (Who should I point out are drawing power from Molag Bal so they are pretty OP as well) I think the problem here is people relate a Gods sphere of Influence with their combat strength.
Half the Gods probably don't know how to swing a sword properly, you think Dibella is a trained warrior?
Don't you think it is strange for a deadric prince to be as easily beaten as a regular bandit? With the same skills and without some sort of power up on the players side?
In Morrowind you had powerful artifacts by the time you were fighting Dargoth Ur or Vivec and Almalexia. You had to be a certain Power level and the enemys were not leveled.
In Oblivion Martin defeated Mehrunes Dargon, Umaril (not a deadric prince but simular) was only beateble thanks to the Crusader stuff and Jyggalag needed the empowerment of Sheogorath.
Skyrim had no god like enemys you defeated. The closest was Alduin and you had Dragonborn powers as well as help form the heroes of Sovengarde. Even a vampire lord needed Auriels Bow. And Miraak needed special Dragonborn skills and you were Dragonborn yourself, so it's a more leveled playingfield.
In TESO you had the Amulet of Kings empowerment when fighting Molag Bal as far as I remember. It's been a few years. You had help by these special with deadric essence empowered kids when fighting Mehrunes Dargon as far as I recall. And unless I forget something there was noone else with godlike powers.
Wasn't it implied that a Daedric Prince's power is affected by how many beings know of/believe in them?
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »[...]
When you fought Molag Bal you were empowered by the Amulet of Kings, perhaps even when the power subsided it still left a mark on them resulting in a permanent and rather substantial increase in power.
The Nerevarine can fight Vivec, Almalexia and Dagoth Ur, you can make an argument for the Tribunal not being as strong as they could due to the absence from the Heart but Dagoth Ur was very much at full-strength, sure the Heart of Lorkhan protected him from death but in raw combat strength he got overwhelmed by the Nerevarine who had no special powers whatsoever, the tools were only for destroying the enchantments placed upon the Heart.
Another thing, in TES IV Oblivion when you become Sheogorath you only have his Godly Power when in the Shivering Isles, you did not fight Ithelia in Mirrormoor, you fought her in Apocrypha, much like Champion of Cyrodiil turned Sheogorath she can likely only draw upon the power of Mirrormoor when she is in Mirrormoor, outside of it she is physically weaker then you are, Gods just are not the overpowered beings you think they are, a lot of their supposed power is just a boast that they cannot back up.
ThelerisTelvanni wrote: »TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »[...]
When you fought Molag Bal you were empowered by the Amulet of Kings, perhaps even when the power subsided it still left a mark on them resulting in a permanent and rather substantial increase in power.
The Nerevarine can fight Vivec, Almalexia and Dagoth Ur, you can make an argument for the Tribunal not being as strong as they could due to the absence from the Heart but Dagoth Ur was very much at full-strength, sure the Heart of Lorkhan protected him from death but in raw combat strength he got overwhelmed by the Nerevarine who had no special powers whatsoever, the tools were only for destroying the enchantments placed upon the Heart.
Another thing, in TES IV Oblivion when you become Sheogorath you only have his Godly Power when in the Shivering Isles, you did not fight Ithelia in Mirrormoor, you fought her in Apocrypha, much like Champion of Cyrodiil turned Sheogorath she can likely only draw upon the power of Mirrormoor when she is in Mirrormoor, outside of it she is physically weaker then you are, Gods just are not the overpowered beings you think they are, a lot of their supposed power is just a boast that they cannot back up.
If we were truly permanently empowered by the Amulet of Kings that power did not show against Mehrunes Dargon or any other notable enemy.
In Morrowind the Nerevarine had the devine desese and got stronger by that, since Master Fyr of the geat house Telvanni removed the negative effects of it. The Nerevarine also had some artifacts. You got the dwemer gloves to whield the sword from Vivec as well the ring from Azura. And as correctly stated Vivec and Almalexia were in a wekend state.
Ithelia did absorbe/steal some of the power from Mora or did I misinterpret that? And Apocrypha is Moras domain. So using that power in the acording domain on top of her own. Also Mehrunes Dargon did not seem weekend in the Imperial City during TES4 Oblivion and Martin used the Amulet of Kings to turn himself into an avatar of Akatosh to beat him. So maybe the Champins of Cyrodiil did not get further empoered because he was "new at the job" and not propperly in sync with Sheogoraths power yet.
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »The way I saw it, we didn't completely defeat Ithelia unaided. We had the power of 3 daedric artifacts (which had been combined into a new one) which had been implied earlier in the questline to be tools actively exerting the will of 3 daedric princes or even powerful enough to have their own will. All while in another prince's realm, whereas it seems she hadn't even fully restored hers yet. And this wasn't enough to defeat Ithelia—we attacked until we had her attention to direct the Mirror of Truth at her. She surrendered after that, depleting allllll the power she apparently had left lol.
Overall, I do feel like it did put us a bit more "on her level" than something grander like (main quest spoilers)the Molag Bal fight.
Túrin_Vidsmidr wrote: »The greatest problem is that completely removing a Daedric Prince, who is an incarnation of vital concepts and who is a part of Padomay, would also remove that concept from reality itself.
That is... a good point. I've already been displeased about the lore of Gold Road and this just makes it far, far worse. There is no reality without the magic of a Daedric Prince unless this is an entirely different Dream itself. Maybe she's out in a sci-fi novel shooting lasers with the Dwemer, but there is no Tamriel without magic in one way or another. Daedric Princes are astral beings; do they even rely on typical magic from Magnus? I'm not even sure it is possible to erase Magnus from existence. I guess you could argue that somehow the Godhead dreamed away Daedric Princes in some reality but I'm not even sure how you'd trigger that even if it were some other Kalpa.
I'm sorry, but did I just take on a Daedric Prince (arguably the strongest) while it was imbued by the stolen power of Mora, kick Torvesard in the family jewels while he was stealing Mora's AND Ithelia's power, all without any help from a trinket (looking at you, amulet of kings) and win? I mean I'm flattered that I am finally given the respect I deserve (even though we're still called mortal even though we don't die) but this seems a bit much. After winning that fight I kind of felt like I was Mary Sue RP wise.
About her banishment... since when do powerless realities exist? There is no such thing as existence without magic. Existence by itself in this game's universe is already a magical paradox, and it is never implied that another path or reality is itself a different universe, just a mirror reflecting your current reality but in a distorted way. Don't know the exact words but Ithelia tells this to you during dialogue.
colossalvoids wrote: »I honestly believe it's just a bad writing what caused any discussions like that, for me this chapter was more like fantasy fanfic and I can not take it as something actually lore-relevant no matter if approved by Beth or not, not even sure if there anyone left in company to actually have valid opinion on that at all.
fall0athboy wrote: »colossalvoids wrote: »I honestly believe it's just a bad writing what caused any discussions like that, for me this chapter was more like fantasy fanfic and I can not take it as something actually lore-relevant no matter if approved by Beth or not, not even sure if there anyone left in company to actually have valid opinion on that at all.
I mean, they're the creators. They ARE the ones who determine what's valid for lore, not you.