Repeatedly booted from server

I'm getting repeatedly booted from the server with errors 307, 201 and 103. And it won't let me back in for several minutes. This has been happening randomly since the last patch. Frequently it was when I teleported to outside my house in north Grahtwood, and around the area of the quest giver, but has happened elsewhere, often when I'm not performing any action. It's been getting worse and tonight was completely unacceptable. I got booted 4 times whilst waiting for the Chimera boss, which meant it took me about 40 mins to actually get to fight it. Then I got booted from the infinite archive after the 1st replicanum fight had finished. This ended my run and forced me to restart. This makes the game completely unplayable. I've spent almost as much time trying to log in as playing today.
  • Quackery
    Same here. I can barely play the game, I keep getting lag spikes +999 constantly. It's impossible to do anything, so I'm getting screwed during this event. Can't even earn any event tickets.
  • ZOS_Kraken
    @shadsie Please look over this article for information on the error.

    Error 307: Booted from server
    Edited by ZOS_Kraken on November 22, 2024 2:33PM
    Staff Post
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