The shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel should be modified to be similar to the map of The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena.
This map is a scan of the original The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena map, I got this map by purchasing The Elder Scrolls Anthology.
Why should the shape of The Elder Scrolls Online map be similar to The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena map?
The events of The Elder Scrolls Online take place during the second era.
No change occurs to the shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel during the second era.
The shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel changes during the events of The Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall.
The shape of the continent of Tamriel changes again in the time period between the end of The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion and before the story of The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim begins.
In The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena it is specified that the entire continent of Tamriel has been explored except the center of the imperial province of Black Marsh, that exploration happened during the Septim dynasty of emperors.
In the history books that can be found in the games, it is mentioned that the Aldmers of the Summerset Isles explored the shores of the continent of Tamriel during the Merethian era.
For all these data, I have taken the map of The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena as the reference for the shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel during The Elder Scrolls Online.
It is possible that the shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel underwent changes during the Merethian era, the first era, and the first centuries of the second era.
Keep in mind that the events of The Elder Scrolls Online take place before the events of The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena.
If the map of the continent had that shape in The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena, it is specified that almost the entire continent is explored in The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena and no event occurred that changed the shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel before The Elder Scrolls 1 Sand.
The shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls Online should be similar to the shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena.
This is the current shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls Online.
This is the map of the continent of Tamriel updated in 2024.
This is the map of the continent of Tamriel.
In the map list, this map is named “Tamriel”.
This map is missing many islands and the shape of the islands that appear on the map is different from those on The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena map.
The shape of the continent of Tamriel is different from that of The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena map.
The bodies of water of Cyrodiil and the other bodies of water that the continent of Tamriel has are not represented on this map.
What improvements could be applied?
Change the shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel to a shape similar to the shape of the map of the continent of Tamriel in The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena.
Add the missing islands to the mainland map of Tamriel and change the shape of the islands that are present in the current map of Tamriel.
Add missing water bodies represented on the map of the continent of Tamriel.
This is a handmade map by me and I have scanned it to obtain the following image.
I have based it on the map of The Elder Scrolls 1 Arena.
This would be the map of the continent of Tamriel in the year 582 of the second era.
Why do some of the territories of Cyrodiil now belong to Elsweyr and the Altmeri Dominion in the year 582 of the second era?
In the year 582, the Altmeri Dominion conquers some lands that previously belonged to the Empire of Emperor Leovicus, taking advantage of the succession chaos in Cyrodiil.
This can be seen on the Cyrodiil PVP map, one of the Altmeri Dominion bases is located south of the city of Bravil.