I’m new to TES universe and lore, so i’m busy designing “story-corners” in my maze in one of my homes with all the books furnishings i found doing IA. Currently I’m busy with Peryite lore because i have vol2 and 3 of Research of Nathien Mortieu. While going down this rabbit hole, I can’t but help to think of the Llodos Plague and the Maulborn cult and how they denounced the tribunal gods in favour of deadric princes, but they never say which of the 17 princes.
Also the way the Maulborn talk about cleansing the land is consistent with Peryite’s philosophy of restoring the natural order through pestilence. Although i could be wrong here, as this seems like a reference to the black plague and how some families that survived did better than before and eventually paved the way to the renaissance (rebirth)?

There’s also reference to the Llodos cure which contain’s Kyne’s heart in a quest and Kyne, from what I read, gives Peryite the spirits of skeevers when they die. (I’m still grinding for the IA skeever, lol)
Could the Maulborn be a secret cult of Peryite?
(Anyways there is so many references to Peryite in recent two chapters, i hope we eventually get to explore The Pit.)