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For the creators of Teso, my journey stops here.

I bought the collectors imperial box edition, and want to thank you for the awesome statue/map/book and hell even the box itself is sweet! and all the digital items.

My experience with the game, and my thoughts. Played Character: Ciffix the Imperial night blade tank / dps Rank v9 .

First of all, i would like to thank all the people that made this game, you guys rock and made a solid solid game.

I never post about why i quit playing a game, but this game almost made me happy that i found an mmo that was so good that i could stop my sub on WoW,

I also know the game has problems and is still young, but my reason is simply something that an mmo really has to have from launch, battlegrounds, wpvp in quest zone's.

The combat system is good, But i have seen better, it keeps reminding me of an mmo that i used to play named The Chronicles of Spellborn this is an old game, and is shut down, but this had a pretty good realtime combat system, go check YT :)
It also reminded me that i was missing something in combat, The combo system that Tera has, the more i was playing it felt that it did miss allot of things, and i know the game is still young, but i know these things will never be added in Teso.

Questing was something that i really liked from 0/50, i'm a hardcore pvp player that never like to do questing, but in this game it was really good and new and i like it allot.
I'm happy they did it this way, and i hope next mmo's will have this quest system.
Then i hit veteran rank, OMG!!! i knew then i was Forced to play trough yet another 100 levels of content. (total 150 level)
Some might say you don't have to, but yes you do! when you want to compete in the endgame. (For me, Endgame is where my game really starts)
The problem that i am facing right now is that i am VR9 40% to go for max level!! But i'm sick of the constant lag, i didn't log on for a week because it's unplayable.
Yeah they are moving the server to eu, but for me it's to late.
Already bought the next expansion WoD for you know what game, to bad this game couldn't keep me going and make me play some more, But this is a good game, nothing special ,but i think it will go ftp, because of all the bot's The game is new and already filled with bots..

This is not new and is a straight copy from Rift mmo.
I do like it, but i felt like playing rift for the time doing the Dolmens.

Solo dungeons
I like this allot, it was tough in the veteran ranks, i sometimes needed a friend to help.
The only problem that i found with solo dungeons is that they where filled with allot of players,This is ok, but entering a solo dungeon and see no mobs because they are all dead is a fast in and out run to the Dungeon boss, but a bit to easy :disappointed:
I do like a challenge :neutral_face:

Group dungeons
I love how hard these are in the veteran ranks, i love the road to learn the tactics of the bosses, and i must say, they are all awesome and well done.

I do raid, but this isn't in the game yet so i can't talk about this.

I'm a hardcore crafter in mmo's i love to do this, and in Teso i love it,
i like the upgrade system.. actually i like all of it, i don't have a bad thing to say about that. GG creators

The main reason for me to play Teso.
But i don't like it.. i love battleground, arena's and world pvp in quest zone's. but Teso doesn't have this..
When i was leveling i am running around fearless afking for long periods because i know that the other factions can't kill or gank me. (i do not mind ganking it's a part of a pvp realm) And yeah we have one big map full of pvEp... witch is to big I.M.O
I walked more then did pvp!
This made me stop playing pvp and focus more on pve, But i'm a pvp player that wants to pvp.. arena and battlegrounds.... I know the game is just released, but it is a standard in mmo's to have battlegrounds.

Nothing bad to say about the skills.
I played an imperial night blade! tank/dps witch was very good in pvp.
The upgrade system was a real nice touch to change the way you play.
Overall you can do whatever you want! But in the end.. We will all chose those same skills that are best :) so time will tell.
All characters will use the same abilities because those are the best one's in endgame raids or pvp.

final words
At launch i know that buggs and errors and dc's will be there, i will never really complain about these issues, but LAG. NO gamer will accept lag.. who thought it was a good idea to not give eu players a server,,, Yes now you respond with you will get one.. but TBH, it's to late and still we don't have one, i somehow feel that we will never see one.
I might come back in a year to see and give this mmo another try, But only if it's p2p.

I hope The game will have it's success, and that it will stay p2p!
From my guild that already has left the game with me.

Good luck and who knows we'll be back..


  • Mothanos
    /agree with 99% of your post.
    But i am alot more frustrated then you are and i dont want to make your post tainted with my rage and many others people disapointment is many design choices Zenimax had made.

    have a good one and maybe we can see each other in AA ;)
  • frwinters_ESO
    BYE! Good riddence. Your PvP section shows you don't pay attention. From day one it was known there would be no arena style PvP. Further developer discussions state they have absolutely no plans for any Arena style PvP. Why even waste your money on a game that you knew didn't have what you were looking for? Don't even answer the question. Resub for WoW
  • ZOS_JasonI
    Greetings! We have closed this thread. We do not allow quitting/goodbye threads on our forums, as they tend to go downhill rather quickly. If you have any questions, be sure to refer to our Code of Conduct.

    We are glad to hear that you enjoyed your time in Tamriel, and we hope to see you back in-game in the near future!
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