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· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Bastion Nymic has killed my joy on this Thursday evening.

Today I tried it for the first time. I went directly into completing the puzzles. First run was bugged. I drank all three red chalices and puked at peryite. It did not open the door. Then I got stuck outside the last boss. So I had to quit the group, do the quest all over again and guess what... it bugged again. I was spawned at the dream section this time. Gathered the nightmare boon and destroyed the orbs three times. By the last orb, I got stuck between the laser walls and couldn't reach neither the last orb nor the last boss. So I quit and tried a third time. We decided not to do the puzzles because, honestly, it wouldn't work. So we went straight to last boss and... it one shot us at around 40% hp at least three times. So we quit and called it a day. I spent over three hours in this event and haven't completed a single one. This feels so sad because these were three hours lost and I know it will be almost impossible to hunt the related achievements, specially the 30 daily quest ones. This is not a content you can complete with the average pug. Yet it seems to be designed to be done with pugs? I don't like it.
(The rest of Necrom is absolutely fun though!)
Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 16, 2024 10:44AM
-On my shoulder, Ms. Ahvine
  • HidesInPlainSight
    Yep, had the middle boss turn invisible. Tried to reset the boss and it did not fix it. Tried relogging and it locked the door. Ended up just abandoning the quest and buying all the Dead Keeper motifs off the guild trader.

    No reason to do dailies now.

    Oh and the fact that the mobs ignore CC immunity is just *chefs kiss*. I spent 4 hours in that public dungeon for the mythic neckless lead on day 2 of the expansion, and had enough of the constant CC spam. I get CC'd less in pvp.

  • Bo0137
    Update: I just logged in back and gave it another shot. This time we had a better group - 4 people over 2k cp. And guess what, the last boss (the one that one shots you) kept 1. restarting at full hp and 2. doing the one shot mechanic without casting the spell. So... it's impossible to do.
    -On my shoulder, Ms. Ahvine
  • CGPsaint
    "Working as intended."
  • Rishikesa108
    Be patient ! Me and my husband in two people finished all puzzles and all bosses. It just takes time. Yes its bugged, I know. Sometime portals do not work, besides in dreaming quarter only one person has to do the puzzle, otherwise is buggy... Take your time and go with guildies, not with pugs. Better if you are in voice chat. You will end up liking it a lot. Good luck
    Man did not weave the web of life – he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself
  • Carcamongus
    I don't know what to say... I've done the bastions 9 times so far, had problems with the Nightmare wing barriers, but nothing as awful as what's described here. My worst criticism is that I didn't have any fun at all. Abyssal geysers, dolmens, harrowstorms, Atoll of Immolation and volcanic vents are more entertaining.
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • evymyu233
    i run nymic with my friend,and the final boss is invisible
  • Daoin
    I don't know what to say... I've done the bastions 9 times so far, had problems with the Nightmare wing barriers, but nothing as awful as what's described here. My worst criticism is that I didn't have any fun at all. Abyssal geysers, dolmens, harrowstorms, Atoll of Immolation and volcanic vents are more entertaining.

    please wipe dolmens off this list lol, i enjoy nymic alot and maybe had 1 problem so far that did not end up in the place being undoable but please wipe dolmens off this list. dolmens are bad enough to have to travel around to 3 in seperate zones when level up the companion skill line is all the enjoyment can be got there i think is knowing it was for companion cause. dolmens are just like the kind of world events seen is deshaan for comparison your running past you see one activate wipe it straight out then continue what you were doing seconds or minutes ago
    Edited by Daoin on June 16, 2023 2:16AM
  • endgamesmug
    Yeah hopefully the puzzle is fixed in the dream version, at this stage its far more hassle than its worth better to ignore and just nuke everything. I thought the final boss repeatedly going back to full health was part of the mechanics 😆, it seems usual to happen 5 times then dead.
  • ESO_player123
    Yeah hopefully the puzzle is fixed in the dream version, at this stage its far more hassle than its worth better to ignore and just nuke everything. I thought the final boss repeatedly going back to full health was part of the mechanics 😆, it seems usual to happen 5 times then dead.

    So, IS this a part of the mechanic? Just ran the Vaermina section for the first time in a group, and the Herald was alternating like 5 times between respawning at full health and hiding and spawning a bunch of adds. It seemed kind of weird.
  • Vynera
    Yeah hopefully the puzzle is fixed in the dream version, at this stage its far more hassle than its worth better to ignore and just nuke everything. I thought the final boss repeatedly going back to full health was part of the mechanics 😆, it seems usual to happen 5 times then dead.

    So, IS this a part of the mechanic? Just ran the Vaermina section for the first time in a group, and the Herald was alternating like 5 times between respawning at full health and hiding and spawning a bunch of adds. It seemed kind of weird.

    Not sure what you mean with "Vaermina section", but if you mean the blue/dreaming section then
    you might want to take look at the adds on the final boss. The nightmare add drops a synergy, if you use it you can see some "ghost" adds. Kill one and you take away a respawn of the boss. So instead of killing the boss 5 times, you can reduce it to 3, which results in a total health of ~5mil like the other 2 bosses.

  • ESO_player123
    Vynera wrote: »
    Yeah hopefully the puzzle is fixed in the dream version, at this stage its far more hassle than its worth better to ignore and just nuke everything. I thought the final boss repeatedly going back to full health was part of the mechanics 😆, it seems usual to happen 5 times then dead.

    So, IS this a part of the mechanic? Just ran the Vaermina section for the first time in a group, and the Herald was alternating like 5 times between respawning at full health and hiding and spawning a bunch of adds. It seemed kind of weird.

    Not sure what you mean with "Vaermina section", but if you mean the blue/dreaming section then
    you might want to take look at the adds on the final boss. The nightmare add drops a synergy, if you use it you can see some "ghost" adds. Kill one and you take away a respawn of the boss. So instead of killing the boss 5 times, you can reduce it to 3, which results in a total health of ~5mil like the other 2 bosses.

    Thanks. Good to know. I killed some nightmares during the final boss fight and have not seen any synergies though. Is it supposed to be on the floor?
  • Vynera
    Vynera wrote: »
    Yeah hopefully the puzzle is fixed in the dream version, at this stage its far more hassle than its worth better to ignore and just nuke everything. I thought the final boss repeatedly going back to full health was part of the mechanics 😆, it seems usual to happen 5 times then dead.

    So, IS this a part of the mechanic? Just ran the Vaermina section for the first time in a group, and the Herald was alternating like 5 times between respawning at full health and hiding and spawning a bunch of adds. It seemed kind of weird.

    Not sure what you mean with "Vaermina section", but if you mean the blue/dreaming section then
    you might want to take look at the adds on the final boss. The nightmare add drops a synergy, if you use it you can see some "ghost" adds. Kill one and you take away a respawn of the boss. So instead of killing the boss 5 times, you can reduce it to 3, which results in a total health of ~5mil like the other 2 bosses.

    Thanks. Good to know. I killed some nightmares during the final boss fight and have not seen any synergies though. Is it supposed to be on the floor?

    Yes, the synergy looks like a pink/purple portal. But only 1 player can take it. If a tank/melee is spamming synergy you might not see it at all.
  • ESO_player123
    Vynera wrote: »
    Vynera wrote: »
    Yeah hopefully the puzzle is fixed in the dream version, at this stage its far more hassle than its worth better to ignore and just nuke everything. I thought the final boss repeatedly going back to full health was part of the mechanics 😆, it seems usual to happen 5 times then dead.

    So, IS this a part of the mechanic? Just ran the Vaermina section for the first time in a group, and the Herald was alternating like 5 times between respawning at full health and hiding and spawning a bunch of adds. It seemed kind of weird.

    Not sure what you mean with "Vaermina section", but if you mean the blue/dreaming section then
    you might want to take look at the adds on the final boss. The nightmare add drops a synergy, if you use it you can see some "ghost" adds. Kill one and you take away a respawn of the boss. So instead of killing the boss 5 times, you can reduce it to 3, which results in a total health of ~5mil like the other 2 bosses.

    Thanks. Good to know. I killed some nightmares during the final boss fight and have not seen any synergies though. Is it supposed to be on the floor?

    Yes, the synergy looks like a pink/purple portal. But only 1 player can take it. If a tank/melee is spamming synergy you might not see it at all.

    Are the "ghost" adds visible to anyone or just the person who activated the synergy? Asking because we were killing everything, so supposedly the "ghost" add should have died by someone???
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    Vynera wrote: »
    Vynera wrote: »
    Yeah hopefully the puzzle is fixed in the dream version, at this stage its far more hassle than its worth better to ignore and just nuke everything. I thought the final boss repeatedly going back to full health was part of the mechanics 😆, it seems usual to happen 5 times then dead.

    So, IS this a part of the mechanic? Just ran the Vaermina section for the first time in a group, and the Herald was alternating like 5 times between respawning at full health and hiding and spawning a bunch of adds. It seemed kind of weird.

    Not sure what you mean with "Vaermina section", but if you mean the blue/dreaming section then
    you might want to take look at the adds on the final boss. The nightmare add drops a synergy, if you use it you can see some "ghost" adds. Kill one and you take away a respawn of the boss. So instead of killing the boss 5 times, you can reduce it to 3, which results in a total health of ~5mil like the other 2 bosses.

    Thanks. Good to know. I killed some nightmares during the final boss fight and have not seen any synergies though. Is it supposed to be on the floor?

    Yes, the synergy looks like a pink/purple portal. But only 1 player can take it. If a tank/melee is spamming synergy you might not see it at all.

    Are the "ghost" adds visible to anyone or just the person who activated the synergy? Asking because we were killing everything, so supposedly the "ghost" add should have died by someone???

    It's only visible to the person who picked up the shard outlined in a green (default color) circle by synergizing with it. Each ghost kill takes one respawn away from the boss. You don't need to do this mechanic, it's just faster.

    Edit: fixed wordie
    Edited by tsaescishoeshiner on June 16, 2023 4:50AM
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Jaraal
    Vynera wrote: »
    Vynera wrote: »
    Yeah hopefully the puzzle is fixed in the dream version, at this stage its far more hassle than its worth better to ignore and just nuke everything. I thought the final boss repeatedly going back to full health was part of the mechanics 😆, it seems usual to happen 5 times then dead.

    So, IS this a part of the mechanic? Just ran the Vaermina section for the first time in a group, and the Herald was alternating like 5 times between respawning at full health and hiding and spawning a bunch of adds. It seemed kind of weird.

    Not sure what you mean with "Vaermina section", but if you mean the blue/dreaming section then
    you might want to take look at the adds on the final boss. The nightmare add drops a synergy, if you use it you can see some "ghost" adds. Kill one and you take away a respawn of the boss. So instead of killing the boss 5 times, you can reduce it to 3, which results in a total health of ~5mil like the other 2 bosses.

    Thanks. Good to know. I killed some nightmares during the final boss fight and have not seen any synergies though. Is it supposed to be on the floor?

    Yes, the synergy looks like a pink/purple portal. But only 1 player can take it. If a tank/melee is spamming synergy you might not see it at all.

    Yeah I discovered this while soloing it. The number of purple flames around the fight are is how many heals the boss gets. And every time you kill the corresponding add you activate a synergy that removes one flame. When he gets down to the last flame, you can burn him down.
  • BlueRaven
    If a daily takes over a 1/2 hr to do, (from pick up to turn in,) it’s not worth it.

    I am happily skipping these. Worst content they ever created.
  • Necrotech_Master
    i dont mind the nymics, the puzzles were fun, and i think the overall difficulty in the instance is fine

    the biggest issues i have with nymics are:
    • the entire ichor step that requires way too many ichors
    • the buggy barriers
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Carcamongus
    Daoin wrote: »
    I don't know what to say... I've done the bastions 9 times so far, had problems with the Nightmare wing barriers, but nothing as awful as what's described here. My worst criticism is that I didn't have any fun at all. Abyssal geysers, dolmens, harrowstorms, Atoll of Immolation and volcanic vents are more entertaining.

    please wipe dolmens off this list lol, i enjoy nymic alot and maybe had 1 problem so far that did not end up in the place being undoable but please wipe dolmens off this list. dolmens are bad enough to have to travel around to 3 in seperate zones when level up the companion skill line is all the enjoyment can be got there i think is knowing it was for companion cause. dolmens are just like the kind of world events seen is deshaan for comparison your running past you see one activate wipe it straight out then continue what you were doing seconds or minutes ago

    I don't like dolmens. My point is that even then, they're more entertaining (to me) than nymics.
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • Quethrosar
    I solo solved the dreamer puzzle, but can't solo the necromancer, he always gets me when he's at 30% with 2 copies.

    I haven't tried the other wings solo yet because quest kept putting me in dreamer even after dropping it. Killing 5 things every time sucks
  • ESO_player123
    I had a joyless evening of my own in the Dreamer section today.

    Went solo, messed up the puzzle somehow, exited and entered again and got the barriers up that were already cleared. So, could not progress. Dropped the quest, got the quest again, killed 5 more Heralds (why are they never in sight when you need them, but everywhere when you do not?). This time solved the puzzle, got to the final barrier before the first boss and lost ability to do anything with the keyboard - no roll dodges, no abilities, nothing (the keyboard worked fine outside the game). So, nothing to do but log out/ log in again. And, of course, the barrier was back up again. So, had to drop the quest again.

    This section is really buggy. I did not encounter anything remotely like this in the other two sections.
  • Malprave
    Sorry about your luck chum. Soloed it this morning when I woke up. Totally refuted the Irrefutable Herald and had a great time doing it.
  • Elsonso
    Daoin wrote: »
    I don't know what to say... I've done the bastions 9 times so far, had problems with the Nightmare wing barriers, but nothing as awful as what's described here. My worst criticism is that I didn't have any fun at all. Abyssal geysers, dolmens, harrowstorms, Atoll of Immolation and volcanic vents are more entertaining.

    please wipe dolmens off this list lol, i enjoy nymic alot and maybe had 1 problem so far that did not end up in the place being undoable but please wipe dolmens off this list. dolmens are bad enough to have to travel around to 3 in seperate zones when level up the companion skill line is all the enjoyment can be got there i think is knowing it was for companion cause. dolmens are just like the kind of world events seen is deshaan for comparison your running past you see one activate wipe it straight out then continue what you were doing seconds or minutes ago

    I don't like dolmens. My point is that even then, they're more entertaining (to me) than nymics.

    The dark anchors are easy and accessible. Players can see them and join in with an impulse decision. No planning or preparation and no need to stop and form up before tackling it. They can be completed solo, or with others around, and while people might complain that they are too easy, they are a very effective world event.

    Dragons are better. They are accessible, but they are a considerable challenge if no one else is around. While this might sound good, if people cannot solo them, and they keep finding no one there, they will eventually stop showing up to see if anyone is there.

    The problem I have with the portals in Blackwood is that the lights are on, but no one is home. Most players cannot solo the final boss, or even fight their way to the final boss, so my guess is that when they see a portal, they learn to just run past it. Whenever I go into one, I am the only one at the boss. That boss fight is not fun, even in a group, so I just grab the nearest portal and leave.

    Necrom doesn't even get to the point where the lights are on. The whole event is entirely forgettable due to numerous barriers. A quest is required, a group is encouraged, between 2 and 5 boss fights are needed just to qualify, and then you can actually get to the interesting part of the event. What I am observing is that the Herald's Seekers are largely ignored, and when not ignored, super annoying to anyone not wanting to participate. My feeling is that these negatives will work together to make them abandoned in record time.
    Edited by Elsonso on June 17, 2023 12:04PM
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Nestor
    Not a fan of the Nymics. At all.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Malprave
    I’ve got to jump back in here because somebody mentioned older zones like Blackwood and not being able to get bosses done because nobody is in the zone. They do events that get people into the dlc zones and that’s the best time to get that content done if you haven’t completed it. If there’s a special event in a zone and you put it out there in zone chat that you need help players will heed the call. Typically, I for one don’t even care if I have the quest or not.
  • Carcamongus
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Daoin wrote: »
    I don't know what to say... I've done the bastions 9 times so far, had problems with the Nightmare wing barriers, but nothing as awful as what's described here. My worst criticism is that I didn't have any fun at all. Abyssal geysers, dolmens, harrowstorms, Atoll of Immolation and volcanic vents are more entertaining.

    please wipe dolmens off this list lol, i enjoy nymic alot and maybe had 1 problem so far that did not end up in the place being undoable but please wipe dolmens off this list. dolmens are bad enough to have to travel around to 3 in seperate zones when level up the companion skill line is all the enjoyment can be got there i think is knowing it was for companion cause. dolmens are just like the kind of world events seen is deshaan for comparison your running past you see one activate wipe it straight out then continue what you were doing seconds or minutes ago

    I don't like dolmens. My point is that even then, they're more entertaining (to me) than nymics.

    The dark anchors are easy and accessible. Players can see them and join in with an impulse decision. No planning or preparation and no need to stop and form up before tackling it. They can be completed solo, or with others around, and while people might complain that they are too easy, they are a very effective world event.

    Dragons are better. They are accessible, but they are a considerable challenge if no one else is around. While this might sound good, if people cannot solo them, and they keep finding no one there, they will eventually stop showing up to see if anyone is there.

    The problem I have with the portals in Blackwood is that the lights are on, but no one is home. Most players cannot solo the final boss, or even fight their way to the final boss, so my guess is that when they see a portal, they learn to just run past it. Whenever I go into one, I am the only one at the boss. That boss fight is not fun, even in a group, so I just grab the nearest portal and leave.

    Necrom doesn't even get to the point where the lights are on. The whole event is entirely forgettable due to numerous barriers. A quest is required, a group is encouraged, between 2 and 5 boss fights are needed just to qualify, and then you can actually get to the interesting part of the event. What I am observing is that the Herald's Seekers are largely ignored, and when not ignored, super annoying to anyone not wanting to participate. My feeling is that these negatives will work together to make them abandoned in record time.

    Ah, damn, I forgot to mention dragons. A pity, because of the world events I mentioned, they're my favorite. The problem you mentioned regarding them is pretty much reality in N. Elsweyr, though people still kill them in the south. The Atoll boss is soloable, but it's such an annoying fight it's barely worth the effort. Since the Blackwood portals don't seem to drop anything special except a lead and are hard to find, I can understand why they're empty. Devs should make them easier to find like in the Deadlands. About the latter, you have to pick the right time to go there and even then hope you're lucky other people did the same. It's also sad to see people with over 1000 cp hitting the boss while he's shielded.

    There are reasons to put up with the bastions now, as they drop leads and there are a few related achievements. As someone else already said, eventually people will get what they're looking for and won't bother with the hassle anymore. If the devs don't make these bastions more accessible and less buggy, their new invention might eventually flop.
    Imperial DK and Necro tank. PC/NA
    "Nothing is so bad that it can't get any worse." (Brazilian saying)
  • Necrotech_Master
    I had a joyless evening of my own in the Dreamer section today.

    Went solo, messed up the puzzle somehow, exited and entered again and got the barriers up that were already cleared. So, could not progress. Dropped the quest, got the quest again, killed 5 more Heralds (why are they never in sight when you need them, but everywhere when you do not?). This time solved the puzzle, got to the final barrier before the first boss and lost ability to do anything with the keyboard - no roll dodges, no abilities, nothing (the keyboard worked fine outside the game). So, nothing to do but log out/ log in again. And, of course, the barrier was back up again. So, had to drop the quest again.

    This section is really buggy. I did not encounter anything remotely like this in the other two sections.

    just as an FYI, if your instance gets buggy, you can reset it like a group dungeon (have someone in the group with nobody in the instance, and toggle difficulty from normal to vet back to normal, and it resets the entire instance including bugged barriers)

    the other person your grouped with does not even have to be online for this to work

    a lot easier and faster than dropping the entire quest and redoing the ichors
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • ZOS_Icy

    This thread has been moved to the Quests and Exploration section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • Sly80
    I had a joyless evening of my own in the Dreamer section today.

    Went solo, messed up the puzzle somehow, exited and entered again and got the barriers up that were already cleared. So, could not progress. Dropped the quest, got the quest again, killed 5 more Heralds (why are they never in sight when you need them, but everywhere when you do not?). This time solved the puzzle, got to the final barrier before the first boss and lost ability to do anything with the keyboard - no roll dodges, no abilities, nothing (the keyboard worked fine outside the game). So, nothing to do but log out/ log in again. And, of course, the barrier was back up again. So, had to drop the quest again.

    This section is really buggy. I did not encounter anything remotely like this in the other two sections.

    Exactly the same thing happened to me in Dreaming; all the keys stopped working. I then restarted and it happened again, so I gave up. Keyboard was fine outside of the Nymic.
  • Lylith
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    If a daily takes over a 1/2 hr to do, (from pick up to turn in,) it’s not worth it.

    I am happily skipping these. Worst content they ever created.

    i couldn't agree more.

    epic tediousness.

    never again.
    Edited by Lylith on August 15, 2024 7:01PM
  • ZOS_Icy

    We have closed this topic as it was originally created in June 2023. In many cases, it's better to create a new thread on a topic that you want to discuss as opposed to bumping one that is rather old.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.