I have over the past while noticed that what I press on the keyboard is not what I get in the game!!! And Initially Blamed ME for not pressing the correct key!
So, A lot of times a person Dies because I did not heal them as the healer, on me! But I am 99.9999% sure I DID, in fact Several Times sometime 10+ Key presses to get 1 working heal. Or I die because i cannot heal myself, or I do not kill something because I did not press the key or pressed the wrong key, and I look down to make sure my finger is on the correct key and pressing it, only to find out I am dead because i did not move!!!
So instead of being a poor workman Blaming his tools, I gave it enough time to be sure, I am Definitely Pressing Keys, they are just not working, So Toughly tested my Corsair K95 Keyboard with Cherry Blue Mechanical keys and it came back as fine, but take no chances, bottle of Isopropanol and cleaned Every Key, and then re lubed them to be sure…. DID NOT HELP, So I blamed the Key Response! And thought I will get a better one for Gaming….
OK Now we are on a Corsair K95 with Cherry Speed Silver Keys, with every trick in the book to make them more responsive, you litterly LOOK AT THIS THING, and it presses keys repeatedly! Makes doing things a pain in the butt, as you brush the key, and it responds… Did Not help!!!!
OK Get with the times!!! Move it all over to a Corsair K100 Keyboard, New Computer Build, now it has to work better!!! NOPE…. Speed test and check the internet, 1Gbps, it’s all fine, OK so it MUST BE ME, between the age, the eyes and the disabilities, things must be coming into End Stage… But wait, I do other things. And I do not have a problem, this is the only problems, on all parts.
Time to get to the bottom of things,
Stand in front of Dummy. Press 12345 and get 1245, or 1345, or 135 or worst 15. Then the same with the next Keyboard, and the next All varying results, Try adding spaces, between the key presses, sometimes it worked other times It will not!
Ok one common factor aside from myself, they are all Corsair Keyboards, this is a plus point, as they all work with ICUE, and in there I can write a macro that will do the keypress at exact times. Now as far as I am aware, the system will “stack” keypresses in cache, it has to or rotations will not work! Especially with mouse presses in between.
The MACRO, was used as it does not rely on the keypress, instead it actually sends the ASCII Code response of the key being pressed, Aside from the G1 key, it takes the keyboard and the User out of the loop, sending Specific Instructions at a specific rate, and can if needed be looped , you would expect the exact same Specific result every time….
But anyway, onwards to the testing!
So Macro, very simple, as I am not wanting anything aside from the Supposed Result to be the exact same!!!
Key Press 1 Down
Wait 634ms
Key Press 1 up
Wait 634ms
Key Press 2 Down
Wait 634ms
Key Press 2 up
Wait 634ms
Key Press 3 Down
Wait 634ms
Key Press 3 up
Wait 634ms
Key Press 4 Down
Wait 634ms
Key Press 4 up
Wait 634ms
Key Press 5 Down
Wait 634ms
Key Press 5 up
Wait 634ms
(Note, on the Down – Wait #, this is actually sending MULTIPLE Keystrokes on repeat, or a single on No Repeat, tried various Settings here as well)
IN Word, 1 2 3 4 5, in Notepad 1 2 3 4 5, in Cyberpunk 1 2 3 4 5, in every application I tried, press G1 and the exact thing happened,
Come into Elder Scrolls Online, and NO It did not work!!! But sometimes it did???? It was a variance of between 1 and 11 keypresses of then G1 key to actually get 1 2 3 4 5
Tried varying the Wait from between 50ms to 2999ms , no difference , sometimes it does, other times it will not, it just depends on god only knows what…
So I have now Bought 3 Really Good Keyboards, Not Cheap!! and in comparison and old £8 keyboard that the cat uses As a Scratching post, Worked Just as well.
Therefore, it’s not Just “Key Lag!”, or bad connection as is the normal “Blame” used by everyone, it looks more like the Server Response , the server is Just not seeing the keystrokes coming into it. Or the server Response is set to a specific input to prevent macros like this, or to actually hinder the rotations. Either way its frustrating!!
AND PS, no I am not going to use it in game, as I would have to write one specifically for each of the Toons, with Each of their rotations including specific times and keypresses , which is not logical because you do not know if You are going to kill it before the end of the rotation, or another has killed it first hit, Hard to do for 1 toon , let alone the 17 I use All the time.
But just thought I would put up the observations, and give you peace that IT IS NOT YOU, nor your equipment, its god only knows what!!!