Saw something this weekend that I have never seen before. Used GF to get Vet Bloodroot for a pledge. The tank was spec'd as a real tank, S&B, Ice Staff, Health, etc. but would not taunt either trash mobs or bosses. Only time I saw a taunt was at the end while fighting the last bosses. Noticed it early on when the Earthgorers and Firehides were running free. I don't know what the tank was doing as I did not see them in those fights.
It came to a head on the fourth boss when the boss would chase down the DDs and Healer while the tank sat there. Was able to watch this one from the rock pads and from my corpse. No Inner Fire, no Pierce Armor, no chains, no cc's, just lots of ice staff Wall of Elements and light attacking with running backwards. I can't recall one skill being used other than self-heals and self-shields. No ultimates at all. On the final boss, the Minotaur ran free chaining and pinning the DDs and Healer. The tank only taunted Gherig Bullblood and pulled him as far away from the Attendant of Blood as possible. It feels like the Amalgam was an accidental victory for the group as the tank kept running in circles, as if to avoid the bosses and pull them apart after the split.
On both the fourth and final boss, the group tried to give the tank some advice via group chat, like "pull the bosses together" and "taunt the boss." Those were met with the same nonsense after wipes with "I know what I am doing" and "You don't have the skill." I don't know where this came from as nobody was on comms, nobody was speed running or lagging, and there was nothing said until the wipes began. Essentially, the group burn had to overcome the tank sabotaging the run.
I've seen fake tanks, new tanks, and bad tanks. This tank knew where the chest locations were, the timing of the rocks floating in the lava, the timing of hedge and adds in Caillaoife, and where Stoneheart would teleport to. It was as if the tank knew the mechanics and knew how to tank but refused to do either. The group was not a low CP group or inexperienced, either. It felt like the tank was intentionally doing the wrong thing. I hope this is not a new trend. This tank wore a pretty specific outfit to easily identify themselves, but don't want to violate ZOS policy.