Possible alternative to "Quest Completed" addon

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
So I have seen a lot of requests on here and other places for an addon that would display any unfinished quests. I know how frustrating it is to be stuck at 61/62 quest in Shadowfen or someplace else. I fully support the request for such addon, but in the mean time, I was thinking if someone could make an alternative for now.

Idea : Put a marker on the map of all the quests (finished/unfinished). Since I don't think there is a way to check if you have done it or not (like the skyshard/lorebook addons) just put all the markers on and then people can travel from one to another and mark it complete manually. This would at least enable them to see which ones to do. Now the locations of the quests would be collected by users them self. I believe esohead has such addon that people can upload data that is then reflected in their addon. Meaning yes, it would take some time to get the community to contribute the locations of the quests, but I think it would be a great alternative since we have no other way of tracking quests.
  • theharven
    Maybe one of my addons could be used for this purpose. Here is the usage scenario: when you see a quest giver you just walk to him, accept the quest and then when you know the quest name just type /custompin in the chat window. Then you enter the quest name and that's it. The pins locations are saved to addons SavedVariables file. You can share this file with others so they can see where are the quest givers. Then they can run from pin to pin and eventually delete the visited pins.
    Addons? Get them all ; )
  • shiroimin
    Yeah, something to that context would be fine. It's really just the fact of sharing that file and getting it up to date.
  • Kentarii
    Soul Shriven
    I've created a Quest Journal addon for keeping track of quests as you complete them.
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