Heya everyone!
I recently published a new addon called
Quick Fashion which is essentially a way to save and organize your frequently-used collectibles. For anyone who is very much into fashion and likes to often change their look (including collectibles, outfits, and titles), you might find this useful. It's also useful for those who have a ton of collectibles and would like a way to save the ones they use frequently and equip them with very little effort.
- Collectible viewer: Displays all collectibles that your character currently has equipped, as well as the title and outfit.
- Profiles: Save different combinations of collectibles/outfits/titles that you use frequently to your profiles, that you can load easily using a slash command or hotkey.
- Favourites: Save collectibles you use frequently to your favourites, and equip them individually with a single click!
- Toggle helm: A simple toggle helm button that works for hats, helmets, and polymorphs.
You can install Quick Fashion through Minion or download it directly using this link:
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions for features, or bug reports, please let me know!
Edited by Lariana on June 21, 2021 11:54PM
Not even daedra have two left feet!