I cannot get my pricing graphs on the tooltip to show for every item, they are showing for some items completely randomly as far as I can tell. I also cannot figure out how to get help with this on esoui for master merchant, it does not appear to be allowing comments or bug reports as far as I can tell, someone please help this not-a-programmer figure out what the heck is going on.
(this is with all add-on's disabled except for Bugreport) Pricing graph is showing for some items like acai berry but not for others like Dreugh wax, so I know it's not a matter of something not being a recent sale. The pricing graph is only going back 4 days, I can't figure out why since none of my time sliders (either in mm or in libhistorie or in LIbguildstore) are set to 4 days. Bug Report is throwing the following type of bug:
bad argument #6 to 'string.format' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'string.format'
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:469: in function 'ProcessDots'
<Locals> individualSale = 2999, item = [table:1]{guild = 1, price = 5998, seller = 15, timestamp = 1714098935, id = "3144515581", wasKiosk = T, buyer = 79655, quant = 2, itemLink = 1909}, timeframeString = "66 days ago", stringPrice = "2,999" </Locals>
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:490: in function 'ProcessSalesInfo'
<Locals> item = [table:1], individualSale = 2999 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:538: in function 'ProcessItemWithTimestamp'
<Locals> item = [table:1], useDaysRange = F, buildOutliersAndStats = F, isValidTimeDate = T </Locals>
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:674: in function 'MasterMerchant:GetTooltipStats'
<Locals> self = [table:2]{personalSalesViewMode = "self_vm", tradingHouseBrowseMarkerHooked = T, client_lang = "en", isInitialized = T, listingsViewMode = "listings_vm", purchasesViewSize = "purchases_vs", effective_lang = "en", gamepadVendorSceneRefreshed = F, guildSalesViewMode = "guild_vm", customTimeframeText = "275 Days", listingsViewSize = "listings_vs", purchasesViewMode = "purchases_vm", name = "MasterMerchant", reportsPostedViewMode = "posted_vm", wwDetected = F, reportsViewMode = "posted_vm", mwimDetected = F, inventoryMarkersHooked = T, tradingHouseOpened = F, salesViewMode = "self_vm", isCtrlPressed = F, isShiftPressed = F, version = "3.8.07", AwesomeGuildStoreDetected = F, viewer = F, supported_lang = T, reportsViewSize = "reports_vs", guildsViewSize = "guild_vs", reportsCanceledViewMode = "canceled_vm", itemsViewSize = "items_vs", isFirstScan = F}, itemLink = "|H1:item:156624:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:...", averageOnly = F, generateGraph = T, zScoreThreshold = 2.054, maxDeviation = 2.7, iqrMultiplier = 1.5, iqrThreshold = 3, useOuterPercentile = F, ignoreOutliers = T, percentage = 5, trimAgressive = F, outliersList = [table:3]{}, bonanzaList = [table:4]{}, statsData = [table:5]{1 = 200}, bonanzaStatsData = [table:6]{}, statsDataCount = 13, versionData = [table:7]{itemDesc = "Aeonstone Shard", itemAdderText = "rr01 white normal materials st...", itemIcon = "/esoui/art/icons/item_u25_aeon...", newestTime = 1718120288, totalCount = 13, wasAltered = F, oldestTime = 1710909392}, salesData = [table:8]{}, avgPrice = 5998 </Locals>
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:2000: in function 'MasterMerchant:GenerateStatsAndGraph'
<Locals> self = [table:2], tooltip = ud, itemLink = "|H1:item:156624:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:...", GetVendorPricing = user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:1966, showTooltipInformation = T, bindType = 0, bindOnPickup = F, itemType = 44, itemId = 156624, showVendorWarning = F, hasGraphInfo = F, validAnalysisButtonType = F </Locals>
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:2788: in function 'MasterMerchant:GenerateStatsItemTooltip'
<Locals> self = [ta
Could someone help me with this, is there a reset I can do or something? I rely on that graph a lot, it's make it very difficult for me to feel any confidence in putting things up for sale. Thanks for any help you can give, this addon above all others seems really technical for me as a user to fix.