Would anyone be so kind to give me an emote index of /teebadribble and /pyromancer emotes?

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I am using the Loreplay Forever addon to play a list of idle animations when im AFK.

I can't figure out where to put /teebadribble and /pyromancer. This is what i have so far:

/script PlayEmoteByIndex(0)

1 /torch
2 /wand2
3 /whistle
4 /horn
5 /lute
6 /flute
7 /drum
8 /drink
9 /eat2
10 /read
11 /potion
12 /angry
13 /applaud
14 /approve
15 /armscrossed
16 /beckon
17 /comehere
18 /come
19 /plead
20 /bless
21 /kiss
22 /shout
23 /boo
24 /bow
25 /cheer
26 /fistpump
27 /cower
28 /cuckoo
29 /disapprove
30 /disgust
31 /downcast
32 /exasperated
33 /facepalm
34 /followme
35 /give
36 /take
37 /stop
38 /handsonhips
39 /handtoheart
40 /headscratch
41 /laugh
42 /yes
43 /no
44 /payme
45 /point
46 /pointb
47 /pointd
48 /pointl
49 /pointr
50 /self
51 /poke
52 /pray
53 /push
54 /rubhands
55 /rude
56 /salute
57 /salute2
58 /salute3
59 /saluteloop
60 /saluteloop2
61 /saluteloop3
62 /shakefist
63 /scared
64 /cold
65 /shh
66 /welcome
67 /surprised
68 /threaten
69 /thumbsdown
70 /wave
71 /crying
72 /dance
73 /dismiss
74 /goaway
75 /leaveme
76 /beg
77 /nod
78 /brushoff
79 /dancedrunk
80 /dustoff
81 /shrug
82 /preen
83 /scratch
84 /jumpingjacks
85 /pushups
86 /pushup
87 /you
88 /knock
89 /pour
90 /sick
91 /stretch
92 /tilt
93 /wagfinger
94 /whisper
95 /phew
96 /yawn
97 /celebrate
98 /ritual
99 /sit
100 /sitchair
101 /crouch
102 /kneel
103 /humble
104 /kneelpray
105 /beggar
106 /shieldeyes
107 /prov
108 /touch
109 /kick
110 /search
111 /thank
112 /hammer
113 /situps
114 /breathless
115 /playdead
116 /sleep
117 /overhere
118 /sleep2
119 /sit2
120 /sit3
121 /sit4
122 /sit5
123 /sit6
124 /pointu
125 /write
126 /huh
127 /hammerwall
128 /hammerlow
129 /thumbsup
130 /curtsey
131 /leanside
132 /leanback
133 /sigh
134 /taunt
135 /greet
136 /hail
137 /hello
138 /bored
139 /drunk
140 /lol
141 /headache
142 /kowtow
143 /congratulate
144 /congrats
145 /grats
146 /flirt
147 /rally
148 /stagger
149 /thanks
150 /thankyou
151 /doom
152 /confused
153 /impatient
154 /tap
155 /twiddle
156 /clap
157 /heartbroken
158 /surrender
159 /controlrod
160 /bucketsplash
161 /shovel
162 /faint
163 /wand
164 /bestowblessing
165 /blowkiss
166 /annoyed
167 /knockeddown
168 /eat
169 /smash
170 /knuckles
171 /blessing
172 /cry
173 /drink2
174 /honor
175 /dishonor
176 /eatbread
177 /eat3
178 /spit
179 /idle
180 /dancebreton
181 /dancealtmer
182 /danceargonian
183 /dancebosmer
184 /dancedunmer
185 /danceimperial
186 /dancekhajiit
187 /dancenord
188 /danceorc
189 /danceredguard
190 /idle2
191 /rake
192 /sweep
193 /leanbackcoin
194 /juggleflame
195 /sad
196 /idle3
197 /idle4
198 /idle5
199 /stomp
200 /drink3
201 /eat4
202 /lookup
203 /attention
204 /dancehighelf
205 /dancewoodelf
206 /dancedarkelf
207 /pie
208 /soupbowl
209 /smallbread
210 /meal
211 /letter
212 /bow2
213 /colder
214 /crownstore
215 /toast3
216 /teatime
217 /kissthis
218 /bellylaugh
219 /goquietly
220 /eat5
221 /flex
222 /bullhorns
223 /admireme
224 /soulgem
225 /parchment
226 /clippers
227 /begone
228 /flipthebird
229 /lineinsand
230 /iseeyou
231 /comegetsome
232 /kickthedirt
233 /whenever
234 /dancefactotum
235 /happyface
236 /sadface
237 /tada
238 /glowglobe
239 /showtime
240 /jugglepumpkin
241 /throweggs
242 /throwtreats
243 /festivalbeggar
244 /skullponder
245 /tracker
246 /greethist
247 /mistletoe
248 /mistletoeposterior
249 /festivebellring
250 /greetdeadwater
251 /greetbrightthroat
252 /greetmurkmire
253 /whittlewood
254 /communehist
255 /juggleteeba1
256 /juggleteeba2
257 /juggleteeba3
258 /catcontemplation
259 /felinehygiene
260 /pedlarbeckoning
261 /cardsharp
262 /gladiatortaunt
263 /mimetugofwar
264 /handpuppet
265 /guarstomp
266 /warmhands
267 /kissfrog
268 /mimewall
269 /esraj
270 /qanun
271 /bannerebonheart
272 /rollingpin
273 /salty
274 /slicefood
275 /goutfang
276 /whisperingclaw
277 /desertrain
278 /brightmoonsgreeting
279 /banneraldmeri
280 /bannercovenant
281 /chaosballvictory
282 /chaosballboom
283 /scorchingchaosball
284 /drinkhorn
285 /dragoncall
286 /dragontrophy
287 /drinkfromskull
288 /summonbat
289 /wardingsymbol
290 /arrowtoknee
291 /sweetroll
292 /ragnarthered
293 /slapknee
294 /arachnophobia
295 /onyourmark
296 /eggscramble
297 /egghatch
298 /angrydustoff
299 /lichen
300 /wickerman
301 /iceblossom
302 /tamelightning
303 /pondermap
304 /bannermorthal
305 /bannerkarthwatch
306 /bannersolitude
307 /biteme
308 /playtinyviolin
309 /cosmicstarburst
310 /falkreathfrolic
311 /alinorallemande
312 /boozyboot
313 /memorialtoast
314 /hiss
315 /firespinning
316 /scarecrow
317 /washyourdamnhands
318 /offerweapon
319 /ragereach
320 /marshmallowtreat
321 /barkeep
322 /ownthrone
323 /misersmuse
324 /dayoflights
325 /firesalts
326 /blowbubbles
327 /crochet
328 /spicysoup
329 /saluteloop2
330 /chefkiss
331 /fightme
332 /twothumbsup
333 /nodice
334 /petplant
335 /ritualcasting
338 /stargazer
339 /flowerfling
340 /bumble
341 /ballista
342 /juggleyarn
343 /stargazer
344 /sitdrink
345 /sworddance
346 /feedbird
347 /popthecork
348 /spyglass
349 /glimmerdust
350 /sitdrink
351 /crabpinch
352 /wheredrink
353 /siegestomper
360 /jig
361 /lookatthis
362 /propose
363 /taichi
364 /weirdkneel
365 /plantyourself
370 /trumpetsolo
391 /lost
396 /ashhopperchomp

/teebadribble (???)
/pyromancer (???)
/eatintimidate (371)
/sitdrink (414)

/ashhopperchomp (396)
/stargazer (343)
/weirdkneel (364)

/wickerman (300)
/bumble (340)

/lookatthis (361)
/lol (140)
/juggleyarn (342)
  • Pelanora
    I just have really no idea what you're asking. But that's a great list, I had no idea there were so many.
    Edited by Pelanora on June 29, 2024 8:45PM
  • KapiteinBoterham
    What number are these?

    /teebadribble (???)
    /pyromancer (???)
  • Nestor
    Are these emoted randomly or in order? If in order, when are you going to be able be idle long enough to get through half that list?
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • KapiteinBoterham
    They're random.

    Loreplay Forever is a really cool addon. I dont really care for the outfit part but the emotes are amazing they add so much life to my characters. It should honestly be in the base game.

    You have "idle emotes" (ones that play after a certain time standing still) and you have "smart emotes" (ones that play by pressing a specific keybind).

    This is what one of my "smart emotes" lists looks like for when i killed a boss (always funny to throw in a /chefkiss for example):
    			["EventName"] = EVENT_KILLED_BOSS,
    			["Emotes"] = {
    				[1] = 178,
    				[2] = 175,
    				[3] = 62,
    				[4] = 22,
    				[5] = 12,
    				[6] = 20,
    				[7] = 14,
    				[8] = 24,
    				[9] = 212,
    				[10] = 25,
    				[11] = 38,
    				[12] = 41,
    				[13] = 46,
    				[14] = 54,
    				[15] = 75,
    				[16] = 78,
    				[17] = 81,
    				[18] = 83,
    				[19] = 91,
    				[20] = 93,
    				[21] = 95,
    				[22] = 96,
    				[23] = 125,
    				[24] = 133,
    				[25] = 140,
    				[26] = 25,
    				[27] = 143,
    				[28] = 144,
    				[29] = 145,
    				[30] = 293,
    				[31] = 170,
    				[32] = 330,
    				[33] = 274,
    				[34] = 273,
    				[35] = 228,
    				[36] = 230,

    And this is what one of my "idle emotes" lists looks like when I'm inside my player home:
    		["Housing"] = {
    			[1] = 10,
    			[2] = 10,
    			[3] = 99,
    			[4] = 119,
    			[5] = 120,
    			[6] = 121,
    			[7] = 122,
    			[8] = 123,
    			[9] = 138,
    			[10] = 194,
    			[11] = 210,
    			[12] = 104,
    			[13] = 9,
    			[14] = 72,
    			[15] = 209,
    			[16] = 208,
    			[17] = 8,
    			[18] = 173,
    			[19] = 118,
    			[20] = 116,
    			[21] = 157,
    			[22] = 201,
    			[23] = 164,
    			[24] = 102,
    			[25] = 104,
    			[26] = 52,
    			[27] = 107,
    			[28] = 179,
    			[29] = 190,
    			[30] = 196,
    			[31] = 197,
    			[32] = 198,
    			[33] = 210,
    			[34] = 31,
    			[35] = 363,
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    Try the chat window: first, you can find how many emotes there are in total:
    /script d(GetNumEmotes())

    Then you can list a subrange of these emotes (there are over 400 in total, so the chat window can't show all of them, so you need to show only some of them):
    /script for i=1,10 do d(GetEmoteInfo(i)) end

    There are ways to find the emotes you're looking for with smarter code, this is just something I came up with in a few minutes. Hope it helps.
    Edited by Beilin_Balreis_Colcan on June 30, 2024 9:19AM
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    /teebadribble = 560
    /pyromancer = 846
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • KapiteinBoterham
    seems a little high...
    Edited by KapiteinBoterham on June 30, 2024 1:20PM
  • KapiteinBoterham
    actually it was:

    /teebadribble = 255
    /pyromancer = 402
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