As any tank out there knows, there have been a few block bugs over the years, causing all sorts of issues. As any tank out there knows, one that persists is the time before a heavy attack hits that you need to start bracing. Depending on latency issues and frame rates and the rng gods, this time can range anywhere from 1 to 2 seconds. Failure to start blocking (brace) within this time frame will result in a heavy attack landing fully.
Tanks have learned to deal with these issues, we know we have to brace long before the heavy attack fully charges, we've learned to live with it. Which brings me to this the, latest mythic - Rourken Steamguards: While Bracing, you gain Steam Guardian for 0.5 seconds, reducing your damage taken by 90%. This effect activates only upon the start of Bracing and can occur once every 10 seconds. Blocking any attack while Steam Guardian is active reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds, up to once per application of the effect.
You have put an effect, triggered by starting to brace, which only lasts 0.5 seconds. That is far too short and far too precise for this item to be of any use given the reality of how imprecise blocking actually is. So, my question to ZOS is: Why? Would any Dev care to come and explain what the thought process is behind this?