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It's virtually impossible to complete the VoM quest.

This is my 4th attempt on a new toon every time at least one person runs past everything and bugs out the quest, even if I let people know I'm trying to do it.

If the design philosophy of the base game is going to continue to be such that a single player of any role can just run past everything easily and force everyone else to go along, can we at least get skip-able dialog, or automatic quest stage completion when killing bosses like in some other dungeons?

I'm about to resort to soloing normal in nBRP grind gear.

  • Veinblood1965
    That was my experience recently on my nightblade. Running dungeons for the first time and taking a quest. Some of the older dungeons require you to kill certain bosses or talk to the npc for a long time inbetween and by the time I talked to the NPC the others would run past the side boss or not wait for me.
  • El_Borracho
    VoM has always been the most annoying when it comes to the quest. The amount of time the NPCs take to just to walk to the point where they start blabbering is forever. Tempest Island has this issue as well. They just need to speed it up.
  • tincanman
    It's a pity not being able to complete the VoM quest at least once as, story-wise, it's one of the better ones.

    It is soloable but the second boss can be annoying with the mid-air hang mechanic. Maybe try looking for a specific group before running it?

    Agree for expediency, though, the dungeon quests generally should probably auto-complete at each phase as necessary. And/or soloable (eg direfrost).

  • AcadianPaladin
    Anymore, I will only solo VoM (normal) or run it with friends on discord. When I pug it, I get killed by the first boss' return damage beam because someone leaves a summon out or doesn't stop damage once the beam starts. Then someone races across the bridge to the chubby flesh atronach (lighting the bridge on fire killing anyone on the bridge). Soloing the harvester boss is okay, just tedious since you spend most of the time in the air. A long HoT and a decent companion helps.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Auberon1983
    I soloed VoM too many times on my Warden Healer (I was desperate for Worm Raiment...lucky me next update made it moot).

    First Boss - Put your companion away! Your companion can end up killing you inadvertently. Also, time your DoTs, instead try to use single target, then heal when necessary.

    Harvester Boss - Use your companion! Note the mech will only target you, so lay down HoTs and DoTs. Pain in the booty, but more annoying than difficult.

    As to @ssewallb14_ESO , if you are on PS/NA, I will happily run the VoM with you, and will not race ahead. Take all the time ya need.
  • ClowdyAllDay
    Moot means it is an arguable point.
  • Auberon1983
    Moot means it is an arguable point.

    It also means "have no, or limited, practical relevance"
  • CrashTest
    Make your own group.
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    I soloed VoM too many times on my Warden Healer (I was desperate for Worm Raiment...lucky me next update made it moot).

    First Boss - Put your companion away! Your companion can end up killing you inadvertently. Also, time your DoTs, instead try to use single target, then heal when necessary.

    Harvester Boss - Use your companion! Note the mech will only target you, so lay down HoTs and DoTs. Pain in the booty, but more annoying than difficult.

    As to @ssewallb14_ESO , if you are on PS/NA, I will happily run the VoM with you, and will not race ahead. Take all the time ya need.

    I ended up soloing it, thanks for the offer though. I too went through the wondrous experience of solo farming VoM for that Worm Cult Resto years ago.

    I just find the design aspect frustrating when I can't reasonably expect to complete a quest for content I queued up for.

    Edited by ssewallb14_ESO on May 16, 2024 3:17AM
  • SeaGtGruff
    tincanman wrote: »
    It's a pity not being able to complete the VoM quest at least once as, story-wise, it's one of the better ones.

    It is soloable but the second boss can be annoying with the mid-air hang mechanic. Maybe try looking for a specific group before running it?

    Agree for expediency, though, the dungeon quests generally should probably auto-complete at each phase as necessary. And/or soloable (eg direfrost).

    I very seldom run dungeons with other players, but when I do I've learned not to accept the quest.

    The first boss of VoM is the toughest for me to solo, but I didn't realize there was a "return damage" mechanic, so I'll adjust my approach accordingly.

    For the second boss, I generally cast Soul Trap right before it lifts me into the air, and whack away with my greatsword or battleaxe while I'm able to. It takes a long time to kill the boss, but I've learned to be patient. If I'm on a character that has another DOT skill, I'll cast that just before casting Soul Trap.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Auberon1983
    Glad you got it done @ssewallb14_ESO !

    But yes, you're correct. When you're actually trying to do the quest and get that skill point, it can incredibly frustrating if people are just zipping through.
  • EnerG
    With VoM if I have quest I always let people know right away so they know I need to talk to people and to not kill the story bosses untill I catch up. 95% of the time this is all it takes. Just speak up and say if you rush it bugs my quest, please wai
  • Hapexamendios
    The only way I was able to do it with a pug was whip through the dialogue as fast as possible and run to catch up. That isn't always possible though. Best is premade group.
  • Orbital78
    I ended up soloing it, thanks for the offer though.

    IMO some of the older dungeons should be updated to make the dialogs optional and just have the quest similar to new dungeons where they auto complete at the end. One of my newer chars was missing the Volenfell dungeon quest and it kept bugging out at the lever part to update it, so I just had to end up soloing it as well. :/

  • Dragonnord
    1 - Solo it in normal mode (super easy with a tank companion)
    2 - Do it with friends
    3 - Do it with guild mates
    4 - Create custom questing group in group finder
    6 - Form questing group in zone chat
    7 - Form questing group in Discords
    8 - Ask for direct help in zone chat, Discords or this forum
    Edited by Dragonnord on May 16, 2024 2:42PM
    SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes
  • MasterSpatula
    People wanna blame ZOS for stuff like this, and certainly ZOS could have done a better job of updating the quest for newer paradigms of how dungeon quests work (or locking out further stages until the quest updates).

    But honestly, the bulk of blame for this phenomenon rests with the players. It's players who are, for some reason, really averse to just--you know--doing the dang content. it's players who find baseline-level consideration an unbearable burden. it's a sad statement on a community that was for so long considered a good one that this has become such a problem.
    Edited by MasterSpatula on May 16, 2024 10:32AM
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • dinokstrunz
    lmao just run it solo or form your own group sheeesh :D
  • moderatelyfatman
    This is my 4th attempt on a new toon every time at least one person runs past everything and bugs out the quest, even if I let people know I'm trying to do it.

    If the design philosophy of the base game is going to continue to be such that a single player of any role can just run past everything easily and force everyone else to go along, can we at least get skip-able dialog, or automatic quest stage completion when killing bosses like in some other dungeons?

    I'm about to resort to soloing normal in nBRP grind gear.


    Everytime I've asked my PUG to slow down because I'm doing the story quest, they have. Likewise, I always make it a point to slow down whenever another player does the quest.

    I guess you haven't been lucky whilst I have??
  • JanTanhide
    tincanman wrote: »
    It's a pity not being able to complete the VoM quest at least once as, story-wise, it's one of the better ones.

    It is soloable but the second boss can be annoying with the mid-air hang mechanic. Maybe try looking for a specific group before running it?

    Agree for expediency, though, the dungeon quests generally should probably auto-complete at each phase as necessary. And/or soloable (eg direfrost).

    True! But the Harvestor never kills ya. At least it never has killed my characters even in Vet. Only real issue is time. Once it releases your character you only have a few seconds to fling a couple of skills, or buff up or whatever before it grabs your character again so it takes time.
    But, if you bring along a Companion and have it do damage it will stand in the blue fire and hammer away. LOL
  • JanTanhide
    This is my 4th attempt on a new toon every time at least one person runs past everything and bugs out the quest, even if I let people know I'm trying to do it.

    If the design philosophy of the base game is going to continue to be such that a single player of any role can just run past everything easily and force everyone else to go along, can we at least get skip-able dialog, or automatic quest stage completion when killing bosses like in some other dungeons?

    I'm about to resort to soloing normal in nBRP grind gear.


    Yep, way too many inconsiderate players in the game now. Even when you type in Chat at the beginning of dungeon runs that you are doing the quest so many just ignore it and speed run the dungeon.
  • SerafinaWaterstar
    Join a decent guild. Only way I run dungeons is with guildees I know.
  • AnduinTryggva
    This is my 4th attempt on a new toon every time at least one person runs past everything and bugs out the quest, even if I let people know I'm trying to do it.

    If the design philosophy of the base game is going to continue to be such that a single player of any role can just run past everything easily and force everyone else to go along, can we at least get skip-able dialog, or automatic quest stage completion when killing bosses like in some other dungeons?

    I'm about to resort to soloing normal in nBRP grind gear.


    That's why we really need a storymode difficulty level so that you can run it solo or with a friend but easy mode with very limited reward apart from the quest reward. I think it would be ok if bosses don't drop set pieces in storymode but maybe only gold or some mats.
  • valenwood_vegan
    It totally sucks that some players are selfish and inconsiderate. There could also be various other reasons why they didn't allow OP to complete the quest, such as not speaking the same language and thus not understanding that OP wanted to do the quest; or being new or inexperienced and not even knowing that they can bug out OP's quest by moving ahead with the dungeon.

    It's an old dungeon with a particularly poorly designed quest, yes. Hopefully it can be updated at some point so that quest completion can't be blocked by other group members.

    But the ultimate issue here is using a PuG to obtain a specific outcome. Random groups of random people produce random results. I've been in PuG's with great players who happy to wait for people to quest; and awful players who are just out for themselves. It is what it is - you can't control other people.

    The best thing is to control what you actually can control - form your own group using the tools available, such as friends, guilds, the group finder, or even zone chat. Solo it on normal with a companion (or even if not soloable, it should absolutely be doable with one other player on normal, making it even simpler to put a custom group together to achieve the specific goal). There are options that are available *now* - I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on ZoS to solve the problem (though I hope they eventually do address dungeon-questing through a story mode and/or fixes to bring old dungeon quests up to newer standards).
    Edited by valenwood_vegan on May 16, 2024 3:12PM
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