Looking for PT based guild for raids (newish)

I played ESO a ton when it was released and for a long time after, enough to max crafting on 1 toon and go through CL changes. I love playing healer in ESO and would love to find a guild that does raiding (not hardcore) during evening times in the pacific time zone as I live in Oregon. I very much love doing all content in the game (except pvp) and love to get guild groups going to complete dungeons and other activities.

Any guilds still active in this looking for more players?
  • Sonnir
    Hi there!
    I have a guild that could be of interest to you.
    We do scheduled trial runs on the weekends. We have an all oakensoul vet trial group that runs on Saturday's at 6pm. And our open normal trial gear runs are at 7pm on Sunday's. Pug trials during the week whenever people need gear. :)
    It is a small guild of people interested in doing group content together. We also have a discord.
    It is called The Residual's. If it sounds interesting to you, you are welcome to mail me ingame @Sonnir
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