What is the point of Morphs if all the ESO Devs are going to do is dedicate entire skill trees to specific functions?
My main I originally rolled with was a Warden. I always lean towards the more ranger / druid / nature type fighter classes. Fits me best. Over the years I've grown frustrated with the constant nerfs to a class that's always seemed a bit sub-par at harder endgame content. Granted I didn't start playing ESO until 2020. I've adapted my warden from being Stamina to utilizing frost. I prefer to play as DPS, although I will tank when they need arises. I've really started to like my Frost Warden quite a bit, especially for solo. I'd love to have two Wardens, one Stamina, One Magika cause I do enjoy variety.
But now the devs are threatening to strip the Frost DPS away and make the Frost Skill Line focused on Tanking? So what's the point of Morphs? Are there no creative directors or writers, or artists left at ZOS? This doesn't seem like a very good or creative solution to what ails the Warden class. It doesn't need a rework like this. It needs a slight, and I mean slight buff. Isn't this still an RPG?
Why not make Morphs a thing again. Each line could be one of two combinations: Stamina DPS/ Magika DPS. Tank/DPS. Heal/DPS. or Tank/Heal. Why not go this route? Make Morhs actually mean something and represent a choice. For the warden, Frost could be Magika DPS or Tanking. Each morph either is a full DPS skill or a more defensive one depending on what you choose. Wasn't that how it was originally envisioned? Just do a better and more thorough job. Maybe take some time to LISTEN to the community on what is wrong with Wardens. Please.
I feel like the devs don't listen. Like at all. It's been super frustrating since U39. I came back with high hopes that things were improving... but now they are gonna strip away the fun I have found playing a warden... AGAIN.