oh sht here we go again... And as always, the section where is Warden DPS? For more than a year and a half, Warden has not been played as a DPS in ESO at all! We look at the well-known site ESO logs. Let's watch the latest HM trials. all classes in the role of DD are represented in one way or another. Except who? You nailed it!! Warden!!!ding ding ding!!! And what did the latest patch 41 bring us? But you probably don’t know, so I’ll say it. DPS dropped even lower. Wow!!!! maybe we can delete this class? because apparently the developers hate it! and I'm very sorry for the people who made him their main character. People like me. or let's humiliate him even further! take away his dps abilities altogether. Why are they? Warden is now only a healer. Not even a tank
But to be fair, I will only say this in PVE. In pvp he feels great. But we're not here for pvp, right?
So what will we do next? Let other classes receive buffs and improvements, but not Warden. I'm so tired of this careless attitude. play a meta arcanist and don't whine players... yes, thanks