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Who do we have to bribe with choclate cake to get some stamplar love?

No, really, stamplar NEEDS some love, lets go over the list of what stamplar has
  • An objectivly inferior version of the class spammable which lacks the healing on hit
  • A small circle that provides a comically low Heal over time effect but also a solid stamina sustain
  • A burst damage morph that dosn't burst or damage
  • A cc skill that is slow, clunky, easily dodged and expensive
  • The ability to "consume" corpses to restore stamina and health

And, that's literally it, everything else in templars kit is catered to the magplar playstyle, so could we get a little Stamplar Love or at the very least bring their abilities up to par with the mag counterparts and give them a means of healing
  • ItsNotLiving
    It’s not just Stamplar it’s Templar in general. Templar just sucks simple as.
  • Theist_VII
    While I agree Stamplar needs love, I don’t believe that Biting Jabs is inferior to Puncturing Sweeps, in fact, the opposite.

    Necessary Major Buff > Low Healing

    Ultimately, both morphs of Puncturing Strikes need to do all of the damage completely in an AoE if the skill is going to warrant how little damage it does, especially considering the Minor/Major Evasion reductions associated with AoE skills.

    To list a few things I would like to see changed…
    • Full cleave on Puncturing Strikes or consider it single target damage with splash.
    • Convert either Explosive or Toppling Charge into a stamina cost skill.
    • Make Sun Shield a skill that does more, and scale better into health, or even attach a unique weapon/spell damage scale.
    • Give Repentance back its old interaction with pet corpses, as taking it away has killed the skill completely.
    • Change a morph of Nova into a defensive ultimate.
    • Revert a morph of Radiant Destruction back to Blinding Flashes.
    • Lastly, finish hybridization so Templar can finally get away from Spell Power Potions that only restore magic.

    With the above mentioned changes, stamina Templar would become much more enjoyable.
    Edited by Theist_VII on March 31, 2024 1:01AM
  • moderatelyfatman
    notyuu wrote: »
    No, really, stamplar NEEDS some love, lets go over the list of what stamplar has
    • An objectivly inferior version of the class spammable which lacks the healing on hit
    • A small circle that provides a comically low Heal over time effect but also a solid stamina sustain
    • A burst damage morph that dosn't burst or damage
    • A cc skill that is slow, clunky, easily dodged and expensive
    • The ability to "consume" corpses to restore stamina and health

    And, that's literally it, everything else in templars kit is catered to the magplar playstyle, so could we get a little Stamplar Love or at the very least bring their abilities up to par with the mag counterparts and give them a means of healing

    I agree with you 100%. Stamplar was once my favourite class in my earlier days but it just isn't viable any more. The devs could easily fix things by increasing both the damage and stamina cost of the morph by 50% each which would prevent magicka builds from using it as a spammable and make up for the loss of dps from not having Radiant Oppression as an execute.

    PS: Can you crowd fund a larger cake and get them to fix the Stamden as well?
    Edited by moderatelyfatman on March 31, 2024 3:47AM
  • notyuu
    It’s not just Stamplar it’s Templar in general. Templar just sucks simple as.

    I specified stamplar here as to avoid confusion with people who'd show up and basically go "what you mean? templar got murder laser and meaty heal"
    Telos_Tim wrote: »
    While I agree Stamplar needs love, I don’t believe that Biting Jabs is inferior to Puncturing Sweeps, in fact, the opposite.

    Necessary Major Buff > Low Healing

    1: the buff is easily obtained from a fist full of weapon skills, pots and even sets
    2: Low Healing > No Healing

    Telos_Tim wrote: »
    Ultimately, both morphs of Puncturing Strikes need to do all of the damage completely in an AoE if the skill is going to warrant how little damage it does, especially considering the Minor/Major Evasion reductions associated with AoE skills.

    To list a few things I would like to see changed…
    • Full cleave on Puncturing Strikes or consider it single target damage with splash.
    • Convert either Explosive or Toppling Charge into a stamina cost skill.
    • Make Sun Shield a skill that does more, and scale better into health, or even attach a unique weapon/spell damage scale.
    • Give Repentance back its old interaction with pet corpses, as taking it away has killed the skill completely.
    • Change a morph of Nova into a defensive ultimate.
    • Revert a morph of Radiant Destruction back to Blinding Flashes.
    • Lastly, finish hybridization so Templar can finally get away from Spell Power Potions that only restore magic.

    With the above mentioned changes, stamina Templar would become much more enjoyable.

    1: would be neat
    2: yes
    3: that does need addressing but it's a magplar/tank skill, thus not relevant to the thread
    4: Repentance dosn't fit the templar class theme of being a divine warrior at all, replace it with something else
    5: Or make nova not junk tier
    6: NO, it was horrible to play agsaint
    7: That's kinda what the entire thread is about...

  • Theist_VII
    Are we talking about the same skills?

    One objectively does more damage than the other morph while providing a necessary buff, which if you touched an alchemy table you would see the benefit of that, the other provides a minuscule heal that scales off of a % of damage when we’ve already established the skill does less of that than it’s other morph.

    As for your other comments…

    Sun Shield or better yet Blazing Shield is a defensive/burst skill, not a tank or MagPlar skill, it used to be incredible for lining up your burst on StamPlar, and is completely relevant when discussing how to improve the class as a whole, but it’s so weak now it’s become useless, if you’ve been here long enough to see Blinding Flashes, you would have been aware of that…

    Now for your hot take on Blinding Flashes, no it wasn’t horrible to play against, it was Shuffle but for Magicka, dodging attacks did not break the game, it provided a means to stay offensive when Stamina Templar is forced into spammables that all have cast times, meaning every time you try to line up your burst, an enemy can shut you down… this is the major root problem when playing the class. Having strong HoTs is part of the remedy to that, but they do nothing to prevent you from getting stunned mid offensive, where having a skill that allows you to occasionally dodge a stun makes your offense less interruptible, allowing you to actually hit Backlash’s cap.

    Other classes enjoy the ability to block-cast their entire offensive window and don’t have the same problem. You can just get on a Dragonknight where all of your damage heals you while holding block, and then the only time you drop block, you’re either becoming immune to 97% of damage or getting a whole healthbar over shield and half of your resources back.

    Night and day experience playing both classes open world.

    While I agree a corpse mechanic for a holy warrior, is weird, that wouldn’t be the case if you could steal corpses from your Necromancer opponent or from your Necromancer teammates.

    Templar does not have a native defensive ultimate. Remembrance used to be one when it had its unique 30%+ protection when channeling it, but that’s been stripped from the skill for years now. Part of Stamina Templar’s problem, is that the class is too dependent on HoTs, or healing in general, and the only damage skills we have are extremely weak, or made weak by buffs like Minor/Major Evasion.

    Fixing Templar in any and all of it’s forms is a multi-faceted solution, one that addresses the extreme dependence that the class has on weapon/spell damage to survive because all of their defensive and offensive skills worth slotting, scale with it, while other classes get to enjoy and try out all of the new proc sets.

    Templar is stuck in 2016, except it’s 2024 now and we’re stuck with a choice between, moving incredibly slow to have damage, or constantly floating around 30% stamina to get damage from sets like Coral Riptide.

    Such fun and engaging gameplay. /s
    Edited by Theist_VII on March 31, 2024 10:24PM
  • moderatelyfatman
    Telos_Tim wrote: »
    Are we talking about the same skills?

    Templar is stuck in 2016, except it’s 2024 now and we’re stuck with a choice between, moving incredibly slow to have damage, or constantly floating around 30% stamina to get damage from sets like Coral Riptide.

    Such fun and engaging gameplay. /s

    Aside from the DK and Arcanist, all the other classes are currenly lackluste and need a major makeover.
    It unbelievable that this aspect of the game has fallen into such neglect.

  • Bluestin
    Templar in general just isn't in a very good place right now.
  • TechMaybeHic
    I'm not sure what makes a stamplar, a stamplar these days but the stam version rune focus has a better hot, biting jabs does more splash damage, stsm backlash took a hot by losing minor breech for the duration but sundered does damage rather than some heal at a random location you won't be in. And you can run executioner for an execute if you somehow can't afford the magicka for beam. Whatever execute you use; I fund binding javelin better than aurora because tge last thing I want is blasting someone just out of reach.

    End of the day; you can mix match what you want stam and mag; but as the one poster mentioned; with Minor sorcery only it leads you to mag pots.

    With both mag and stam templar; there just isn't much thst stands out to function better than any other class anymore
  • mmtaniac
    I would love to see some love for templar, but it's nowhere nearby. Maybe scribing will change something and give us some lacking justice but the more i play this game the more i know how this work and other classes will perform better with scribing. Templar problem is tank meta, templars dislike playing against tank builds. We perform better against less armored enemies wchich is irony because spear is one of most strong weapon against armored targets but in this game it's useless against them.
  • TechMaybeHic
    One thing that bothers me with templar, is extended ritual used to be a strength. Now; you need 2 or 3 purges to get everything off you. Sucks for templar in general bit does impact "stamplar" more
    Edited by TechMaybeHic on April 2, 2024 11:09AM
  • Mansquito
    Extended Ritual needs to remove more debuffs, probably double what it does now.

    Jabs needs a damage buff in both morphs either in the form of directly altering the numbers for the skill or addressing skills such as Solar Barrage. I'd argue both need adjusting.

    Barspace is an issue with Plar more than other classes, either add Major Breach to PotL and Purifying Light or add it to one/both of the Jabs morphs.

    Solar Barrage is useless. Why would you use it over Camo Hunter? 5% damage on class skills and a weak aoe dot Vs 3% damage to ALL skills plus potential for another 5% from minor berserk plus the added bonus of having a skill to detect nightblades. It's a no brainer, especially given that most people will use Dawnbreaker over Crescent Sweeps, which just amplifies the differences even further. Add a snare to this skill and another 5% damage to class skills, bringing it to 10%, remove the snare from Jabs.

    Remove minor protection from Aedric Spear passives and add it to one of the runes. As a healer or even on backbar as a DD you don't benefit from this like you do with other classes such as the Warden.

    Turn Repentance into an aoe HoT which is buffed depending on how many bodies are nearby, rather than a one off burst heal. Or keep Repentance as it is and make the other morph what I suggested. So then you have either a burst heal or a HoT depending on what you prefer.

    Change Everlasting Sweep ultimate to something different, perhaps a more expensive but more bursty class ultimate. If you compare the class ultimates of the Templar to all the other classes you can see a huge discrepancy in potential. Crescent has a place due to its cost but the rest are poor. DK has 3 fantastic ultimates, Warden has some fantastic ultimates, Nightblade - fantastic ultimates, Necro - good ultimates. Plar has the worst of the lot.

    Finally, make Dark Flare instant or reduce the cast time. The idea of the Plar is to be strong in its 'house' but not mobile or dangerous outside of it, hence all of the runes. But then the class has no ability to hit targets at range from within its runes unless you spam execute, it has no burst or sustained pressure, you cannot fit a stun onto the bar without sacrificing something important. It's a mess and needs some support.
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