Personally, I think the fact that so many eso players absolutely suck at playing co-op content is only half the problem. The other side of the coin is that eso dungeons are designed in such a way that whenever a design choice was made, it rewards the worst type of gameplay.
For example, no bottlenecks that require the whole group to be present to pass means that team cohesion is at best irrelevant and at worst an obstacle to the rushing egoists. The Leeroy Jenkins who rushes ahead and lets the rest of the group jog behind is not punished for playing solo when they queued for a group activity, but instead they are rewarded with faster completion. That the people trying to catch up may lose out on boss loot drops when the solo Leeroy finishes the boss before the rest can even get there is a travesty from a group-content design standpoint, but rewards the Leeroy with their drop and screw the rest of the team, who needs them. Normal dungeons easily being soloable by one heavy dps means that all other roles are either at best useless because everything is cleared before they can get to the action, or at worst it actively encourages lying about what role somebody's gonna actually play (spoiler, it's ALWAYS dps).
Eso dungeons encourage the worst play styles, punish people for actually trying to play the (mandatory!!, otherwise group finder won't even pop without a "healer" and a "tank") roles in dungeons and despite having the potential for being among the best co-op experiences in the current MMO space, spectacularly fail at fostering actual co-op play.
And how could I forget one of the worst bits: you can't even curate who you want to play with, since there's no way to block players from being sorted into queues with you - the ignore function only blocks their chat visibility (and even for that bread crumb you have to perfectly remember their name to type it into a separate window [good lück if they used any special letters], or you have to hope that they typed in chat at some point so you can right click their name for a context menu). The whole thing seems like it's designed to funnel victims towards bad players who will try to "beat them" in the dungeon and dishonest players who fake queued as tanks or heals to skip the queue.
Edited by Skyrghren on April 10, 2024 11:54PM