@ZOS_Kevin Since the U42 patch on PTS, I haven't managed to reach the Character Selection screen before being greeted by the crash reporter. I have tried repairing the game, but it didn't seem to help. As a possible last resort, I'm going to reinstall PTS on my computer, but if it still keeps crashing, then I sincerely hope that it would get fixed in soon.
I've included 2 crash logs, one with integrated graphics and the other one with GTX 1050 as the renderer.
Integrated graphics:
eso has stopped working.
version = 0.01
ProductName = eso
Version = eso.rc.
branch = rc
char.account = Maitsukas
client.executablebits = 64
client.mode = login
client.renderertype = D3D11
client.session_start_timestamp = 2024-04-17T15:12:33.589+02:00
client.time_since_load = 0
client.timestamp = 2024-04-17T15:13:48.095+02:00 -frme 6942-
client.uptime = 74.6
computer.name = LAPTOP-3QIM2RNI
computer.user = Mait6
cpu.arch = 9
cpu.count = 4
cpu.level = 6
cpu.type = 8664
data.depotid = 3009
data.dir = C:/Games/The Elder Scrolls Online/The Elder Scrolls Online PTS/
data.syncm = databuild
data.version = 2100.win.2863868.rc.2863704
exe.buildnum = 2863704
exe.opt = release
exe.reltype = public
exe.type = client
gfx.description =
gfx.deviceid = 22811.970004394.4
gfx.driver = Intel(R) HD Graphics 630
gfx.vendorid = 32902
globby.address =
globby.port = 24505
loc.worldid = 138
loc.zone = Pregame
login.address =
mem.system_free = 7900
mem.system_max_current = 16788
mem.system_max_peak = 16788
mem.system_physical = 8084
mem.total_current = 2527
mem.total_peak = 2528
mem.ws_current = 2202
mem.ws_peak = 2202
mempool.animation_usage = 0.75
mempool.audio_usage = 0.00
mempool.client_object_usage = 0.00
mempool.environment_usage = 0.00
mempool.filesystem_usage = 0.09
mempool.fx_usage = 0.17
mempool.gamedata_usage = 0.00
mempool.gameplay_usage = 0.00
mempool.global_usage = 0.00
mempool.grammar_usage = 0.00
mempool.granny_animation_usage = 0.51
mempool.granny_usage = 0.00
mempool.gui_controls_usage = 0.32
mempool.gui_fonts_usage = 0.00
mempool.gui_textures_usage = 0.19
mempool.gui_usage = 0.00
mempool.interface_usage = 0.23
mempool.lua_usage = 0.00
mempool.model_usage = 0.00
mempool.network_usage = 0.00
mempool.particle_usage = 0.00
mempool.physics_usage = 0.00
mempool.renderer_usage = 0.00
mempool.settings_usage = 0.00
mempool.streaming_usage = 0.13
mempool.terrain_usage = 0.00
mempool.texture_usage = 0.00
mempool.theater_usage = 0.00
mempool.threading_usage = 0.00
mempool.voice_usage = 0.00
os.osbits = 64
os.platform = windows
os.version = 10.0.19045.
ptime = 81189
realm.depotid = 3009
realm.id = 3009
realm.name = PTS
reportfield.ver = 4
version.major = 10
version.patch = 0
version.subpatch = 0
GTX 1050:
eso has stopped working.
version = 0.01
ProductName = eso
Version = eso.rc.
branch = rc
char.account = Maitsukas
client.executablebits = 64
client.mode = login
client.renderertype = D3D11
client.session_start_timestamp = 2024-04-17T15:16:59.229+02:00
client.time_since_load = 0
client.timestamp = 2024-04-17T15:18:39.921+02:00 -frme 13575-
client.uptime = 100.7
computer.name = LAPTOP-3QIM2RNI
computer.user = Mait6
cpu.arch = 9
cpu.count = 4
cpu.level = 6
cpu.type = 8664
data.depotid = 3009
data.dir = C:/Games/The Elder Scrolls Online/The Elder Scrolls Online PTS/
data.syncm = databuild
data.version = 2100.win.2863868.rc.2863704
exe.buildnum = 2863704
exe.opt = release
exe.reltype = public
exe.type = client
gfx.description =
gfx.deviceid = 7309.970004394.161
gfx.driver = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
gfx.vendorid = 4318
globby.address =
globby.port = 24505
loc.worldid = 138
loc.zone = Pregame
login.address =
mem.system_free = 7739
mem.system_max_current = 16788
mem.system_max_peak = 16788
mem.system_physical = 8084
mem.total_current = 2585
mem.total_peak = 2588
mem.ws_current = 1968
Edited by ZOS_Icy on April 21, 2024 11:55AM PC-EU
Posting the Infinite Archive and Imperial City Weekly Vendor updates.
Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.