vTrial Tier List (PUG Farming Edition)

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A quick reference for players wanting to farm perfected sets:

S-Tier (only try with a guild, if you want to stay sane): vAS+2, vCR+2
A-Tier (unforgiving mechanics, less than 50% success rate in a PUG): vCR+1, vDSR
B-Tier (spend 1/2 hour finding portal DDs): vCR+0, vSS
C-Tier (decent success rate): vKA, vRG, vSE
D-Tier (no perfected sets, just farm them on normal): MoL, HoF, Craglorn trials
PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • El_Borracho
    Totally agree. Still confounded by the amount of players who can't handle vKA and vRG. At least the first boss in both gives you a solid barometer as to the group's prospects. And like you said, other than finding portal DDs, vCR+0 and vSS are pretty simple. To the point I'd say the hardest part about beating vSS is finding a pug that can calm down and follow directions on Lokke.
  • fizl101
    I would say MOL if they insist on going vet becomes A Tier - Twins still wipes groups out on a regular basis
    Soupy twist
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