New item marker manual reset

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24

When I go to deconstruct items, i use the "new item" marker to see what items are new in my inventory, and then decide what to do with each of the items. But sometimes I go into my inventory for another reason before deconstuction and that clears all the "new item" markers , so I lose track of what items are new and what items were already present when it's time to deconstruct.

All i'm looking for is a manual reset button for all the "new item" markers. So I can play for a while and then review all the new items in inventory from that play session and decide what to do with them, does anything like that exist?
  • Necrotech_Master
    i think some addons can "mark for deconstruction" though i havent looked at those extensively

    the reason the "new item marker" goes away when you open your bags is because its at that point no longer a "new item", when you open your bag it clears all the items that have new item markers that are within the menu display (if you have like 20 new items, the first bag open will unmark say 12 of those from being new and move the other 8 up to the top still with markers, if you dont scroll at all when you open your bag)

    personally in a vast majority of cases i just decon everything, anything im currently using or i consider valuable i just have locked so it wont show up for decon
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Baertram
    The new items will always reset once you open the inventory in between, there is no way around it.

    You can use "FCO ItemSaver" addon to mark your items with your own marker icons where you can filter them later (hide, show, show only)
    and configure it to apply an own marker icon for "new items". It will automatically set this to new looted items then.
    -> Only problem is that once an item was marked with the new marker you need to remove it manually again later. Else the nexttime you see the similar item in your bank e.g. (where it was before) it shows the same "new" icon then :/ As marker icons are saved per item's id (which is the same for them no matter if loted new or not).
    So before decon or sell or whatever: SHIFT+right click to remove all marker icons (if enabled in the settings) or define a keybind to set/remove "New" marker icon and use the keybind.

    It also is able to protect your items at decon so you can even automate deconstruction via other addons, like DoItAll.
    It needs time to setup according to your needs but provides so many features to protect your items against destroy, deconstrct, extract, sell etc.
    Plus got features for mass moving marked items for sell to junk,
    mark for research (in combination with addons like CraftStore/ResearchAssistant) etc.

    Edited by Baertram on April 10, 2024 9:25AM
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