Does anyone else have a hard time navigating to quest locations with the in-game map function. I find it extremely inefficient and misleading. For example, if Im in a building the quest marker will tell me to go through the door but if the quest is in another zone. I need to zoom all the way out in the map and find the zone, zoom in and then locate the specific area for the quest. The arrows are also the same color as the rest of the key locations. Also if Im zoomed out, the quest log will not show any quests that Im currently on. I have zoom into the specific zone to show quests for that area.
I feel like it would be much simpler if it just showed me the end point for the quest and maybe change the color of the arrow on the map. Also if Im max zoomed out on the world map, maybe have the log still show quests that Im currently on and guide me to that zone when I click on them.
(Sorry, its hard for me to articulate what I mean here, but the current system is very weird and unintuitive. It makes hard to explain)