Best use of time for Anniversary Event?

I have plenty of alts that can craft top level stuff. What is the best use of my time during this event (2024)? Do I want to just craft a lot and do other things if I have time? Will that get me most things? Or do I really need to do other dailies for specific event-only items?
  • Katheriah
    I handed in crafting writs from yesterday and today on my 20 chars because I'm crazy, but I might quit and just do what I like. From crafting and some PvP I had 300 boxes and I just got junk mainly.

    A friend who doesn't craft or trade at all had some boxes from PvP and got Aetherial Dust.

    Life is not fair and I'm going back to my dungeons. :tired_face:
  • FlopsyPrince
    Katheriah wrote: »
    I handed in crafting writs from yesterday and today on my 20 chars because I'm crazy, but I might quit and just do what I like. From crafting and some PvP I had 300 boxes and I just got junk mainly.

    A friend who doesn't craft or trade at all had some boxes from PvP and got Aetherial Dust.

    Life is not fair and I'm going back to my dungeons. :tired_face:

    So just a few mats in general? Blech.

    I did just get the cake on PC-EU and I not only didn't get any tickets, I didn't get anything. I seem to have already done crafting on the character I tried, so I will try another one.

    ==>> Looks like I got a confetti pack in a box from the first crafting daily I turned in. Not tickets though. So the "60 during the event" is a bit of a lie.
  • Katheriah
    I got some motifs and recipes, but I already had most. I think I got 3-4 items that are worth a bit of gold. Let's put it like this, it wasn't worth the effort for me.

    For the tickets you should do the event quest once (free in crownstore), then you get the cake. Use cake in tools and then you'll get 3 tickets.
  • FlopsyPrince
    Katheriah wrote: »
    I got some motifs and recipes, but I already had most. I think I got 3-4 items that are worth a bit of gold. Let's put it like this, it wasn't worth the effort for me.

    For the tickets you should do the event quest once (free in crownstore), then you get the cake. Use cake in tools and then you'll get 3 tickets.

    I didn't get any tickets. Probably because I got them for the Jester Festival before it ended. Annoying still since this is a different event.
  • Katheriah
    I got tickets from Jester and tickets from Jubilee.

    Did you actually use the cake for this year from tools? Since in your message you state that you didn't get tickets from a daily. Dailies don't give tickets, only the cake does.
  • FlopsyPrince
    Katheriah wrote: »
    I got tickets from Jester and tickets from Jubilee.

    Did you actually use the cake for this year from tools? Since in your message you state that you didn't get tickets from a daily. Dailies don't give tickets, only the cake does.

    The addon that tracks it says I got 0/3 tickets today. Perhaps it erred out and I got them. I will check on a different server and update.

    And yes, I went and got the cake first before doing anything else.

    EDIT: Looks like my addon was wrong. I did just get 3 more on another server when first eating a cake.
    Edited by FlopsyPrince on April 4, 2024 10:40PM
  • LannStone
    20 crafting characters doing 7 writs each is 140 anniversary boxes in about an hours time
    An anniversary box is an anniversary box, no matter how or where you get it
    I can't think of any other endeavor that gives so many chances in such a short amount of time
    On 20 characters today, I got 100s of thousands of gold worth of motifs, chromium plating, dreugh wax, perfect roe, etc, plus a bunch of transmute crystals
    For crafters, the anniversary event it almost obscene when it comes to rewards, frankly
    Of course it all depends on how you like spend your time - running writs can be pretty monotonous without a movie playing in the background - unless you just like to zone out for an hour or two
  • Blood_again
    If you want more boxes after crafting writs done, the DLC-zone dailies are good.
    You can choose any dlc-zone where you lack set items or motifs in your collection and do all 3 dailies there.
    Leveling Mage, Fighters and Undaunted guilds work the same way, if you need it for alts or somewhy avoid dlcs.

    By box-production efficiency the fighters guild quests are the best. You get 4 boxes total. One for quest, one for each of 3 dolmens.
    Second is WB or dlc dolmens - 2 boxes.
    The rest will grant you just one box each.

    Reminder that doing alliance Fighters guilds (dolmens), Vvardenfell WB and Summerset geyser dailies will help you with special event items along with event boxes. In case you haven't obtained them yet.
  • TybaltKaine
    FG Quests are only 1 Dolmen now, so not as many boxes. You can get them from the Dolmens at any time, but there is a cool down (Alik'r runners learned the hard way).
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • CGPsaint
    Comment deleted as my views and opinions are not relevant to ZoS.
    Edited by CGPsaint on April 19, 2024 12:38AM
  • Oznog666
    IMHO doing the daily crafting writs is giving you the most boxes compared to the time you need for it if you have lazy writ crafter. The next location for pretty quick boxes are the celestial rifts in Craglorn - there ist one route where you can do the complete round with 6 rifts in 5 to 6 minutes if you are in a group - and there are always groups around during the event. World bosses and Dolmens are totally overrun, if you have bad luck you will not earn a box because you are not able to even see the boss :-)
    PC EU
    1 Healer, 1 Tank, 3 DD, 5 more Toons just for fun
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