Where do people go?

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Just noticed there aren't dozens of players beating poor dragon or the flying goat in summerset anymore, and obviously I can't do it myself.. What are the popular zones these days?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on February 4, 2024 4:29AM
  • BlueRaven
    Necrom felt like a “Dear John” letter to casual players, and it decimated the ranks of many of the guilds I am/was in.

    Of course this is just a small sample, but in general to me it just feels like there is a lot less people playing in general now.
  • moo_2021
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Necrom felt like a “Dear John” letter to casual players, and it decimated the ranks of many of the guilds I am/was in.

    Of course this is just a small sample, but in general to me it just feels like there is a lot less people playing in general now.

    How did Necrom impact players negatively? except the usual pvp balance issue with new class.
  • valenwood_vegan
    A lack of content and innovation is driving people away imo.

    The only actual playable content since Necrom (~8 months ago) was Infinite Archive. People who are playing that (if it's even still holding their interest) won't be seen out in the world at all. Most others in my guilds at least are bored... they log in during events or to do a couple daily tasks, or for a scheduled trial run. Then they leave. There's nothing to do.

    The content that is coming is fairly predictable and stale. People will probably come back for it, ie: to run the two dungeons in u41... to try Gold Road... try some new builds... but then once again there's not much on the table for the rest of the year.

    I'm sure this isn't the case for everyone and it's just an opinion based on what I'm seeing among my own friends and guilds, and how I personally feel as well.

    So TL;DR, where have the people gone? They're playing other games right now.
  • Kendaric
    Well... the "world event", a.k.a. Bastion Nymic, being instanced group content and not to mention the Seekers that roamed around the overland, along with several bosses that were rather tough. Add to that the requirement to do a public dungeon just to recruit the companions.

    That's what I gathered from the forums at least (I don't have Necrom and have no interest in it beyond Naryu's quest).
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • BlueRaven
      moo_2021 wrote: »

      How did Necrom impact players negatively? except the usual pvp balance issue with new class.

      -They nerfed Oak builds again.

      -They turned world events into a group only semi-dungeon.

      -They made WBs much more difficult with anemic rewards. Making them less farmable because you need much more pugs, but with less people wanting to do them… Well /shrug

      -No fall questing zone.

      -Placed many housing recipes (that were previously farmable with overland content) and related materials inside of IA.

      Player involvement cratered really quickly. And it killed two of the guilds I was in, and a third is on life support.
      The guilds that survived feel like they are sputtering. Maybe gold road will be different but if this turns year into another Necrom, it’s going to be another rough year.

      The preview was really vague, hopefully zos can right the ship.
    • SilverBride
      BlueRaven wrote: »
      -They turned world events into a group only semi-dungeon.

      This was my biggest complain with Necrom. I still don't enjoy a thing about the World Bosses there.

      I'd like to add a couple more to your list.

      - The Companion quests were way too long and involved Public Dungeons, both of which I found difficult, especially trying to find my way around in Gorne.

      - The main story quests were frustrating because of trying to find my way around in all these ramps and platforms, and whatever you do don't fall in one of these.
    • valenwood_vegan
      BlueRaven wrote: »

      Necrom felt like a “Dear John” letter to casual players, and it decimated the ranks of many of the guilds I am/was in.

      Of course this is just a small sample, but in general to me it just feels like there is a lot less people playing in general now.

      Yeah, I didn't mention this above but I did wanna agree / touch on it. Necrom was not very friendly to the types of players you tend to find out in overland. (And then there was nothing. For an entire year).

      I have definitely noticed a massive reduction in activity among these more casual type players in my guilds and on my friends list. Perhaps relatedly, we're also not seeing much in the way of new players / new guild applications anymore.
    • OsUfi
      I'm on the opposite end of the scale and liked Necrom. World Bosses that need a group, Nymic is a nice mini dungeon with a peculiar quest flow. Overland was different which at this age of a game is a good thing.

      Archive I sort of appreciate, but no saves means it's a one arc on a Saturday only deal. I also understand the companion quest complaints, but only use one character so it never effected me.

      As for OP question, the game still has a lot of players just in newer zones. We're also spread out more due to so much content. Reading steam charts (yes, yes, I know, not reliable) shows ESO is holding its average player count. Cyrodiil has also been on the rise again recently. PC EU Greyhost seems to back to 30+ queues weekdays, and even Ravenwatch has had queues again this week. An events just finished as well so imagine a lot of folks have that odd post-event malaise where they don't know what to do next.
    • Blood_again
      Well, I spent my time for treasure maps today, so I visited many zones.
      Necrom and Apocrypha are active. At least 3 nymic groups were gathering in chat for 15 minutes. People run near guild traders.
      Met pure nobody in Reach, Eastmark and Northern Elsweyr.
      Silent zone but met random people in Glenumbra, Deadlands, Western Skyrim, Bal Foyen, Bethnik.
      Usual activity level in Craglorn and Stormhaven.
      There was at least 5 people in No-CP Cyrodiil. I evaluate it as crowded :smiley:
      Surprisingly many people on IC base. Probably closing gestalt after event :)

      Also have done double dailies in Galen and Murkmire.
      Galen had at least 4 people on vent every time. 2 and 4 people on WB.
      Murkmire WB once had 4 people. Another one started solo, ended duo.

      I evaluate it as a bit emptier than usual Saturday. But I guess it is ok after the intensive event.
      Pledges and trials - felt no changes.
    • Finedaible
      Everyone migrates to the newest zone typically, which would be Telvanni Peninsula. The problem with player activity in older zones - in my opinion - is a lack of evergreen rewards which will always remain useful or relevant to new and old players alike. So far most reward systems have consisted of redundant armor sets and style motifs, which most players typically complete their collections for and quickly forget about. Dragons at least have valuable PvP alchemy ingredients which will always remain relevant to the gameplay loop (a good example of an evergreen reward) but you may just be playing at non-peak times of the day/week if you don't see anyone around for those.

      Regarding the newest zones, I did several runs of the Bastion Nymics during the Necrom event, but quickly lost interest because there's simply nothing in there that interests me enough to deal with unoptimized pugs. I did have a few good runs where everyone was on top of their game and everything went swimmingly, but it seems rather pointless if you're not in it for the styles, furnishings, or subpar overland sets; so I would have to assume many of the 'abandoned' zones is simply due to the lack of useful rewards. It's kind of a bummer too because the Necrom content itself looks extremely interesting, but doesn't really have the rewards to keep you there.
    • LunaFlora
      i have been decorating houses and doing writs
      miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

      🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
      "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
      PlayStation and PC EU.
      LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
      LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
    • NeuroticPixels
      I’ve been seriously considering returning to another MMO and dropping ESO. I would play both, but I literally can’t afford both subscriptions, and I refuse to play ESO without a craftbag.

      I’m really torn about it. The other MMO offers so many more things to do every day. With rewarding systems. Things to chase/work towards/accomplish. It has sooo many more things that give players that dopamine boost, and that’s one of the reasons why it’s been around so long. Too bad the game is absolutely hideous, imo.

      I don’t want to leave ESO and all the things I love about it… but it’s not been entertaining me for 6+ months. For so long, I’ve logged in to do the bare minimum and then log out immediately. Sigh.
      Check out the ReShade I made: Crispy Sharpness
    • tsaescishoeshiner
      I think people are just not that interested in World Bosses and World Events, but I see people grouping for them every day in zone chat and doing guild runs. It's not new--if you wanted to do Hew's Bane dailies a few years ago, you'd be on your own to solo it or find a group.

      They could add reasons to farm older bosses (other than leads), but I'm happy not redoing the same bosses over and over lol. Sometimes!

      And for dragons, people are farming them in Southern Elsweyr because they respawn way faster and are closer to the wayshrines.
      in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
    • Elsonso
      moo_2021 wrote: »
      Just noticed there aren't dozens of players beating poor dragon or the flying goat in summerset anymore, and obviously I can't do it myself.. What are the popular zones these days?

      Right now? I would say that Infinite Archive is sucking the life out of some parts of the game.
      ESO Plus: No
      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • SaffronCitrusflower
      Join a guild and find some other guildies interested in doing some of the things you're wanting to do.
    • Carlos93
      There is a lack of content that you can do in the world that is entertaining and gives you rewards (not everything is about fighting NPCs).
      For example:
      It gives the freedom for players to have businesses in the game and do missions to export products in exchange for rewards.

      That players can obtain many more skill lines in the world.
      The bard skill line for playing instruments around the world (this skill line can be learned in the large cities of Tamriel).

      The Flesh Craftsman and Flesh Summoner skill lines, which allow you to construct and summon beings made of flesh (these skill lines can be learned on the plane of Molag Bal).

      Be a vampire, have a blood collector in your house, capture people around the world and take them to your collector to have a limited supply of blood so you can pretend to be another one in the cities without raising suspicions (as happened in The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim).

      And many other things that can be added to give life to the game.
    • FelisCatus
      A lack of content and innovation is driving people away imo.

      The only actual playable content since Necrom (~8 months ago) was Infinite Archive. People who are playing that (if it's even still holding their interest) won't be seen out in the world at all. Most others in my guilds at least are bored... they log in during events or to do a couple daily tasks, or for a scheduled trial run. Then they leave. There's nothing to do.

      The content that is coming is fairly predictable and stale. People will probably come back for it, ie: to run the two dungeons in u41... to try Gold Road... try some new builds... but then once again there's not much on the table for the rest of the year.

      I'm sure this isn't the case for everyone and it's just an opinion based on what I'm seeing among my own friends and guilds, and how I personally feel as well.

      So TL;DR, where have the people gone? They're playing other games right now.

      This is certainly the case for end gamers and housing is mainly what I do other than the stuff you've listed above but I run out of gold and usually have to put housing on hold so when that happens there really is nothing to do apart from events, trials now and then or the new DLC quests once a year.
    • ZOS_Hadeostry

      After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it's asking the community for assistance.

      Thank you for your understanding
      Staff Post
    • Nestor
      The Dragons and some other zone dailies ebb and flow.
      Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

      PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
      Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

    • WhiteCoatSyndrome
      I actually saw a surprising number of people running around High Isle.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
      A useful explanation for how RNG works
      How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
    • Elsonso
      I actually saw a surprising number of people running around High Isle.

      Oakensoul is still a popular Mythic.
      ESO Plus: No
      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • WhiteCoatSyndrome
      I’ve been seriously considering returning to another MMO and dropping ESO. I would play both, but I literally can’t afford both subscriptions, and I refuse to play ESO without a craftbag.

      ESO is playable without a Craft Bag. When I’m off ESO+, I usually dump crafting mats into the bank until they get to the max stack size, then shuffle the stack into chest storage/the inventory of an alt I’m not playing. I sell more things instead of deconning them so I don’t end up with tons of trait stones cluttering up my inventory. I don’t do Crafting Writs as frequently. I’m pickier about what I loot. But it’s doable. It’d be harder if you only have one or two characters (I have seven), but easier if you’re more prompt than I am about completing surveys and digging up treasure maps. 😉 The Anniversary event might be a little rough since that usually drops dozens of distinct style materials, each of which takes up an inventory slot.

      Now that said, if ESO isn’t doing anything for you taking a break is perfectly healthy, I’ve done it myself.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
      A useful explanation for how RNG works
      How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
    • SeaGtGruff
      Elsonso wrote: »

      Oakensoul is still a popular Mythic.

      I think it's more than that. High Isle and Galen are the newest DLC zones which are available through the Crown Store or ESO Plus, so they're the equivalent of "The Telvanni Peninsula" (i.e., the newest, shiniest zones) for players who haven't purchased the latest chapter yet.

      But I also don't think the newest zones are necessarily the busiest. My newest characters are currently parked in Stonefalls (on PC NA) and Auridon (on PC EU), although all of my other alts and mains are parked in Vvardenfell, and those three zones seem to stay pretty well-populated. Likewise, whenever I visit the hub cities in other base-game zones, such as in Glenumbra, Stormhaven, Shadowfen, or Deshaan, they also seem to be pretty well-populated most of the time. Even older chapter zones such as Western Skyrim and Blackwood seem to have their fair share of players running about.

      In short, the playerbase seems to be fairly well spread out among the many zones. If someone is having trouble recruiting other players for group content in any particular zone, it's probably a combination of different factors-- the local time of day for everyone, how focused everyone happens to be on whatever they're doing, whether or not everyone has zone chat on, etc.
      I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
    • AcadianPaladin
      I spend most of my time in the older zones. Basically if I can't solo it, I ignore it so older zone group dungeons and WBs are in and DLC equivalents are out. I find those older zones too crowded - especially in cities. I struggle to remember the last time I did a delve for Bolgrul and had the delve's boss to myself.

      As far as helping other players, it is sad that zone chat is so full of spam that I choose to turn it off. I'd be happy to help others with WBs and such if zone chat was freer of guild ads, sellers and plain old spam.
      Edited by AcadianPaladin on February 5, 2024 12:21PM
      PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
    • Zodiarkslayer
      I play PC EU.

      Vivec City, Mournhold, Wayrest and Elden Root are bustling every day during prime time. And even off time there are always.

      Apart from that, the High Isle and Blackwood daillies are where you'll find most other players.
      Daily Crafting in Alinor and Leyawiin is also very popular.

      Necrom is less popuated, or visited, due to its comparatively higher difficulty.
      Bastion Nymic and the World Bosses with their mechanics are too difficult for the average player alone. And coming to Necrom just for the delve daily and its meager rewards with such bad RnG? Not very popular.
      If anyone here says: OH! But, PVP! I swear I'll ...

      Thank you for the valuable input and respectfully recommend to discuss that aspect of ESO on the PVP forum.
    • Northwold
      I actually saw a surprising number of people running around High Isle.

      Was going to say this. On PC EU High Isle seems to be a continuous hub of activity. Necrom is still a paid chapter (not included with ESO+) so I wouldn't expect the same population levels at this time of year.
      Edited by Northwold on February 5, 2024 1:21PM
    • ghastley
      Elsonso wrote: »

      Right now? I would say that Infinite Archive is sucking the life out of some parts of the game.

      IA is designed to take the players out of circulation for as long as possible. It’s not quite turning the game back into a single-player one, as you can do IA with a group, but players who take their character in have every reason not to come back out and participate in anything else. I don’t understand why this was added, unless they are trying to reduce populations somewhere for performance reasons.
    • Elsonso
      ghastley wrote: »

      IA is designed to take the players out of circulation for as long as possible. It’s not quite turning the game back into a single-player one, as you can do IA with a group, but players who take their character in have every reason not to come back out and participate in anything else. I don’t understand why this was added, unless they are trying to reduce populations somewhere for performance reasons.

      I think they added it because they saw a demand for small group (2 player) and solo challenging arena content and figured that people would use it. I don't think they were wrong, but the very nature of such a thing pull people out of visible parts of the game.
      ESO Plus: No
      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • SilverBride
      I spent so much time in the Infinite Archive that a friend kept commenting on it. But I really enjoyed getting better and being able to go further and found the unknown portals to be a lot of fun.

      But I am now taking a break because I just can't spend hours doing this every day. They really need to put in a save because it won't change how far a player can get with their set amount of threads, which I thought was the goal rather than how long a player spends at a time.

      But to answer the OP, I am now questing on my 3 characters that haven't completed all the zones yet and I see other players everywhere I go.
    • Necrotech_Master
      the main reason a lot of people dont (or at least i dont) is that while DLC WBs provide a good solo combat challenge, there is not a lot of incentive to actually farm them

      the gear sets in many of these zones are mediocre, so nothing really worth selling, and with the curated collection book, theres a limit to the number of times you really have to kill the WBs

      most DLC WBs usually have significantly more health than non-dlc WBs (sometimes upwards of double) so the only thing that usually incentivizes killing WBs is events

      if i see someone needing help with a WB i will usually go help

      dragons are more lucrative in the drops such as dragon rheum, but they also drop a significant amount of junk too so the bad tends to outweigh the good in this sense, they also dont drop anything but jewelry so its kind of difficult if your trying to work on gear collections
      plays PC/NA
      handle @Necrotech_Master
      active player since april 2014

      i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

      feel free to stop by and use the facilities
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