Need an working addon for combat alerts.

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I am currently using simple combat alerts revisited, and although it works well with block and off balance, the interrupt function is not working. I know it is quite old and won't be updated, so I was wondering if people knew of or could make a simple alternative; audio queues are a HUGE bonus too. I installed combat cloud as it also seems to have this same function, but it was throwing errors when I booted into U40 and I was unable to even try it.

I have trouble seeing the queues in the game especially on smaller targets, so I can use all the help I an get, thanks.
  • Soarora
    Code's combat alerts is the go-to for all content. I don't think it ever tells you to interrupt but it will tell you to block or roll dodge incoming attacks.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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  • Toxic_Hemlock
    Soarora wrote: »
    Code's combat alerts is the go-to for all content. I don't think it ever tells you to interrupt but it will tell you to block or roll dodge incoming attacks.

    Installed it, the /CCA option setting does not offer enough adjustments. If I cannot adjust font size and sounds etc, it is not going to be very helpful to me.

    Thanks for the suggestion though. :)

    Edit: spelling
    Edited by Toxic_Hemlock on November 7, 2023 5:31AM
  • celner4_ESO
    There’s some dungeons Code Combat Alert don’t function at all depending on the enemy heavy attacking including last boss of cradle of shadows and some mobs in March of Sacrifice.
    What is Truth? Not my own truth, and not your truth. But Universal Truth, that is an absolution.
  • Baertram
    Why do you need addons to see when to interrupt?
    The enemies clearly show you by sprinkles around them, or when they cast moving their hands, etc.
    You just need to "watch that" and maybe remember the enemy type, that it could cast, and no addon is needed at all then :)

    Addons that tell you to interrupt are also not needed if you just enable vanilla game settings to show you hints in combat, as they also tell you to block etc. then. And if these hints do not show you you need to interrupt then "dependen addons using these combat hints" can neither help you as they would not have any trigger to show you -> That's what " Simple combat alerts *"
    does for example: Use ESO default vanilla UI hints and just show them more visibly. If hints are disabled -> Addon won't work properly. If hints are enabled but the game does not properly show interrupt because of a game bug -> Addon won't work properly.

    For dungeons, where there exist other mechanics use this addon e.g.

    If it does not support particular dungeons and bosses report this to Code here, with a clear example, boss/Add names and how to rebuild it:
    He might add it, or tell you it's not possibe as the API does not provide a way to detect it. And then: You simply need to manually watch and learn the adds and bosses mechanics and wath them, or the say/NPC monster say chat (for warning texts shown by the adds/bosses -> if they say something about their attacks, in advance).
  • JanTanhide
    Have a look at Crutch Alerts. I like it.
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