Windcaller’s circlet is disappearing!

Pretty much the title but the new Windcaller’s circlet is disappearing when I use the Hide helmet function in the appearance tab. I’m on PS4. And the circlet is under the adornment tab but I’ve never had one disappear when I hide my character’s helmet before.

I’ve used it on Khajiit and Argonian so I don’t know if the elves and humans are exempt but it’s annoying me when I want to see the pretty circlet on my ice warden.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on December 9, 2023 4:17AM
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it's asking the community for assistance.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • phaneub17_ESO
    This is clearly a bug. It's a Major Adornment being flagged as a Helmet so when using Hide Helmet through the Appearance Tab options, it applies to this Major Adornment when it shouldn't. Using Hide Helmet through the from the outfit station has no effect on this and lets it show up properly. We had this recently with Mercymother's Coronet earlier with the exact same issue, there is nothing players can do to help him with an item flagged incorrectly.
  • ghastley
    I have had similar issues with hairstyles disappearing when a disguise (without hat) is equipped. Headgear has a few problems.
  • PriestessAthena
    Yea I’m getting irritated by disappearing adornment issue. I know this isn’t intentional it’s just a little bug they “don’t have time” to fix lol. Really wish I didn’t keep getting robbed of my crown gems for items I can’t really wear after I purchase them. These items aren’t cheap when you’re getting 1-3 crown gems for scrapping items. 40 crown gems could mean 50$ worth of crate purchases wasted on an adornment that is collecting dust now.
    Edited by PriestessAthena on January 14, 2024 10:38PM
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