phaneub17_ESO wrote: »It's neat vs a lot of trash mobs, Reflective Light builds 3 stacks per tick. Magicka loss is marginal for a Templar, if you can line up the buff just right you can double Nova then Radiant.
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »How are people using the DK set? As a PvP set or for which PvE build?
Question about this--Wrathsun says it gains a stack "once per attack"--does that mean like once damage instance of any Dawn's Wrath spell? Not what it sounded like to me, but that sounds very fun and useful.
MidniteOwl1913 wrote: »So how many arcs do you have to do to get a part of one of these sets? In general, the EA sounds truly awful so I'm just wondering how much suffering must be endured to get the DK set...
i like monolith of storms for damage dealer sorcerers,
nobility in decay for necromancer tanks,
and reawakened hierophant for arcanist healers.
and basalt-blooded warrior seems good for dragonknights in pvp maybe? and tanks.
maybe soulcleaver can be alright for nightblade healers? but it reduces ultimate so not sure.
the other sets seem too complicated for me with all the seconds and stacks
BXR_Lonestar wrote: »@LunaFlora
have you actually tried the monolith of storms set? It sounds interesting but everyone I see who has experimented with it has said it is garbage, and as such, I've not spent any time grinding it out. Still working on completing my DK set collection right now.
i haven't been able to try it yet no, haven't collected enough pieces yet.
edited to add:
i made my first comment on November 4.
the Archive was brand new, it hadn't released on playstation yet, and i just looked at the set bonuses.
looking at it again nearly two months later it seems pretty complicated, but it sounds like if it got changed a little it could be better.
like if the monoliths stayed for longer than 10 seconds, maybe 15, and if linked monoliths dealt damage every 1 second instead of 2.