Custom Audio mods

I've been looking for any addon that allows for the use of custom sounds / music.

What I would like to do is use my own recorded sound effects ( I worked on the Skywind project) or music to trigger things in housing.

So for example the ticking of a clock, various bug sounds, water effects. These will be my own sounds, so therefore not breaking any copyright rules etc.

Theres plenty of scope in the Essential Housing Tools for triggering sounds and music, but they use the built in game ones, so it would be far more interesting if custom effects were a possibility.

There is a mod available for another game that allows custom sound effect so surely this can be achieved!
  • monkidb16_ESO
    Pretty sure thats impossible, since the game doesn't allow playback of external sound files.

    The best you can do is mute, switch or play already existing sounds.
  • Baertram
    Correct, nothing possible with custom music or video via addons.
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    Baertram wrote: »
    Correct, nothing possible with custom music or video via addons.
    Correct me if I'm wrong (since I'm new to addon development), but that would be because of the blanket ban on addons accessing any files other than their SavedVariables file, right? That would make it impossible to play general audio files, because the addon would have to access files other than that one in order to play the file.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Heals_With_Orbs
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    Correct me if I'm wrong (since I'm new to addon development), but that would be because of the blanket ban on addons accessing any files other than their SavedVariables file, right? That would make it impossible to play general audio files, because the addon would have to access files other than that one in order to play the file.

    Im not clued up on addons etc, but I have used the essential housing tools addon which does use custom images and effects that you can put in your houses.

    Theres images, basic animations, and you can make your own animations that can trigger the in game sounds and music and alsorts of good stuff possible with that

    So if you can add custom images you'd think somehow you'd be able to trigger custom mp3s :)
  • Baertram
    Guys, if someone tells you it is not possible you either believe it or go on saying "but the other..." and think it will be possible. But that won't change the facts, right? ;)

    Fact: It is technically not possible, nor allowed by ZOs
    And vsrs_au alreay wrote at the post above why it is not possible.

    We already clearly mentioned it on too, here:
    "What addons cannot do"
    "What addons MUST not do -> Or ZOs wil ban the addon and maybe even restrict the API" -> so DON'T!

    So believe me please, you simply can't play or load any external files except lua, xml, and dds texture (images) which need to be in the AddOns folder or up to 3 subfolders level.

    All you can do with sounds is play soundsvia the API function PlaySound(SOUNDS["name here"])
    and the name list of the sounds can be found in that SOUNDS table ingame.
    These are neither music nor combat or any other NPC sounds, but only the UI like book open, page turn, smithing start, enchanting start etc.
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