Hopefully this is the right place for this since I'm new to the forums, sorry if it's not. I tried searching this question on google and only found answers for the old Champion system.
I've been playing since launch and have completed Beast and Worm Wizard on console. I switched to PC about 3 years ago but have taken multiple long breaks so I'm not the most knowledgeable in the world anymore. On PC I'm only CP 700 but know the dungeons and my role (Tank) extremely well. Would this be enough to go for the challenger achievements?
Edit: Forgot to give my role. And to anyone else who may be looking for the answer to this, yes it is very much possible. I finished the HM on 12/7, and the SR+ND on 12/8.
Edited by Krebuu on December 13, 2023 11:19PM