Trying to share zone quests

I have been playing for a long time. A friend just started playing and we were looking forward to sharing quests. We are seemingly unable to share the zone quests but have been able to share side quests, as long as neither one of us has done the quest.

I am EP and he is DC and we are trying to work through the main DC quests. (the quests at the top of the map completion table) Any ideas on why we are able to share side quests but not zone main quests??
  • TybaltKaine
    This usually happens when one of the players is missing a quest in a chain. I'd start there and see if one of you is maybe missing a step.
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • Strut6569
    I think that could be our problem. At one point he overloaded his quest list and ended up abandoning a bunch of quests. No telling what that did.

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