Software who manages the zone partitions and population is failing

So far the new network hardware upgrade on the EU servers is a big improvement in general.

BUT traveling from normal/high population zone to a low pop zone results very often to "the" ERROR (can't log to game server, make sure you have network)
which means can't connect to zone partitioned server.
Login to the game is not the problem, zoning is, and trying 2-3-4 times to port to a low pop zone can result in a buffer overflow and ofc creates a BLEU SCREEN Netio.system in my case.
(memory dump is 1.5 to 3 gb depending how many times you tried to port in or out the zone)
So the software controlling the zone partition population/density fails (or is corrupt)

Again this is not happening when I play on the NA servers.

Please check and compare this software on both NA and EU servers.

  • ZOS_Bill

    What is the exact error message coming up when going into some zones?
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Rastapasta
    ERROR (no number) unable to connect to game server, make sure you have a valid network connection.

    after the maintenance Tuesday and Wednesday there was no glitch at all I was finally able to do all my writs (about 30)
    in one go, hopping zone to zone without error.

    Thursday everything back as before maintenance, spending more time with the error on restarting, cleaning flushing, name it, than gaming.
    Logging on around 10 am (gmt+1) feels like the system is still in sleep modus.
    It's only in the early afternoon things start to improve.

    In February 2023 there was also a hardware update it toke like till end of March till everything was running smoothly.
    The October hardware restarted with the same, we are December probably close to a resolve.

    AGAIN check compare with the NA servers ( only happens on the EU servers)

    Ty Rasta

    PS forgot to say that sometimes the game deletes all the content of the user settings.
    Edited by Rastapasta on December 1, 2023 9:24AM
  • ZOS_Bill
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Rastapasta
    12/05/2023 11:35:46 (31): ---- deleteing local storage ----

    I had a pretty good session this morning for about one hour.
    In the Host.developer file I see this line, can you confirm this is the right spelling, because it corresponds with the error (no mbr) I had again. (in older files it does the same when the error pops)

    can send you the whole file if you want, can't send or copy here, it contains my host id.

  • ZOS_Bill

    After checking your host developer log we can confirm that misspelling. For further analysis you'll want to open a ticket with our customer support team.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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