Clearly, while max speed on horeseback is useful (if ridiculous) I have often thought that actually speeds under 10 are closer to a RL trot or canter and more enjoyable when exploring new arears or just mooching about playing aimlessly on a new Alt.
A miniumum speed button would be nice on occasion for sure.
Clearly, while max speed on horeseback is useful (if ridiculous) I have often thought that actually speeds under 10 are closer to a RL trot or canter and more enjoyable when exploring new arears or just mooching about playing aimlessly on a new Alt.
A miniumum speed button would be nice on occasion for sure.
I don't think there's a way to replicate the effect of an analogue control stick with keyboard and mouse, but since it is possible to have a mount move at speeds between walk and their maximum speed maybe ZOS could implement something like the walk toggle but with different 'steps', so press it once and you slow down a bit, press it again and it slows down more, press it a 3rd time and it's the walk speed, press it again and you're back to full speed. (For a horse this could be gallop, canter, trot, walk, gallop.)
I find that after playing other open world games, ESO's movement is just crazy fast... Especially while mounted.
I don't want to do the "RP walk" which is way too slow, but a light jog while on foot and a brisk canter while on horseback would be nice.
I believe if you're playing with a game pad you can kind of do this with the L stick, but I'm on keyboard and mouse and I only have a binary choice of "very slow walk" or "Usain Bolt sprint" on both foot and horseback.
I'd like to be able to do something in between...