Would you play Tales of Tribute more if you could play it remotely on your phone like Hearthstone?

Maintenance for the week of February 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 5:00 UTC (12:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)
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  • MarzhinGwyls
    Absolutely! I would love to be able to play ToT on the go and still be eligible for daily coffers from this.
  • HedgeHugger
    So long as it was playable on an old tablet, I'd actually play it again.
  • GCJ_
    You CAN play it remotely
  • Rontabs77
    Try The Elder Scrolls Legends.

    It is also available on the Play Store.
  • Neptherbal
    Soul Shriven
    I would most dearly like to see ToT moved off the game server and onto it's own separate server.

    2 fold gain; you would be able to cross platform play, increasing the pool of people (and times!) you could get someone to play with (how many times have you see the "Your Game of Tales Of Tribute is ready" pop up and been surprised because you queued so long ago you've forgotten about it?).

    Secondly, if you set the schedule differently, while the various game servers are down for maintenance, you would still be able to play some ToT.

    How to get it set that the ToT server mails to the various game servers is of course a different question...
  • NoxiousBlight
    I actually wanted ESO to have a card game since I am a fan of them. Thought it could be cool to integrate into ESO like some other MMOs do.

    But ToT ain't it. As far as card games go it is mid at best. I would only play it if my friends were really into it and wanted to for board game night or something. But there are so many better card games that ToT just doesn't scratch the itch.

    Even with its mediocre status I actually would play ToT if there was a turbo mode where games only took 5 minutes. Something fast paced where losing doesn't feel horrible because of the lower commitment.

    But getting dragged into a 15 minute match where you know you have lost 5 minutes in but can't concede due to a nonsensical penalty - no thanks.
  • Mesite
    I haven't played it yet. I don't know when I will but I don't think it will be this year. I struggle to read things on a tiny mobile screen and have abandoned a few games due to the size. Maybe I need new glasses.
  • Dimorphos
    The answer is a strict NO. And that is only because TOT in general is not worth the time consumed because the game is like 99% about rng and too many times at least for me I face the bad rng most of the time and many games in a row. Also many of the decks are poorly designed and tends to favor the one who gets to start the game or the one who gets 6 gold in start. I have played many card games and this is the first that really gives you a headache and frustration.

  • Dimorphos
    TOT is actually so bad that many times when playing it and the experience is just that awful, it is so mood dampening that I quit playing ESO for the rest of the day at least.
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