So I'm using windows 11, and my addon folder is on my onedrive under documents. I tried pointing minion to it, but it refuses to accept the addon folder.
is there any way to fix this? or perhaps a better addon manager than minion?
I have an similar problem, windows 10 and no onedrive Minion hangs on Fetching global configuration.
minion.log is dated to 3.11.23 but last change in logfile is from 30.8.23
gg.minion.util.ConfigurationManager:loadConfig(1192): Configuration file does not exist. Creating ...
gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...
It lists many reasons and how to solve them.
Your's sounds like any Antivirus or windows update blocking access to the Minion install, or user/documents folder of the addons.
At least you should disable the "user documents" backup on OneDrive at the OneDrive settings as this is the problem causing part.
Normal OneDrive should work well so you can still backup all your non windows user related files etc.