Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Update 40 PC Maintenance Extension

  • adirondack
  • Genadine_Holychild
    Wait for the Hotfix as you will no doubt have broken something just like always.
  • IrisDupree
    Thanks for keeping us updated!
  • CheeseTuber
    alright its been almost an hour. what's the verdict?

    We are still completing some items from maintenance and should have an update in the next 10-15 minutes. Stand by...

    Thanks Gina!
  • Xandreia_
    this level of communication and people are still mad :| THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING WHAT WE ASKED CHILL OUT lol
  • adirondack
    How bout those Mets
  • Madarc
    Hi everyone,
    ..........In the meantime, what are you planning to do first when the servers open? Will you hop right into Endless Archive? Dive into Jewelry Crafting? Dig up some of the new Antiquities? Do your writs? :wink:

    No, dearest Gina, none of those things.
    Unless you can tell us if this will all work at all, ....directly after a major patch..?
    Or when we can play? Maybe the maintenance will be extended again?

    At least now I have time to think again... about why I should play at all.

    Thanks for your patience, and for reading and understanding such answers as mine.

    [edited for bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 30, 2023 5:31PM
    Ich wünsche mir in TESO für alle meine Charaktere: Ein Kostüm, auf dessen Rücken in fetten neongrün strahlenden Buchstaben steht:
    ARKANIST, geh mir aus dem Weg.. du leuchtender Sozialkontakt !
  • aussie500
    I was going to go chase all those nice gold plunder skulls, now I think I will just go back to sleep and see if the server is ready at breakfast time in 3 hrs.
  • Mesonyx
    alright its been almost an hour. what's the verdict?

    We are still completing some items from maintenance and should have an update in the next 10-15 minutes. Stand by...

    Standing by...
  • ShadowPaladin
    All units standing by...
  • twev
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    this level of communication and people are still mad :| THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING WHAT WE ASKED CHILL OUT lol

    I might not like the news reported, but I'm more appreciative of the fact that it IS being reported than Gina would ever know.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Ren_TheRedFox
    definitely gonna try out a new build on my templar with the "Repentance" change🙂 thanks for that one again☺️
  • Bloody-Goodbyes
    I will finally be able to finish my house, since 99% of the space available won't be crafting stations. Well, provided the new stations aren't bugged. lol
    The Order of Magnus | Royal Bank of Tamriel | Made In Canada | Bad Luck Charms
  • ziggy29
    10 Print "Just a few more minutes"
    20 Wait (10 min)
    30 GOTO 10
  • adirondack
    Fortran 77 ftw
  • deyjasagus
    ziggy29 wrote: »
    10 Print "Just a few more minutes"
    20 Wait (10 min)
    30 GOTO 10

    Now that is something I haven't seen in nearly 40 years. Thanks for making me feel old. :smile:
  • ziggy29
    deyjasagus wrote: »
    Now that is something I haven't seen in nearly 40 years. Thanks for making me feel old. :smile:

    No problem. I learned to program on a Trash-80 CoCo as a high schooler in the early 1980s.
  • onyxorb
    Hi everyone,

    In the meantime, what are you planning to do first when the servers open? Will you hop right into Endless Archive? Dive into Jewelry Crafting? Dig up some of the new Antiquities? Do your writs? :wink:

    The first thing? Check Crown store and Pray there a new Assistant to do my Surveys for me.
    I have complete faith that it's been added by now. LOL

    Seriously though, the same thing I do everyday. Inventory Management.
  • wowi70
    Madarc wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    ..........In the meantime, what are you planning to do first when the servers open? Will you hop right into Endless Archive? Dive into Jewelry Crafting? Dig up some of the new Antiquities? Do your writs? :wink:

    No, dearest Gina, none of those things.
    Unless you can tell us if this will all work at all, ....directly after a major patch..?
    Or when we can play? Maybe the maintenance will be extended again?

    At least now I have time to think again... about why I should play at all.

    Thanks for your patience, and for reading and understanding such answers as mine.

    At first it would be enough to cancel ESO+. You can still play very good without spending any money. Tamriel is so huge and if you have enough chars and be a member in five good selling guilds you will not have a problem with space. I used to play with ESO+ and tbh i could not imagine to play without but now i realize it is no problem.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 30, 2023 5:32PM
  • Daleth
    ziggy29 wrote: »
    10 Print "Just a few more minutes"
    20 Wait (10 min)
    30 GOTO 10

    Sometimes basic jokes can still be funny
  • Jimbru
    sparxys wrote: »
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    mayorez wrote: »
    Why can’t you do maint behind the scene like Guild Wars 2? They never have downtime that interferes with playing…

    Educated guess: because it would be an expense that is both substantial and difficult to justify when the majority of the player base is either sleeping while the maintenance takes place or they will just accept - and even defend - the maintenance downtime as an inevitable necessity without even entertaining the idea that alternatives do exist.

    Also I imagine that the server infrastructure is quite different from ESO.

    As far as I know GW2 did have maintenance where the servers DID shut down for a few hours when I was playing it (2/3 years ago).

    Even VALORANT has downtime when major updates roll out or when they're working on the servers, only difference is that Riot Games is much bigger so they can afford to have a lot more people working on the servers at any given time and that leads to a shorter downtime.

    GW2's game is entirely instanced, map by map, with multiple instances of the same map open at once. So if there is a new build to be downloaded while the game is up, players who have downloaded the new build will be in a "new build" map instance, while those who haven't will be in an "old build" map instance, with a timer to download the new build before the instance closes and forces them to download the new build. That's how GW2 gets away with doing a lot of smaller things online instead of pushing large patches.
  • SithDi
    (Checks her clock) We notice.. that you are not up yet.
  • adirondack
    I C your puns
  • godoross
    se jugara hoy?
  • Zyaedra
    onyxorb wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    In the meantime, what are you planning to do first when the servers open? Will you hop right into Endless Archive? Dive into Jewelry Crafting? Dig up some of the new Antiquities? Do your writs? :wink:

    The first thing? Check Crown store and Pray there a new Assistant to do my Surveys for me.
    I have complete faith that it's been added by now. LOL

    Seriously though, the same thing I do everyday. Inventory Management.

    have you tried the addon Personal Assistant? It's been a huge timesaver for me. :-) Also, an assistant for surveys would be amazeballz.
  • Grizzbeorn
    Daleth wrote: »
    ziggy29 wrote: »
    10 Print "Just a few more minutes"
    20 Wait (10 min)
    30 GOTO 10

    Sometimes basic jokes can still be funny

    Made me wish I was still sitting at a Radio Shack TRS-80 back in high school (in the mid-80s).
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • Jimbru
      SithDi wrote: »
      (Checks her clock) We notice.. that you are not up yet.

      *pulls starter*

      Dang it...

      *pumps primer, adjusts throttle*

      *pulls starter*

      Nope...keep trying...
    • dragonlord500
      seems Zos tripped at the finish line.
      Guild master of Darkness of Sanguinaris. Birthday is December 4th.
    • YetAnotherLinuxUser
      wowi70 wrote: »
      Madarc wrote: »
      Hi everyone,
      ..........In the meantime, what are you planning to do first when the servers open? Will you hop right into Endless Archive? Dive into Jewelry Crafting? Dig up some of the new Antiquities? Do your writs? :wink:

      No, dearest Gina, none of those things.
      Unless you can tell us if this will all work at all, ....directly after a major patch..?
      Or when we can play? Maybe the maintenance will be extended again?

      At least now I have time to think again... about why I should play at all.

      Thanks for your patience, and for reading and understanding such answers as mine.

      At first it would be enough to cancel ESO+. You can still play very good without spending any money. Tamriel is so huge and if you have enough chars and be a member in five good selling guilds you will not have a problem with space. I used to play with ESO+ and tbh i could not imagine to play without but now i realize it is no problem.

      its easy enough for established players to play without it. noobs on the other hand.... well not so much.

      [edited to remove quote]
      Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 30, 2023 5:32PM
    • ZOS_GinaBruno
      Community Manager
      Sorry for the delay, all. We are still completing some remaining maintenance items and testing before we can open the servers. We'll provide another update in about 20-30 minutes (or sooner, if we can).
      Gina Bruno
      Senior Community Manager
      Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
      Staff Post
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