Eight Divines of Tamriel [PC] [NA] [Any faction] [PvE, PvP, Endgame]
About Us
The Eight Divines of Tamriel is a community dedicated to having a good time and enjoying all that The Elder Scrolls Online has to offer. We are helpful to others with about everything in ESO. If for some reason one of us doesn't know the answer to something than we'll point you in the right direction eg:how a build works we might find a link you can read up on it if we don't know much about it. We are always looking out for guild members to run Dungeons, Trials (We are working on a group for trials atm), Cyrodil, and everything else that involves grouping and enjoying the game to its full extent. We are a smaller guild ATM but we are growing and expanding so come and join the Eight Divines of Tamriel for a community that'll last for an eternity!
Want to join? How to apply/join our community
Just add me on ESO NA servers: Leave a reply with your
@name, so I can add you in the guild.

Also you can join our discord server that's for ESO and other games. It'll be a little bit easier to get setup if you join the discord server first though.
Discord Server!
We also have a growing discord server that’s for gaming and especially Elder Scrolls Online! On the discord we have helpful links and all kind of information that can be of use for Elder Scrolls Online. So join today! (msg me on discord Sith_David, or leave a comment on here/PM me)
Rules and requirements
You must be mature and over 18 years old. The age rules is non-negotiable.
Be respectful towards other players (harassment or toxic behavior of any kind will not be tolerated).
Helping other newbies out when you can.
Guild Information
Immortals to contact:
• Sith_David Master Crafter: Woodworking, Blacksmithing, Clothing, Jewelry, Alchemy, Enchanting, and Provisioning.
9th Divine is the owner of the guild and the 8 Divines are the admins.
9th Divine: Sith_David